Custom Profiles - Legion
22 files
Open Lockboxes (Rogue)
By Zan
I wrote this to open various lockboxes I had in my guild vault with my Level 110 Rogue and I thought I'd share it. Simply load up all your lockboxes into your Rogues bags, load the Custom Profile, and hit start. Leave space in your bags to open them. There is no level check to see if you can open the lockboxes at this time. Let me know if it's not working for certain lockboxes and I'll update it. I wrote and tested this using Live servers. It may work on previous versions of WoW but I am unable to test it on those. This profile will ONLY run under Custom Profile. Therefore, you will need to Create a Custom Profile Folder. It should look like this: WRobot > Profiles > Custom Profile > Open Lockboxes.dll
get rich by farming primals
By marxito
this is a very simple but effective grinding profile to get primals at the Throne of Elements, located between Nagrand and Zangamarsh. It kills Water-, Earth-, Fire- and Wind Elementals in the region. At least on my server one of the best ways to make money fast. The motes are around 20-30 Gold each, the primals (10 motes) depending on element between 600 - 1100 Gold.
Very easy farming. Get rich or get banned trying :-) (would not run it for too many hours in a row, very repetitve, bot-like behaviour)
Flying Broken Shore Gathering
By marxito
This is a simple profile to gather herbs and mines in the broken shores, very simple but works fine. Only for flying mounts !
Otherwise your non-flying toon will surely walk into some steep climbs....
Have fun
Timeless Isle - Gulp Frog Pet, Coin, Sha Crystal Farm Spot
By Moonpie
Hey there,
i just stumbled upon a profile of mine i have been using to farm Sha Crystals on the Timeless Isles. While Farming the Gulp Frogs who are located at the South East you also farm a lot of Timeless Coins. I also got the Gulp Frog Pet after farming for 5 hours.
Enjoiy the profile.
Update: Since i got asked this twice now. Make sure to turn [start fighting with Elite] on else the bot won't attack the Frogs
- gulp frog
- sha crystal
- (and 2 more)
By krakenjaeger
Hello All,
I have been creating "pathfinder" Grinder profiles to get from point A to point B.
This one is from Theramore Isle to Gadgetzan in Tanaris as Alliance.
It does not require a water mount but is suggested.
I have tested it on multiple characters including a druid (0 deaths).
Hydraxian rep farm
By Danskunator
Super simple hydraxian rep farm, my first upload and still working on it. Remember to untick the "loot mobs" button and the bot will do the rest. The starting area/farm area is market on the photo.
[6-14] Azuremyst Isle
By Shigs
Just a gatherer file for low levels, non-flight capable character for Azuremyst Isle.
High Mountain - Big Gamy Ribs/Stonehide Leather- Boar Grind
By Demigod
Great for grinding out levels, while getting a decent selling regent of Big Gamy Ribs. Out of the way and not very populated area.
Best usage:
Skinning Rank 2-3
Boon of Scavenger or Butchery
What you get:
Lots of Blood of Sargeras - getting around 80 per 10-hour grind with Rank 3 skinning
Lots of Big Gamey Ribs which sell for 2300g per stack on my server getting about 10-15 stacks per 10 hour grind
Stonehide Leather - getting around 12k per 10 hour Grind at Rank 3 Skinning
I use Leather working with a rank 3 in dreadleather bindings and can produce around 116-120 of them for obliteration. I get around 30 Obliterium a 10 hour grind. The sell for 2700g on my server.
Plus add-ons from Oddly shaped Stomach
Do not mind the name of the file works with all fighter profiles.
Ironforge Brew for Brewfest Daily
By Jechtshot
During Brewfest you can get Brewfest tokens by running back and forth between the brewfest camp and Kharanos with the ram provided by the questgiver. I think you only have 4 minutes to do this per day but the time limit will increase somewhat each time you deliver a barrel. This profile is loaded as a grinderprofile and is set to run by all the apple buckets which resets your ram's fatigue.
Now, you can't just load the profile, you gotta change some settings in Wrobot.
1. Change your Key binding in game "Extra Action Button 1" to something, I use key 8 for that as I have no other spells there.
2. Load the grinder profile but don't turn it on just yet.
3. Enter General Settings, here remove Ground mount name and Flying mount name so the fields are empty + disable any gathering settings like "gather minerals/herbs", and then go to Advanced Settings.
4. Go to the "My Macros" tab
5. For the sake of simplifying it. Under "Macro 1:" you change the following settings:
Activate this macro? - True
Press all the x seconds - 1
Press key - 8 (in my case anyway, it's whatever key you bound to Extra Action Button 1)
I'm not sure about the "Press key only if...?" settings. I put them all on false.
And lastly, Stop move for press key? - False
One tip is to just press the shit out of the "Giddy Up!" spell (Key 8 on my keyboard) just to get a good speed. Wrobot will take the rest from there.
