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Everything posted by tonycali

  1. been like that forever. only thing u can really do is set food eat drink at 50% so when it resses it eat / drinks.
  2. Looking for a plugin to every so often run a script or macro to lower the graphics i tried editing the config in the WTF folder in wow but it would always revert back to stock Config for some reason even after making it read only...So I'm looking for maybe a plugin if someone doesn't know how to do the config file. Willing to pay via Paypal if you can do it. Basically just looking to gut as much graphics as possible to bot more accounts. * These six macros are made in more parts since there is a max lines x each so you will need for each a new macro.Macro 1/1:/console gxcolorbits 16/console gxdepthbits 16/console skycloudlod 0/console particledensity 0.3/console lod 0/console fullalpha 0/console doodadanim 0/console mapshadows 0/console loddist 50/console maxlights 0Macro 1/2/console specular 0/console pixelshader 0/console detaildensity 1/console unitdrawdist 20/console waterlod 0/console basemip 1/console shadowlevel 1/console alphalevel 1/console textureloddist 80/console light 0/console fog 0Macro 1/3 :/console bitdepth 16/console showwater 0/console maxlod 0/console watermaxlod 0/console waterwaves 0/console waterspecular 0/console waterripples 0/console waterparticulates 0/console showshadow 0/console skyclouddensity 0/console skysunglare 0Macro 1/4:/console skyshow 0/console gxrestartMacro 2/1 : (on last line I put maxfps 20 but you can choice any number here)/console anisotropic 1/console gxVSync 0/console frillDensity 1/console groundEffectDensity 16/console groundEffectDist 1/console detailDoodadAlpha 1/console horizonfarclip 1305/console farclip 177/console characterambient/console maxfps 20Macro 2/2:/console smallcull 0/console skycloudlod 1/console gxrestart Or Config.wtf * You can also change your Config.wtf file (in WoW --> WTF folder) like this to reduce everything "lower than low" but I strongly suggest to save a copy of the original file in case you screw up anything SET readTOS "1" SET readEULA "1" SET readScanning "-1" SET readContest "-1" SET locale "enGB" SET showToolsUI "1" SET accounttype "MP" SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1" SET installLocale "enUS" SET hwDetect "0" SET videoOptionsVersion "5" SET gxApi "D3D11" SET gxWindow "1" SET gxMaximize "0" SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046" SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186" SET farclip "setting 0" SET rippleDetail "0" SET reflectionMode "0" SET shadowTextureSize "2048" SET SSAOBlur "0" SET textureFilteringMode "0" SET terrainLodDist "200" SET enterWorld "1" SET maxFPS "33" SET Gamma "1.000000" SET ChatMusicVolume "0.29999998211861" SET ChatSoundVolume "0.39999997615814" SET ChatAmbienceVolume "0.29999998211861" SET VoiceActivationSensitivity "0.39999997615814" SET worldBaseMip "2" SET weatherDensity "0" SET realmName "Kilrogg" SET gameTip "12" SET launchThirtyTwoBitClient "0" SET Sound_MasterVolume "0.5" SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default" SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0" SET environmentDetail "0" SET maxFPSBk "13" SET wmoLodDist "100" SET terrainTextureLod "1" SET terrainMipLevel "1" SET checkAddonVersion "0" SET mouseSpeed "1" SET statusTextPercentage "1" SET horizonFarclipScale "0" SET ffxGlow "0" SET shadowInstancing "0" SET ffxDeath "0" SET ffxNetherWorld "0" SET ffxSpecial "0" SET lod "0" SET fullalpha "0" SET doodadanim "0" SET mapshadows "0" SET loddist "50" SET smallcull "2" SET maxlights "0" SET specular "0" SET pixelshader "0" SET detaildensity "1" SET unitdrawdist "20" SET waterlod "0" SET basemip "1" SET shadowlevel "1" SET alphalevel "1" SET anisotropic "16" SET textureloddist "80" SET light "0" SET fog "0" SET bitdepth "16" SET showwater "0" SET maxlod "0" SET watermaxlod "0" SET waterwaves "0" SET waterspecular "0" SET waterripples "0" SET waterparticulates "0" SET showshadow "0" SET skyclouddensity "0" SET skysunglare "0" SET skyshow "0" SET groundEffectDensity "0" SET groundEffectDist "0" SET lastCharacterIndex "1" * You can turn off audio in each window witch may decrease CPU usage. * You can remove any function from wow (combat text, HP tabs, all)
