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[PAID] Dungeon Party (Dungeon Bot) By Ordush 1.0.2

   (1 review)

About This File

This is my Dungeon Party (Dungeon bot) for WRobot.
It's an advanced plugin that makes it possible to use/make dungeon profiles.
It makes sure that your groups stays together, lets the tank pull while the group follows.

For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/91-dungeon-party-plugin/

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The plugin adds an in-game interface where you can see party status.
- Makes sure that the team sticks together.
- Only tank will pull
- Tank will only pull when the group is ready. (Full mana, hp, and in-range).
- Easy to select role interface
- The profiles will not reset when you stop/start the bot. (Unless a soft-reset is made /reload)
- It will auto set HS
- Will reset instance when it's clear.
- Will keep spamming the instance until whole team is at set level (20 for RFC)
- Chars will do a town run after a dungeon is cleared (If it needs it).
- Easy to add profiles (see the video).

Dungeon Party Plugin
FULL RFC Profile (Use this as a template to make new dungeon profiles). <- level 16-17 is suggested as a starting point, also a good idea to be geared.

Making a team ready:

- Log on with all 5 chars, and start the bot.
- The first thing you do is to choose the role on every char. (Tank on the tank, Healer on the healer, DPS on the dps).
- Secondly you party up your group. Stop the bot and write /reload in-game.
- Load your profile and start the bot.
Making a dungeon profile:

/wr or /wrobot <- Shows available commands (You can use /wr or /wrobot for all commands)
/wrobot DP show <- Shows the in-game frame
/wrobot DP version <- Shows the version of Dungeon Party
/wrobot DP role <- Shows role selection frame

Coming Soon:
- More dungeon profiles



- Release
- Parties can now be any size instead of just 5.
- Fixed Druids in bear form never getting "Ready".
- If a bot dies, it will now reset the questing step, so it runs through all the waypoints added to the point where it died.

In-game Interface


What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


- Fixed Druids in bear form never getting "Ready".
- If a bot dies, it will now reset the questing step, so it runs through all the waypoints added to the point where it died.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

3 hours ago, xboxfreak691 said:

Ugh i tried this entire time... im honestly lost ? just tried editing yours to solo... dont think its possible 

Ofc. it is. ? going to work now. Will write when I get home.

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6 hours ago, naviomg said:

Does this plugin handling rolling on gear? And can i also start with less than 5 Party member?

As it is right now it checks for party1-4 to be ready, but I will update it soon so it checks party1-(amount of players).

So in short: right now it's either 1 or 5 players.

Loot handling is not a party of this plugin. There are many free addons for wow that handles loot, there are even some that has wishlists etc. ?

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4 hours ago, Ordush said:

Loot handling is not a party of this plugin. There are many free addons for wow that handles loot, there are even some that has wishlists etc. ?

do you know one which detects the item class as well? if it just roll on everything it would be the same if i disable rolling at all. im scratching my head to get this working.

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3 hours ago, naviomg said:

do you know one which detects the item class as well? if it just roll on everything it would be the same if i disable rolling at all. im scratching my head to get this working.

There should be one where you can set that. But it's years ago I used it. (I used it when I was multiboxing)

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1 hour ago, zatvorgt said:

If 1 member or all party die?

I am not sure what you are asking?

If someone dies, he will run back into the instance.

The party will wait.

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Ok.  have more 

How healer detect  healing spell  for heal tank ?this is  in fight class profile or in plugin and how to change this ?
How to redact min/max mana , health for party stop waiting and go to fight?
Take please in quest profile ( comments for all hard to understand  function ) this is big help for new members
What if healer or damager  have agro ?tank detect this and change mob for damage mob who damage party members?
P.S Sorry my bad english

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1 hour ago, zatvorgt said:

Ok.  have more 

How healer detect  healing spell  for heal tank ?this is  in fight class profile or in plugin and how to change this ?
How to redact min/max mana , health for party stop waiting and go to fight?
Take please in quest profile ( comments for all hard to understand  function ) this is big help for new members
What if healer or damager  have agro ?tank detect this and change mob for damage mob who damage party members?
P.S Sorry my bad english

This is a plugin not a fightClass ?

Healing and tanking is handeled by fightclasses. I will release my tanking fc later today ?

I have actually made a video explaining everything. You just need to click the arrow that is hiding it. ?

I will add options, so you can change ready check. ?

