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Everything posted by Ryocar

  1. i would be so happy about legacy server... I did enjoy vanilla.
  2. Since my new toons are gonna hit 110 in a few days, i was wondering if its possible to let all 4 of them farm in one area.. Atm i saw the bot just rides away if someone else is looting the herb/ore infront of him.. Is it possible to disable that?
    Using 4 profiles atm to level/grind my 4 DK´s to 110. Works great, i just turned off Random Jumping cus sometimes it got stuck at the waterfall @Pinerock basin(is that the name?).
  3. Tbh, i didnt kow you that much, but i saw some posts/profiles from you and just want to thank you for it. And yea, life is way more important of course. I hope you have a great time and i wish you the best for your new Job! Greetings from Germany.
  4. Theres an Option in the Advanced Stettings. Its called "My Macros", i think you can create a macro urself to open them, but im not sure
  5. Not everytime, I often got Temp. ban (72Hrs) and then Perm, but a few times i got perm. ban instantly
  6. So, i wonder what all the people are farming (if they do). For myself, i farm with 3 accounts Stormscale´s and with my druid Suramar herb/Ore.
  7. botte seit gut 3 wochen nun 24/7 mit 4 accounts, und keinen ban kassiert bis jetzt. Ist ziemlich random.. Benutz eigene Profile, sollte schonmal sicherer sein. Aber wie schon jemand gesagt hat, Spieler-reports sind halt recht oft wenn du lange an einem spot grindest
  8. Im using BM-specc. And as Fight-class im using this: I would use that Fightclass for BM-Hunter
    Works good.. Im Using it to Farm Stormscale´s (disabled XP gain~) Never got stuck or something.
    Works wonderful, Im using it for my 2 level 105 Hunter to farm Stormscales.
    Using it to farm in Suramar, cant complain about the Profile...
    Works really smooth. Using it with a ilvl 800 Feral Druid. Great Profile, i approve this! :p
    Works Perfectly... No stucks or bugs. You did a good work tho.
  9. Farming with a level 104 (disabled exp gain) Hunter with ilvl 720. Works good. Ill get around 900 leather per Hour. Had to disable Mount cus it got stuck some times with it. So far, im happy with it!
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