  3. Is this 3.3.5 Wotlk and up only plugin or does it work on 2.4.3 and elysium?.
  4. 1. Botting out in the middle of nowhere where there are no quests is the most obvious shit you can ever do. Its actually the worst thing you can do because people who play on P Servers know of bots and know there are no quests for mobs out in the boondocks so if they stumble on you while running routes herbing / mining in the boonies they are most likely gonna report you. And that only botting 5 hour shit is meaningless on warmane because they dont monitor your online play hours or i would have lost my 12 accounts who bot 24/7's since launch. 2. Buy a paid fightclass or learn C# and make your own but the public Fight Classes are all shit and obvious bot rotation. 3. Your either gonna want to buy maylus quester 1-70 Or use the Quester and make Grinder Profiles set them to grind in a spot from level say 1-3 3-6 6-9 9-11 11-13 etc This way you grind mobs for about 20-50 minutes and move to next area of the map because sounds like you were grinding in a spot for like 5 hours and people running back and forth and see you grinding the same mobs for 4 hours same spot there gonna be like ya thats a bot. 4. If Priest is your thing i'd suggest buying that Shadow PRiest leveling fight class paid in the section its the top 3 best fight classes on this board and it looks so humanlike it actually kills level 70's when they attack me in world like the only fight class that kills others.... 5. And leveling as disc will bring too much unwanted attention when people see smites and holyfires and shit there like check this guy out wtf and if your not strafing back and forth your really gonna make it look like a bot.
  5. cool thanks works really well.
  6. What do you run this as? wrotation / grinder?
  7. seen 3 people running the same path in AV today lul...someones prolly gonna report them.
  8. lol i noticed that today looks retarded and had to hit pause.
  9. Id recommend doing something like 35min one zone 35 min another zone with relogger and take 5-6 hour long breaks. I lost 3 flying miners in last 3 days botting mining. people must be just reporting anyone they see mining or what not fucking ridiclous. I'm prolly not even gonna bother mining anymore since last one i had just bought eplic flight for 5200g and lost it the next day....lul next miner if i do it again will take long breaks though to be more human like if GM looks at online time log.
  10. mine was pausing earlier as well. I made a new folder redownloaded new wrobot and started fresh works again no problem.
    Top 3 Fight Classes on the board as far as TBC content goes. This is one of the only Fight Classes that doesn't look bottish and actually kills people in BG's. You done good on this one.
  11. HB is the reason blizzard cracked down so hard on botting. Everyone running the same profiles running the same points on top of each other made it riidclously obvious which led to 10's of thousands banned. Referring to HB as a perfect bot is laughable. People for the past 5 years refer to HB as a ban just waiting to happen.
  12. i dont know about that i got 3 banned same time on medivh they were in different areas same ip.
  13. There so many people flying around herbing / mining that if u even look bottish they'll end up whispering u or just reporting you because everyone and there mother knows of bots and HATES if u bot herb / mine nodes because there is like none up because there on long respawn timer. If u wanna get banned by all means herb / mine.
  14. ya u have to remove the don't que if im not leader and it will work. Also might wanna make ur own pathing or u might end up in a game with multiple people running the same route lul. but not many people run this program i haven't seen anyone run the standard profile yet unlike honorbuddy and 80% of the team running same pathing.
  15. u can stand in front of the banker in org on grinder click record waypoint once then turn it off save it and ur bank alt will run to that banker when u run that profile it just needs the location make sure when creating the profile u click the options tab to turn off waypoints is hotspot option so the bot doesn't route back to valley of trials instead just sits there at the banker till u turn the bot off or pause it.
  16. A big reason why HBuddy Vanillabot etc get ban hammered is because they are all running the same public profiles. Make your own or buy some from people and only limited # of people have so low risk ur all running the same path. the quester works cause i have 1-60 works fine. i only play vanilla sure theres others as well if u buy them or make them urself.
  17. Under tools tab of Bot look at Black List editor u can make the area of blacklist as big as u want and ur charachter will never go into it....Even a retard can figure out how to use the grinder feature....Questing will take u some time to master so either pay for the profiles or learn it. But this isn't a HBuddy type download a plugin and it plays for u 24/7 bot that bot just = banned account anyways because everyone is running teh same profiles...
  18. like a year ago when i played on warmane lordaeron i botted up 3 million gold in 3 weeks then got banned after a warning they actually gave me a warning to stop botting but i did it anyways. They did ban my main who i didn't bot on though. So ya you will need a VPN or proxy socks5.
  19. I'm playing on 2.4.3 server running questing profile 1-40 Horde and i get this no autoloot compilation error guess cause im on 2.4.3 server now sure how to fix that or whats going on. 5 Apr 2017 12H15.log.html
  20. you have to destroy the lowbie conjured water in your bag when u get new conjured water rank up for it to conjure ur new high rank water .
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