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[PAID] HumanMasterPlugin 2.2

   (19 reviews)

About This File

No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.

For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. 
I will continue working on this plugin and it will receive updates (which are included in the purchase). English client ONLY.

Any problems pathing? Disable all "Avoid Enemy" options.

Installation instructions


How to get your transaction id

Go to your purchase email, which also contains your download link. Download the product and install it following the README.txt


Your transaction ID here is "1314324" you will need to copy this into the plugin's settings after purchasing it to be able to use it. 
You do this by clicking on "SETTINGS FOR SELECTED PLUGIN" after selecting HumanMasterPlugin.dll in wRobot's Plugins tab.
Scroll all the way to the top and enter the ID you received in your email:





  • can automatically buy food and drink (uses @reapler's database)
  • can automatically choose your vendors and repairs (closest vendors and avoids high level zones)
  • can automatically purchase ammunition (deactivated by default) 
  • automatically chooses the best quest reward for your class
  • automatically equips better items, based on TBC "Pawn" stat weights - only uses base stats
  • automatically equips bags and replaces them with bigger bags
  • creates and uses bandages - will learn First Aid and train 1-150
  • trains Skinning and all useful weapons for your class (can be turned off)
  • runs away from fight if you're likely to die (can be seen several times throughout the video - fails in cave sometimes)1
  • spirit rezz if chain dying
  • ignore all combat if items are broken
  • stop combat with evading mobs, friendly NPCs and friendly pets
  • hearthstone if stuck (please read instructions)
  • fully automated trainer choosing and training, goes every 4 levels after level 20 (if you have training turned on in wRobot)
  • automatically use potions in combat
  • stop combat with tapped targets
  • stop combat if target is evading
  • swim up if you are about to drown
  • swim to shore before regen (if a safe spot can be found)
  • teaches your bot how to use transports for shorter paths (supported so far: Deeprun Tram, Darnassus Portal/Ship)
  • constant updates, you should re-download through your Rocketr link every evening


This is a new multi-expansion, multi-functionality plugin. I wrote it to fix some of the inconveniences, bugs and "bot-like" behavior wRobot comes with sometimes. Down below is a list of features, that this plugin brings to the table. Any plugin that has the same/similar functionality to my public (free) plugins has been improved in functionality and CPU usage.
Here you can find a 1:30 hour long video of a pure quester run from level 1-12 where you can see some of the plugin's functionality. The "running away" part of the plugin can sometimes be buggy within caves.

1Problems with "running away from combat" will occur in highly obstructed areas, such as caves, hills or anything else where your bot might have issues navigating (such as highly contested areas with tons of enemies). I have been trying (and still am) to improve this feature as much as I can, but if you aren't grinding with your bot (questing, gathering, etc) I recommend setting it to only run away if you pull more than x number of enemies



Unstuck instructions

Your hearthstone needs to be set to your current continent (anywhere on it) for the bot to find a path back to your regular grinding/questing spot, after using Hearthstone to get out of a "stuck" situation. If this is not the case, please disable that feature in the plugin settings.



*If you run wRobot.exe through a proxy or VPN, this limits you - if you only run WoW.exe througher another IP, this is not a problem

PURCHASE NOW - 10 IPs (limited to 1 wRobot license) - 30.00€


I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.


Check out my other Fightclasses



Edited by Matenia

What's New in Version 2.2   See changelog


- performance update for new wRobot update
- if Rocketr links are broken, get it on Discord

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

When walking to the trainer to learn 'First aid' for the first time 'ignore attacked' is set to true. However after walking back and resuming the original task (quester in my case) 'ignore attacked' seems to be still set and the gather quest ignores all mobs untill wrobot is restarted.

Am I missing something?

My custom fightclass was bugging out. My apologies. The plugin works perfect.

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Persistent noise?  There seems to be a constant, steady sound of opening the character 'C' window when running.  About once a second, over and over, and only with this plugin.  Nothing showing up in the logs, either.

Is this a known issue with a known solution?

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Disable your sound. It's checking first aid for craftable bandages. Or disable first aid.

