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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Ah, i understand. :) Hmm, not sure exactly how i would go around doing that, i will see if i can come up with something. :)
  2. I am not 100% sure that i undertsand your suggestion? :) Focus is priority to heal, if that is your suggestion? :)
  3. Hey! LuaUtils.wrDebug("I am using Auto Shot:" + AutoShootActive()); LuaUtils.wrDebug("I am using Auto Shot(Lua):" + Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Auto Shot")) + 1) + ")")); I've tried printing (wrDebug prints in-game) the checking of Auto Shoot, both with reading from memory private readonly uint _wowBase = (uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.GetProcess().MainModule.BaseAddress; return Memory.WowMemory.Memory.ReadInt32(_wowBase + 0x7E0BA0) > 0; and as you can see above with Lua, with Auto Shot on action bar. The Lua code, always prints True when auto shoot is active, where sometimes reading from memory prints false (even though it's using auto shot. This causes a lot of flickering with auto shot. Is this a bug or? If it's not a bug, is there any other way i can read if Auto Shot is active, without having the ability on the action bar?
  4. No, read what the very first line says "if UnitExists("pet")" This is why it does not work. Because on Kronos3 you don't call pet to spawn the body (making Unit Exist). That line there, besides the feed pet part, is basicly how my code for revive pet is written. :) If that macro you are writing there does work on Kronos3, then the issue is not with my fightclass, but something else. :)
  5. My guess is that you are on Kronos3 which is scripted really bad. On retail and on all other private servers (using mango, as WRobot is based on), you call pet first, then you revive it. But on Kronos3, you revive pet. On Kronos3 there is no way to tell if pet is just missing or dead. I am unsure on how to tell the bot the difference.
  6. Well, yes it does. But since it's read-only i can only set it once. I wanted to change Range based on conditions. :) Edit: LoL.Brainfart.. nevermind.. how did i not see the "return" rofl.. Works fine. :)
  7. Hey all I set the combat range in the top of my C# With the code @Droidz has provided. public float Range { get { return CombatRange; } } It seems that, it doesn't work if i don't set it as read-only (get). I want to be able to change the range from fightclass settings, does anyone know how to get this to work? :) Added this here, since it's more a all around thing, than vanilla only. :)
  8. Mine is checking for both, so if it can't find a path, but it is in LoS then it won't try. I gave it 4 seconds to find it's way to a spot it thinks it can go to (failsafe). :)
  9. Cheers @Matenia I will try see if i can get something to work with this. :) Vector3 to, out bool resultSucess is what i'd use to see if it can go to Vector3 right?
  10. Alright, so this is a server thing, too bad. Will just have to make a safe "9 yard distance". :) I have also written on the same subject a thread. I qouted you in it. If you get the time, will you look at it? Thanks a ton for helping with all this mate! <3
  11. @Droidz I thought it would be better to necro this thread, than making a new one Is there a way to check if there is any viable spots available? Instead of using backtrack I have tried using the pathfinder with var xvector = (ObjectManager.Me.Position.X) - (ObjectManager.Target.Position.X); var yvector = (ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y) - (ObjectManager.Target.Position.Y); Vector3 newpos = new Vector3() { X = ObjectManager.Me.Position.X + (float)((xvector * (25 / ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance) - xvector)), Y = ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y + (float)((yvector * (25 / ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance) - yvector)), Z = ObjectManager.Me.Position.Z }; MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(newpos), false); Thread.Sleep(1700); This is ofc. in a loop. Now this will move my char 8-9 yards from the target walking in a straight line backwards using the pathfinder. However the issue remains the same, that if i hit a wall it will keep going. Here i can use your code written above to stop moving. Instead of this, is there a way that i can, using the pathfinder: Find a place where there is 9 yards free from the target instead?
  12. @Droidz Okay so it works in a way. It shows the correct range now, however it does not do it based on the target size. My aciton bar is "white" meaning the game even thinks i'm far enough away. But with a mob with a big target size, you have to go further than 8 yards away to use ranged abilities. Is there any way i can get target size into my calculation?
  13. Cheers Droidz. I will test it out! Just another thing. WRobot thinks that hunter range is 5 yards. in Vanilla it's 8 yards. At least it was like that last i tested. :)
  14. Update is out, should fix Lifebloom. And as a bonus i have increased the speed at which it casts. :)
  15. Unfortunately i haven't been able to do any updates to any of my fightclasses for a while now. I have been in bed most of the time, i just made a small update for the hunter fightclass. I will ofc. look into the other issues as soon as i can.
  16. Aight, i will look out for people reporting. Cheers. :)
  17. I have compiled a dll file with MemoryRobot. If i recompile with the new dll file, will it work? Or have you changed how the methods work?
  18. I can't seem to find which Methods you have changed, am i blind or can you list affected methods? :)
  19. This does not fix anything? The first one just tells if a auto-shot is in range, the other one checks attack. It's nice that we can check if a spell is in range. However, this does not give the range. We need the number (Range as a number). The methods listed above will make a shit ton of noise if you play with sound, and it uses lua which will slow down the fightclass. Also try and look at what i wrote above.. I wrote EXACTLY that code. To me it's clear that what is not working is the mob size calculator.
  20. Partybot makes sense, because there movement is controlled by bot. But it should not be a problem for the druid. However, i will look into it. :) Note: I am currently very sick, and have been since november 2017. I'm getting better for every day, and as soon as i'm fully myself again, i will do a lot of updates to all my fightclasses.
  21. Sounds weird. I will look into it. Are you using movement control in wrobot?
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