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About This File


Hi guys, The Wholesome team is proud to present the Wholesome Auto Quester (AQ) for Wrath of the Lich King.
Please read the description below before downloading.

DISCLAIMER: We DO NOT provide public support for this product. Please don't contact us about it unless you're actively participating in its development.

The AQ is an experimental product for WRobot. It is not a profile. It is not a one-click leveler.
The AQ uses an Azeroth Core core WotLK database to extract quests and objectives available in your set level range. The information is compressed and embedded into the file, so no additional download is required. It then generates tasks with different priorities based on their nature and distance, making it automatically complete quests.
It only tries to complete objectives of the following types: Talk to / Kill / Kill & Loot / Gather / Interact / Explore. All other types of quests are automatically filtered out (escort / PvP / dungeons / item interactions etc..).

The AQ is open source and free to use.



Before starting with the AQ, make sure that:
- Your WoW client is in English.
- You don't use any WRobot plugin, other than the Wholesome ones.
- You don't use any WoW addons.
- You don't use it on an account you're not ready to lose. Due to the dynamic nature of this product, it might put itself in difficult situations.
- You keep an eye on it while it's running.
- Your WRobot folder is not in a Cloud sync folder, like Dropbox or OneDrive. These have been reported to lock files and cause issues with WRobot and the content of the Data folder.


How to install

Copy the .dll file into your Wrobot/Products folder. Next time you start WRobot, Wholesome_Auto_Quester should appear in your list of available products and be ready to use.



Log debug - Displays additional dev info in the log. Should be used by devs only.
Quests GUI - Will display a GUI window with a lot of info on the current state of the AQ.
Dev mode - Displays info on the client screen and generates a debug JSON file. Should be used by devs only.
Level delta minus - The minimum level of the quest range to do.
Level delta plus - The maximum level of the quest range to do.
The default value is delta minus 5 and delta plus 0, meaning, if you're level 12, the AQ will only try to do quests from level 7 (12 - 5) to level 12 (12 + 0). These two settings are very important to understand. They are updated every time you level up. You should set a lower range for weaker classes.
Record unreachables - The pathfinder can sometimes have trouble finding its way to a NPC or an object. When it happens, you can choose to have them recorded internally and make sure the AQ doesn't try to reach them again.
Grind only - Ignore quests and use the auto grinder only.
Continent travels - Will travel through continents. We highly recommend you leave that setting enabled.
Abandon unfit quests - Will automatically abandon unfit quests (out of level range or undoable by the AQ). You should leave it enabled, or your quest log will end up being full.
Blacklist danger zones - Will try to detect zones with a high concentration of hostile NPCs and blacklist the area. These BL areas are reset at each level up until the zone is not a danger anymore.
Turbo loot - Replaces the default WRobot loot state with a custom, faster loot state. Please be aware that it can occasionally miss a few loots.
Stop at level - Will stop the AQ as soon as the set level is reached



- Picks up / completes / turn in quests from NPCs, game objects and items.
- Auto grinder
- Clears your path against hostile units
- Travels through continents (boats, zeppelins, tram...)
- Force Spirit Healer resurrection and uses hearthstone when it died too many times
- Blacklists dangerous zones and zones where you died
- Most elevators are implemented
- Extensive GUI
- Wholesome plugins compatibility
- Automatically extracts the db json file into your Data folder
- Automatically updates when a new version is released



I manually sent my character to Outlands before I reached level 60 and now the product doesn't work

This is intended. The product will only start questing in Outlands when your character is level 60. Don't bring your character to Outlands manually. Just let the AQ run in Azeroth, and it will automatically travel to Outlands as soon as it reaches level 60.

Can I use the AQ in the DK starting zone?

No, this zone is too specific and enclosed for the AQ to function.

Can I use the AQ on other WoW expansions?

No. It only works with WotLK.

Where can I get support for this product?

We do not offer public support for this product. Please do not contact us about it unless you're actively participating in its development.

Which classes are recommended with the AQ?

The AQ will try to complete difficult quests. We recommend that you choose a strong botting class who can easily deal with multiple enemies. The least recommended are Mage, Rogue and Warrior. If you use a weak class or a weak fight class, it will die a lot.

What server XP rate works best with the AQ?

