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Everything posted by da8ball

  1. 1 - Yes , with this one you can run on how many accounts you want. The other is for one account only. 2 - No bot is 100% safe. As long as you dont bot near players, or long hours, you can be a little more safe. Check our ban section http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/29-security-ban-reports/ 3 - It doesn't ask for your login/password, unless you use the Relogger feature, used to relog after you got disconnected. I vouch for Droidz, have been using for 3 years. 4 - Yes, since you'll be logging manually before botting.
  2. This are unique, só no need for a profile that farms that.
  3. This is for Jewelcrafting profession only. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=31252/prospecting
  4. If you put 60 you are NOT going to harvest anything if a player is in a 60 yards radius! I´m trying to say if a player is right next to you in the same node, there no way to harvest it (3 is minimum)
  5. Found how to cast the skill only once. Still struggling with which condition should I use to cast Rampage with the Meat Cleaver on? Buff? Buff casted by me? Spell affected by a proc?
  6. These numbers are in yards. and the number is a radius, so if you set to 3, you are not going to gather anything in a 6 yards diameter.
    Sometimes I get inside the Dungeon by mistake, other than that it is great.
  7. I was going to mention the Elite now! Someone at Blizzard discovery this farming spot =(
  8. Did you try to reinstall Wrobot? You can copy/paste you profiles/fight classes after.
    Averaging 100-110 farms/h w/ Herbalism and Mining. High pop pvp realm Died a few times, never got stuck. ilvl 715
    70-80 harvests/h, high pop realm, some enemies in packs, didnt die, but slows the harvesting. Died to a few elites (Phantom Officer) Never got stuck.
  9. I second that. There's no quester profile 100-110 atm, only way is to kill mobs/gather and that's really slow. Also, you are gonna need a fight class for your warrior if you choose to do that here are some: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/20-warrior/
  10. I dont get it, it just and wanders the area, not targeting any mobs in particular, so unless i aggro them, I never attack ( and I'm doing in a Rogue with stealth, so kinda hard). EDIT: I loaded the profile and it seems you are looking for Pinerock Stalkers, Pinerock Prowlers, Bristlefur Bears and Soothoof Hiilstriders right? You gotta add those targets on you profile. I added those here in the file attached, you should use that instead on your release. Also, this forum area here is for Custom Profile, this is a GRINDER profile. I guess how many you get depends on many factors, like how many stars you have on your skill, ilvl, low/high pop, pve/pvp realm. I had 415 hides in a highpop pvp realm with 710 ilvl (got killed by players since I am lvl 102) and one star in the skill. Finally, this is a quest area, so be careful, I saw a LOT of players (around 1:00am), but they help killing mobs and I got more hides. =D Highmountain - Stonehide skining.xml
  11. You dont get the starter Wrobot screen after that? This one:
  12. Ok, if you dont have a Fury Warrior, this is how it works: You should cast Whirlwind http://www.wowhead.com/spell=1680 once whenever you are facin two or more mobs, to apply Meat Cleaver http://www.wowhead.com/spell=85739 When Meat Cleaver is on, your Rampage http://www.wowhead.com/spell=184367 will affect all targets around you, up to four. I am trying to cast Whirlwind to apply Meat Cleaver. Thing is I want Whirlwind to be cast when are at least 2 mobs and to be cast only ONCE, to apply Meat Cleaver. The two mobs at least condition is fine, but how do I make so it doesnt cast Whirlwind permanently? Also, which condition should I use to cast Rampage with the Meat Cleaver on? Buff? Buff casted by me? Spell affected by a proc? Thanks!
    Averaging 100-120 farms/h (high pop pvp realm). Never got stuck.
  13. I dont have this item, but you can either black list the zone you are getting stuck, or recreate the fight class you are using and skipping this stump/cliff. Or you can try to create a plug in to use the item and see if that works. You can try to edit this plugin with notepad: Line 38 remove text "!Me.HaveBuff(135855) && " Line 38 and 39 replace "93351" by your item id. (141605 in you case)
  14. @Droidz Could you take a look at this? It seems it´s not working anymore. Translation: ManagerSetting does not contain a definition to NpcScan and no extension method NpcScan accepts that a first argument of the type 'wManager.wManagerSetting' is found (aren´t you using a directive(guideline) or assembly reference?
  15. Same thing here. Also, either I'm too stupid to figure out, or the Mouse machine stops working when I actualy click on the WoW screen, it works fine before I do that (and thus is useless for me).
    Great, but need Curse of the Dreadblades.
  16. Id like to use this as a Rogue, but I got error as well. [E] 16:20:26 - Compilator Error : c:\Users\usaer\AppData\Local\Temp\s1w5kbo5.0.cs(104,1) : error CS1519: Token '(' inválido na declaração de membro class, struct ou interface
  17. There is not this option. Leave a lot of empty bag space and then you can do it later on your own.
  18. Is this really needed? Bobbers are only visual effect, do no alter anything in game.
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