Edited by Matenia
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All credit to @specnaz27 for this one:


I replaced uSpellIconPickup.wav and uSpellIconDrop.wav files for blank ones in sound.MPQ file and now i dont have this noise anymore:)



blank files for error casting (just have to change name of the files)...there many others blank files for example: anoying GCD noise and many others



ps: uSpellIconPickup.wav and uSpellIconDrop.wav ale in sound/interface folder (drag and drop to replace files...very simple with this editor)




 That is because in Vanilla you can't check if auto shooting is enabled without having the spell on your actionbar or on your cursor.
So what you are hearing is the bot picking up the spell, checking if you are autoshooting then putting it away again.


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I've had this plugin for close to a year now. Today I'm getting the Multi-IP error when I've never shared nor have I ever used on a different IP. Help?

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It works with all versions (1.12, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a) as it is clearly tagged as such. And this is even clearly posted in the vanilla section.

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The bot wont go to train new skills ever, even though i have enabled training in wrobot.

The plugin training frequency is default, did not change anything there.

Its using the internal training database. (even tried to disable it, no difference)

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[HumanMasterPlugin] Couldn't find bag slot count for Empty Draenei Supply Pouch, please report this


4 Slots

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Stat weights are harcoded. If you get stam+agi gear that outweighs stam+int, it will equip that instead. 

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Hey, does anyone had problem like me? Everytime the bot is path finding and it have to cross a water/river it stucks because of AntiDrown, and just staying in one place in water like for eternal. I can't figure out how to fix it, because if I'm low hp and my character is running away from combat or just moving from quest to quest and need to cross some river it's stucks and I need to handle this by turning bot off and on again.


N] 16:43:37 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -37,49915 ; -3549,4 ; 120,2699 ; "None" to 57,32777 ; -3032,022 ; 133,3156 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:43:37 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (660,8849y, 0ms)
16:43:37 - [Mount] Mounting ground mount Felsteed
[N] 16:43:40 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 184,3168 ; -1223,469 ; 36,46864 ; "None" to 137,7366 ; -2403,298 ; 121,3432 ; "None" (Azeroth)
[N] 16:43:40 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 69 (2516,786y, 606ms)
16:43:42 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:43:57 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:44:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:44:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:44:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:44:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:45:13 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
[F] 16:45:19 - [Spell] Cast (onself) Demon Armor (Demon Armor)
16:45:28 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:45:43 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:45:58 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Swimming up for air
16:46:00 - [HumanMasterPlugin] Stopped.
16:46:00 - [Quester] Stopped


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That bug was in for less than 10 hours before I fixed it, back in March. You wouldn't know anything about this plugin, because you never purchase dit. You downloaded a free demo (NodeBlackList). You can find lots of free plugins all over the forums that are combined in HMP in a much advanced way (I usually release free code for other developers and people who can't afford paid products).

After seeing that you're just going around the forums leaving bad reviews, I can't decide if you're doing it on purpose or if you're genuinely too stupid to use wRobot and that is your issue

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have problems with auto equip on 3.3.5a? does it work with an German client? or only englisch/ US?

i have auto equip on.

Plugin Whatsgoingon say AutoEquip an d AutoBag but it doesn`t work for me?

on 2.4.3a it worked fine.

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Hab gesehen du sprichst deutsch

Habe das Problem von oben lösen können danke.

Jedoch ein neues Problem 

Jedes mal wenn ich den Bot starte kommt im Log 

Engine > Pulse(): System.InvalidOperationException: Die Sammlung wurde geändert. Der Enumerationsvorgang kann möglicherweise nicht ausgeführt werden.

bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)

bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()

bei System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()

bei robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()

Das passiert nur wenn das Plugin an ist jedoch funktioniert das Plugin aber der Bot startet nicht weiter das Profil benutze das von Bambo. Ohne das HMP Plugin startet alles ohne Fehler.

Hab's schon mehrere male neu installiert. Jedoch keine Besserung ab und zu läd er das Profil trotzdem obwohl der error kommt.

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Keine Ahnung woran das liegt. Der Error hat aber nichts damit zu tun, der wird abgefangen und es wird nochmal probiert. Es lässt sich leider nicht anders machen. Eventuell hat es was mit dem auto-updater/restarter vom Profil zu tun. Support nur auf Discord.

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Seems to ignore "[Security] Player Nearby pause bot" setting, never actually pauses.

"Number of deaths in lsat x minutes" for the spirit healer also seems to be ignored.

Clam opening seem very bugged. I ended up using VanillaClamOpener instead but HMP interferes somtimes, would be nice to get the option to disable it (or just fix it).



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