Let me know if this works for you guys!
By Droidz
Pickpocketing bot
Pick-pocket any mobs in range of 200 yards of character position start.
Beta version, if you have ideas for improve this custom profile tell me (you can also edit this profile alone).
Auto Install Click Here:
" target="_blank" title="Pickpocketing Custom Profile by Droidz">Pickpocketing Custom Profile by Droidz
With this profile you need to use this FightClass:
ps: If you use version with profile support, please record new profile with "Grinder bot", save profile in "WRobot/Profiles/Grinder/" and select it when you launch this custom profile (this custom profile don't support sub zone).
- Pickpocketing
- Pickpocket
- (and 1 more)
Rogue Pick Pocket
By Superman_AZ
This should be placed into the Fight class folder. Under your General settings, turn off everything except Loot Mobs and Loot chests. Occasionally, the bot will kill a mob, but it re-stealths on its own. Be sure to check the box to use LUA and disable any "start fighting" options. While these mobs are red, they will not aggro on you. Also, disable any selling, repairing, and mounts. You want the bot to stand almost perfectly still. Disable any flying mounts and delete the mounts in both boxes. This is important. Also make sure all gather skills are disabled and reduce the search area number from 300 (default) to 5.
By Superman_AZ
This profile needs to be placed in the QUESTER folder and treated as a questing profile. You will make your way into Talador on Draenor, and over to the Tomb of lights. Once downstairs, enter the room on the left and head back to coords: 65.24, 21.67 or the coords shown on the map below. You will need to stand in that specific spot to easily reach 3 out of 5 combat spots. While they are distracted, you will pick their pockets.
IMPORTANT: In order for this to work without a problem, you need a mouse sim of some sort. I use Mouse Machine. It allows me to click on specific axis and radius locations, and at specific intervals. This allows me to trigger the /target Shadow Infiltrator and /target Shadow Pillager. See the image below on how the macros are placed on the bar and how to see the coords. Once you have the Mouse Machine set to click each button every 3 seconds, start the bot, and then the mouse sim. As you can see in the other image, in 20 seconds, I cleared multiple items. I made almost 100k gold in just 3 hours.
Link to Mouse Machine for Windows
[Achievements] Treasure Hunter (Draenor)
By Droidz
Treasure Hunter
(beta, do not use this profile if you are away of your computer)
Move downloaded file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Custom Profile\", use product "Custom Profile". If you have know base in you can edit profile.
Nagrand mote of fire farm good gph
By Cyprex
Farms primal fire in nagrand, this area makes a good amount of gold but is highly contested, I wouldn't recommend afking long here
Primal Mana + transmog 2kish gph
By Cyprex
Farms primal mana and burning crusade transmog at the kirin'var village in the netherstorm, it gets a lot of primal mana and xmog, not sure on the amount yet but if theres enough interest I'll find out the amount per hour and make the profile better
I get around 470 kills per hour on this one. Going to be making lots of basic profiles for the community since no one else is sharing theirs
Zangarmarsh captured firefly grinder
By Cyprex
Flys around the zangarmarsh river to grind the fireflies to try get the captured firefly pet I get around 180 kills per hour, if theres enough interest I may make the profile better but for now it's just run the loop and kill fireflies
- zangarmarsh
- pets
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[Rare Mob] Krol the Blade - 300% XP Potions
By supersurfer
Will farm the rare mob Krol the Blade, which can drop a 300% XP Potion. If Krol the Blade is not spawned the character will use the flying mount which is set in the general settings and hover above the spawn point.
Arena Wins
By loves2spooge
So the premise here is: We want conquest points. There is no bot to roll Arena, if there was it likely wouldn't be good enough anyway. So I found a way to cap conquest points w/o ever stepping foot in a battle. And Droidz wrote a custom profile for it.
Create an Arena team for 2v2 Invite partner and be in group Run custom profile on both players ??? Profit
Tell me if you have any questions
Original credit for find goes to OC
Replenishing the Pantry - Quest
By Droidz
Send messages bot
By dunizusov
This custom profile automatically send every X seconds a channel message (trade by default) or whispers messages at all near players (anti afk activated).
To configure this profile, you need to open this profile with notepad and edit this lines (start line 13):
/* _________________ * * Settings: * _________________ */ public const string Message = "Hello, how are you?"; // Message at send. public const bool SendWhispers = false; // put 'true' to send whispers at all nearest players, put 'false' to send messages to the selected ChannelId public const string ChannelId = "2"; // channel id (2 == trade) public const int EverySeconds = 40; // Time in seconds between two send
Seu's Journey to the Center of the Earth ( Pandaria Archaeology 100% complete )
By Seumas
This addon now comes with wowrobot ensure you have the bot fully up to date.
Please make sure you update the bot you will automatically receive this update.
- archaeology
- skills
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