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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hi, I don't used asynchronous programming with WRobot. Create new thread to run your code.
  2. Hi, I looked several times but I don't understand either. @Kamogli you also don't use food?
  3. Hello, You have error in your log file when avast is enabled?
  4. No tested, but use code like: public static bool CastSpell(Spell spell, WoWUnit unit, bool force) { // Handle bullshit units if (unit == null || !unit.IsValid || unit.IsDead || !spell.KnownSpell || !spell.IsSpellUsable) { return false; } // Check If Toon is Wanding if (spell.Name == "Shoot" && IsAutoRepeating("Shoot")) { return true; } // Fuck off if toon is already casting and (force == false) if (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast && !force) return false; // Stop moving if spell needs to be cast if (spell.CastTime > 0) MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, Usefuls.Latency + 500); // Force cast spell if (force == true) if (force) Lua.LuaDoString("SpellStopCasting();"); // Cast AoE spells by location if (AreaSpells.Contains(spell.Name)) { Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpellByName(\"" + spell.NameInGame + "\")"); ClickOnTerrain.Pulse(unit.Position); } else { // Face unit to cast if (!unit.IsLocalPlayer) MovementManager.Face(unit); if (unit.IsLocalPlayer || unit.Type == WoWObjectType.Player) SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.NameInGame, unit.Name); if (unit.IsMyTarget) SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.NameInGame, "target"); else { var old = ObjectManager.Me.MouseOverGuid; ObjectManager.Me.MouseOverGuid = unit.Guid; SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(spell.NameInGame, "mouseover"); ObjectManager.Me.MouseOverGuid = old; } } return true; }
  5. Hi, of course you can use the bot on several computer
  6. Hey Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  7. If you get problem try to disable wow addons
  8. You need to put mount name like is appear in game (case-sensitive)
  9. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  10. You can check if npc is out/indoor but you cannot check position directly. IsFlying() and IsGround() return bool (you cannot use it in "GoToTask.ToPosition()") Not tested, but you can try by distance (build are generally small): const float OutdoorDistance = 30; public static void TakeOptimalRoute(Vector3 position) { if (position.IsFlying()) { GoToTask.ToPosition(position); return; } List<Vector3> roughPath = wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(position); Vector3 transitionPoint = Vector3.Empty; float distance = 0; for (int i = roughPath.Count - 1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { distance += roughPath[i].DistanceTo2D(roughPath[i + 1]); if (distance >= OutdoorDistance) { transitionPoint = roughPath[i]; break; } } if (transitionPoint != Vector3.Empty) { transitionPoint.SetFlying(); GoToTask.ToPosition(transitionPoint); GoToTask.ToPosition(position); } else GoToTask.ToPosition(position); }
  11. you have try to increment option "wait after launch" in relogger general settings? maybe sometime your CPU is overloaded
  12. Hello, try to use vector3 type "Flying": Vector3 location = new Vector3(3265.077, 394.3333, 116.3515, "Flying"); GoToTask.ToPosition(location); if npc is indoor, don't put npc position but try to put outdoor position near the door
  13. I cannot reproduce this problem, you can try to use lua: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1118-snippets-of-lua-codes-for-fightclass/?do=findComment&comment=8522
  14. Hello, You seem to be unable to connect to one of the parthfinder servers, check that your antivirus / firewall is not blocking WRobot.
  15. I tested on Warmane seem good, what is your race/class?
  16. I test and result are good on Wotlk, you have try to use another wow client?
  17. Hi, you get this only on one version of wow or in all? You have try to remove wow cache folder?
  18. In tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" when you click on button "Target (de)buff items" result is incorrect?
  19. Hello, time in WRobot is mainly in milliseconds (I think you use seconds in you screenshot)
  20. Hi, you have installed Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86)?
  21. Hello, yes you can run your key on multiples PC
  22. In game select him, go to dev tools > target info (if you can share result here)
  23. View full article
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