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10 minutes ago, Ordush said:

This is a plugin not a fightClass ?

Healing and tanking is handeled by fightclasses. I will release my tanking fc later today ?

I have actually made a video explaining everything. You just need to click the arrow that is hiding it. ?

I will add options, so you can change ready check. ?

good video- yes) but i understand english only from google translate))) be cool if you add micro comments in words)) will wait you tanko agro mashine profile)

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2 minutes ago, zatvorgt said:

good video- yes) but i understand english only from google translate))) be cool if you add micro comments in words)) will wait you tanko agro mashine profile)

I see
I will add a text written guide later. ?

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I keep getting a several string errors:

[string "Pfitaib.lua"]: 332: attempt to concentrate global 'Party1Role" (a nil value)

[string "Jguewymub.lua"]: 332: attempt to concentrate global 'Party1Role" (a nil value)


The party plugin frames are loaded fine.  THe toons run through dungeon using their CS's just fine.  But This error pops up constantly on all running the dungeon profile.

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13 hours ago, slowz said:

I keep getting a several string errors:

[string "Pfitaib.lua"]: 332: attempt to concentrate global 'Party1Role" (a nil value)

[string "Jguewymub.lua"]: 332: attempt to concentrate global 'Party1Role" (a nil value)


The party plugin frames are loaded fine.  THe toons run through dungeon using their CS's just fine.  But This error pops up constantly on all running the dungeon profile.

You need to run the dungeon bot from the same wrobot folder. Otherwise the bot obviously won't be able to read what role you have chosen for each party member. ?

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how hard would it be to setup internal communication by /say or /party?

like "/p Healer" and "/p rdy"

that would enable doing dungeons on servers where you are not allowed to multibox.

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4 hours ago, DMKrillu said:

how hard would it be to setup internal communication by /say or /party?

like "/p Healer" and "/p rdy"

that would enable doing dungeons on servers where you are not allowed to multibox.

Not allowed to multibox?
I am not too sure what you mean? If you run a dungeon with 5 chars, who is to tell anybody that you are "multi-boxing"? ?
Anyway. There is a plugin here on the forums that makes it so you can do party commands. Take a look at that! ?
It's made by Droidz

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well i play on a server where you get kicked/banned if you play more than 3 accounts on 1 ip


edit: do you think it would be possible to change such communication with droidz' plugin in order to ensure communication between 3+2 chars running your dungeon plugin?

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1 minute ago, DMKrillu said:

well i play on a server where you get kicked/banned if you play more than 3 accounts on 1 ip

Use more IPs? ?
Anyway, check out that plugin i told you about, i'm sure you can find a way to use it. ?

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10 hours ago, saleh said:

Can I Use It Out Dungen

Farming ?

quests ?


I am not 100% sure that i understand what you are asking, sorry?

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21 minutes ago, Ordush said:

I am not 100% sure that i understand what you are asking, sorry?

i play with Party  Group 5 

can i use this Plugin in Normal Grinding  Not in Dungeon 

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2 hours ago, saleh said:

i play with Party  Group 5 

can i use this Plugin in Normal Grinding  Not in Dungeon 

Yep, but you'd want to modify the existing plugin according to your quester. It will work. ?

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Will they always gather all on the same spot near dungeon entrance? Afraid of reports, Is it possible to make them after dungeon clear, use HS, then with different timers and follow paths run in dungeon? 

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12 hours ago, maukor said:

Will they always gather all on the same spot near dungeon entrance? Afraid of reports, Is it possible to make them after dungeon clear, use HS, then with different timers and follow paths run in dungeon? 

You set the pathing youtself. If you don't want them in front of the dungeon. Don't tell them to. ?

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Hey, bots spamms Checking Reset instance in loop, but i'm already in dungeon with full group, dungeon is resetted, all ready but he skipps all move to pack/teamup/grind til the end of profile. Can you explain what should trigger fully reset profile, so he gonna think that it's time to start grind first pack etc.
/reload each time or?

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4 hours ago, maukor said:

Hey, bots spamms Checking Reset instance in loop, but i'm already in dungeon with full group, dungeon is resetted, all ready but he skipps all move to pack/teamup/grind til the end of profile. Can you explain what should trigger fully reset profile, so he gonna think that it's time to start grind first pack etc.
/reload each time or?

In the end of the RFC code if you open that, there is a way to make it reset dungeon.

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