The AQ can work with any server rate, although it seems to work best starting at 2x.
At 1x the AQ will travel a lot and occasionally run out of quests to do. The Auto grinder will take over to fill in the gap, but it will not be ideal.
With extreme rates like 50x, the AQ is not worth using.

Does the AQ work with non-English client?

No. It uses in-game strings for a lot of interactions. The AQ will not work at all if your client is not in English.

Which plugins work with the AQ?

We didn't test all the available plugins and can't guarantee their compatibility. We do recommend that you use the Wholesome plugins (vendors, flight masters and inventory) and only those. We made sure they are compatible with the AQ. Any other plugin can cause undesirable side-effects.
HMP has been reported to not work with the AQ, but it has not been tested by our team.

Which WoW addons work with the AQ?

We recommend that you don't use any WoW addons when botting. Avoid any potential interference.

Is the AQ better than a quester profile?

No. A well crafted quester profile will always be better.

The bot dies a lot, what can I do?

Set a lower level range. Make sure you use a strong fightclass. Blacklist problematic quests using the "ADD TO BL" button in the AQ GUI, or contact us to add them to the default blacklist. If a quest is hard but not impossible to do, we can also artificially inflate its level in the product so that it's done at a later level range.

What is the auto grinder?

If the AQ runs out of quests, or if you enable the setting "Grind only", AQ will search for hostile NPCs of type Beast in your level range to grind. It is not guaranteed to take you to a safe zone.

Does it work in Northrend?

Northrend is problematic with the AQ. A lot of quests cannot be completed and later level quests are out of reach (northern part). We recommend you switch to auto grind or a quester after level 75.

The log is saying "Server has not sent our quests yet". What does it mean?

The AQ needs to know which quests you already have completed, and the only way to do it is to request the server you play on to send that list. The response is throttled on most servers, meaning it can take a few minutes for the AQ to receive the answer.
At level 1, it won't be a problem. On higher level, if it's the first time you use the AQ, the bot might try to pickup quests you already have completed for a few minutes. Once the message is gone, the AQ list is synchronized with the server and the message will never appear again.

Where can I find the source code?



Project Wholesome – A quick word


The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project is transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. Nothing released under Project Wholesome is sold for profit, although individual donations are welcome. We are always looking for more testers and developers. If you want to participate, please join our Discord channel.

Project Wholesome Discord: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6

Wholesome team Club: https://wrobot.eu/clubs/9-wholesome-team/



This product is free to use and share, although I have set up a Paypal donation link in case you are happy with my work and want to encourage me with a donation.




Special thanks

Special thanks to the entire Wholesome team for their help and kindness. Love you guys!

@FlXWare  for the help, the precious insights and the laughs

@Hashira the legendary Italian chef for helping me turning mad spaghet into tasty lasagna

@Talamin for the support and help with the testing

@Kamogli for the tests and kindness

@Energia because you rock




What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Супер крутая штука, хоть и содержит множество ошибок, но однозначно 5 звёзд.
Решил написать свой отзыв на Русском языке, так как всё равно гугл переводчик исказит всю информацию и ни разработчик, ни русская аудитория не сможет разобрать, что я там написал, а так может будет полезно поделиться со игроками из России, или кто даже подскажет как поборолся с той или иной ситуацией на своем опыте...

- Скачал все рекомендуемые плагины и настроил по описанию, но бот все равно плохо использует такси, каждый раз подходит к нпс и просто потом садится на маунта и бежит дальше (иногда работает)
- Настроил уровни, на которых персонаж должен идти к классовому учителю и учить скилы, но он по-прежнему каждый лвл бежит через всю карту и обучается, отнимает очень много времени.
- Иногда он пересекает целые континенты, реки и горы, чтобы прийти на вражескую территорию и взять там нейтральный квест, например персонаж из Орды приходит в westfall и берет квест на мурлоков (я даже не знал, что там есть общие квесты), нужно вручную добавлять в блеклист. Тоже самое касается вендеров и ремонтников, вместо тех, кто расположен рядом, он идет в локацию в 3 раза сложнее по уровню, чтобы починиться, естественно попутно умирая от красных мобов и снова ломается. Это всё происходит не супер часто, но имеет место быть.
- Бот работает только на английском клиенте и только на 3.3.5, основной проблемой тут считаю то, что список пиратских серверов этого патча, где есть хороший онлайн и спрос на персонажей/золото супер маленький, а для собственного удовольствия даже не знаю покупает ли кто-то вообще ботов, чтобы просто играть -_-
На сирус не установить английский клиент, так как у них свой лаунчер и модель игры, на вармейне хорошая защита:(

Это лишь мой опыт и возможно кривые руки/отсутствие знаний, если есть что добавить/помочь - буду признателен, за профиль и труды разработчику огромное спасибо)

Response from the author:

Hi, and thanks for your review. Google translate did a surprisingly good job translating your message, so I'll try to reply to the best of what I've understood.

