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About Ryocar

  • Birthday 05/11/1995

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    not that much tho \o/

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  1. i would be so happy about legacy server... I did enjoy vanilla.
  2. Since my new toons are gonna hit 110 in a few days, i was wondering if its possible to let all 4 of them farm in one area.. Atm i saw the bot just rides away if someone else is looting the herb/ore infront of him.. Is it possible to disable that?
    Using 4 profiles atm to level/grind my 4 DK´s to 110. Works great, i just turned off Random Jumping cus sometimes it got stuck at the waterfall @Pinerock basin(is that the name?).
  3. Tbh, i didnt kow you that much, but i saw some posts/profiles from you and just want to thank you for it. And yea, life is way more important of course. I hope you have a great time and i wish you the best for your new Job! Greetings from Germany.
  4. Theres an Option in the Advanced Stettings. Its called "My Macros", i think you can create a macro urself to open them, but im not sure
  5. Not everytime, I often got Temp. ban (72Hrs) and then Perm, but a few times i got perm. ban instantly
  6. So, i wonder what all the people are farming (if they do). For myself, i farm with 3 accounts Stormscale´s and with my druid Suramar herb/Ore.
  7. botte seit gut 3 wochen nun 24/7 mit 4 accounts, und keinen ban kassiert bis jetzt. Ist ziemlich random.. Benutz eigene Profile, sollte schonmal sicherer sein. Aber wie schon jemand gesagt hat, Spieler-reports sind halt recht oft wenn du lange an einem spot grindest
  8. As Always, make ur own profiles... Lowers the Ban-rate imo
  9. Im using BM-specc. And as Fight-class im using this: I would use that Fightclass for BM-Hunter
    Works good.. Im Using it to Farm Stormscale´s (disabled XP gain~) Never got stuck or something.
    Works good, cant complain about it.
    Works wonderful, Im using it for my 2 level 105 Hunter to farm Stormscales.
    Using it to farm in Suramar, cant complain about the Profile...
    Works really smooth. Using it with a ilvl 800 Feral Druid. Great Profile, i approve this! :p
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