- The taxi issue shouldn't happen. If you use our FlightMaster plugin, and not the default WRobot taxi system, it should be reliable. Something must be off in your configuration.

- Same for the class trainer. If you use our vendor plugin and set the levels to train accordingly, the bot won't run to the trainer every level. Actually, by default, our plugin runs to the trainer every 2 levels. So something is definitely off in your config here. Make sure the default WRobot training is disabled.

- Depending on the server you play on and the set experience multiplier, you'll have a very different experience with the Auto quester. 1X servers are pretty nasty since the AQ will run out of quest to do and subsequently fetch odd quests far away from your location. This doesn't happen at higher XP multiplier. There are a lot of quests that are blacklisted by default, and we welcome new additions.

- The bot indeed only works with the English client because it uses strings to detect conversation options (accept a quest, ask for the reward etc..). It is possible to have a russian version of the AQ but it requires a solid russian database and quite a bit of work to adapt to the current framework.

As the only developer of this product, I'm very much aware of its issues, and I kinda hoped that people would chime in to help with the development, but it never happened. So this is what we have. It is also very hard for me to guess what issues you're really having without any context or log file on your part.

Thank you for the detailed review anyway.


   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

This thing is it. Awesome for mass producing Characters for selling on different Servers. It completes all relevant Quests, has AWESOME Routes and lets your characters you sell not look like you botted them.
If I am not mistaken it also does some Class Quests. I botted up 5 Paladins on a WOTLK Server already. This is the best Resource for leveling you can find on this Forum.

Even tho the Author said it does not replace a Questing Profile, it DOES replace all currently public existing ones. Don't waste money on anything else here.

Best Regards & Thanks for the hard work!


   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

The Wholesome Auto Quest is the GREATEST File I have ever used!

I can not believe the quality in this product. It is outstanding and above and beyond my expectations. I can not even believe there is a program that is so well made. There are great visuals, there is clear pathing, there is a scanning tool that scans everything and somehow knows when, how, what, where, and when to do anything! This tool is unbelievably amazing and I highly recommend this file to EVERYONE using the 3.3.5 client.

I use this file with the wholesome plugins as well and this program literally levels better than I ever could. BRAVO!!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you for this! I hope we can skip quest after amount of death. Example 5 death = Skip quest. And also when stuck. Example 3 Stuck use Heartsone.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is a great tool to support everyone by leveling your toon and save your sparetime for something else  ❤️

As every profile on every bot, dont go fully AFK. Its really nice but as every profile you get, some hiccups will ocassionally appear (getting stuck, attacking stucked mob and so on).


All in all, Thanks a lot Zer0! Full 5 Stars and a real big #shoutout


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Скажите, неужели нет такого же крутого плагина для WoW 2.4.3 или 1.12.1?


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Perfect all-in-one solution 🎉

I would 100% recommend this to basically anyone who needs to level their characters.


   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

has lots of bugs but once you get past lvl 15 or so its basically afk


only 4 stars because it doesnt work with the other plugins i bought.


donated $10 USD in hopes they make this more compatible with other products/plugins and make it even better <3<3<3


   1 of 4 members found this review helpful 1 / 4 members

hi what mus i do for quest level 35-40 ``??? i dont real nderstandt the settings he make every time lower quest


   0 of 3 members found this review helpful 0 / 3 members

moyen moyen pas ouf pour xp 

Response from the author:

C'est un produit expérimental qui n'a jamais eu la prétention d'XP plus rapidement que des profiles standards. C'est même précisé dans la description. Malgré tout il est proposé gratuitement à tous, tout comme tous nos autres produits.
Mais merci pour ton commentaire, il me rappelle pourquoi je ne code plus une ligne pour cette communauté.

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