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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. There are several guides on this forum on how to avoid detection. Also, you might want to change ip if you got banned more than once. If i was a server owner, and i banned someone 3 times, i'd be sure to look out for that person. ;)
  2. Hey Droidz! Yeah i'm aware, you can also use lua (all my fightclasses are made in lua). But it would be awesome to have them as a choice in the condition. That's just because i'm a perfectionist. :)
  3. It would be awesome sometime in the future to see focus in addition to target in the conditions Example: Focus Health Percent so that we can do focus specific conditions. :) I've alrdy done some manual stuff in lua, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up with your conditions. Like a simple thing as to check for buffs. In tbc you have to do for i=1,40 do if UnitBuff("focus",i) == "SPELLNAME" then n=1 end end then you can use n=1 to whatever, it gets even more complicated if we want to check timers. :P Anyway Ordush out!
  4. Hey yall! Hope everybody is good! I wasn't sure where to ask features for the bot, but it would be awesome sometime in the future to see focus in addition to target in the conditions Example: Focus Health Percent so that we can do focus specific conditions. :)
  5. I still haven't figured this out, so if anyone could be of assistance. It would be lovely! :)
  6. Yeah i had an end too many. =P I removed my reply because i realized what you meant, however. what you did there was what i already did, i just didn't do it c#. So unfortunately it doesn't work. :(
  7. Didn't know what to call the topic honestly. Hope people understand. :) Been trying to wrap my brain around this function for ages now. Anyone who can help me? function CombatSpellsToggleButton(ability, position) local frameButton = "SettingsFrame."..ability.."btn" local frameDisabled = ability.."Disabled" frameButton = CreateFrame("BUTTON", nil, SettingsFrame, "UIPanelCloseButton") frameButton:SetWidth(16) frameButton:SetHeight(16) if frameDisabled then frameButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-PlusButton-Up") frameButton:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-PlusButton-Down") else frameButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-MinusButton-Up") frameButton:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-MinusButton-Down") end frameButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",SettingsFrame, -2,position) frameButton:SetScript("OnClick", function() if frameDisabled then frameDisabled = false frameButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-MinusButton-Up") frameButton:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-MinusButton-Down") else frameDisabled = true frameButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-PlusButton-Up") frameButton:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-PlusButton-Down") end end) frameButton:SetAlpha(1) frameButton:Show() end -- Settings Frame (Combat Spells) Hunter's Mark Toggle Button CombatSpellsToggleButton("HuntersMark", -86) It does make the button, but the variable generated by frameDisabled does not work So if i do if HuntersMarkDisabled then do something end that something doesn't happen
  8. Version 2.2.1


    I AM CURRENTLY COMPLETELY REWRITING THIS! AND ALL MY OTHER TBC STUFF WITHIN THE NEXT DAYS THESE WILL BE REWRITTEN!!! This is my paid version of the TBC Hunter Beastmaster Wrobot Rotation It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation. For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/85-hunter-fightclass-tbc/ Purchase Links https://sellfy.com/p/3UYd/ Features The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more. The hunter will move back if you are too close to the target to use your bow. This requires that the target does not have aggro on the hunter. The hunter will feed it's pet if needed, and you can set the food in-game. This fightclass will save your settings between sessions, so if you set something example: Turn off Multi-Shot. Then next time you log on it will have saved that setting! Can be used for leveling (Utillizes level abilities) Optimized rotation for max DPS Does not break Polymorph, and doesn't break drinking (Unless your mana is full) Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface Hunter Combat Abilities - Steady Shot <- Your ranged attack speed is automaticly calculated and made so it fits with Steady Shot, so you don't clip your auto attack. it is your AS +0.01 (Even works if you use speed buffs etc.) - Arcane shot <- Will only use if Aspect of the Hawk is active to save mana if in viper. - Multi-shot <- Will only use if 3 or more targets - Aimed Shot <- Has three modes: Pull (This will only use Aimed Shot to pull), Cooldown(This will use aimed shot on cooldown like arcane shot. and last the default: Off (Only set it to Cooldown if you have very high crit) - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.) - Rapid Fire <- Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss - Misdirection <- Can change between pet and focus in the main Status Frame (Will only cast if target has more than 30% hp) - Volley <- Uses Volley if 5 or more mobs around target Pet Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded - Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss - Kill Command <- Will only use if you have pet Hunter Misc Abilities - Aspect of the Hawk <- Smart aspects | Uses this if you have enough mana and you are in-combat - Aspect of the Viper <- Smart aspects | Uses this if you need mana and you are in-combat - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro. - Volley Mob Amount <- Set the amount of mobs that needs to be in a group, to use Volley. Pet Misc Abilities - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam) - Call pet - Revive Pet - Mend pet - Feed pet <- Very smart | Will feed pet whatever food you have specified in the Pet Food area. It will only feed pet if pet needs it. Pet will not attack while being fed - Pet Food <- Define what food your pet eats (Default: Clefthoof Ribs) Racial Abilities - Blood Fury <- Will only be able to use if you are an Orc, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss - Berserking <- Will only be able to use if you are a Troll, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss - Arcane Torrent <- Will only be able to use if you are a Blood Elf. Will only use if you are below 25% mana or have many enemies around you. Item Abilities - Trinket 1 - <- Will use your first trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss - Trinket 2 - <- Will use your second trinket if it has a use ability, Has 3 modes Cooldown, Elite & Boss Leveling Abilities - Serpent Sting <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62 - Ratpor Strike <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62 - Mongoose Bite <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62 - Freezing Trap <- Will be off by default unless you are below level 62. It will use freezing trap if there are more than 1 mob in front of you (good if you don't have pet, or you pull too many mobs while questing) - Aspect of the Cheetah <- Will be used between fights, to get there faster. Commands /statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface /rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off. These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar. Coming Soon - Please add suggestions on my Discord. Versions: FAQ: In-game Interface Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum or through my Discord channel!
  9. Version 1.0.1


    This is my demo version of my upcoming paid version of a hunter profile. It's simple and does the trick. You can do raids and PVE with this and have a nice experiance. Features Optimized rotation for max DPS Hunter Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded - Steady Shot <- set timer to your attack speed + 15 so if your ranged attack speed is 2.14 then you set it to 2155 - Arcane shot <- Will only use if Aspect of the Hawk is active - Multi-shot <- Will only use if 3 or more targets - Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.) - Rapid Fire <- Will only use on bosses - Misdirection <- Can be changed in settings to cast on either pet or focus (Will only cast if target has more than 30% hp) Pet Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded - Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, and will only use on bosses - Kill Command <- Will only use if you have pet Hunter Misc Abilities - Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro. Pet Misc Abilities - Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam) - Call pet - Revive Pet - Mend pet Paid Verision
  10. Thank you for the quick answer! If i use lua script to cast my spell with SpellInfo, couldn't i in theory also use the GetTime in lua to achieve this? :)
  11. Of course, why didn't i think of that? Thanks a ton mate! I used to use PQR for WOTLK, where i made an in-game addon INSIDE pqr, i did exactly that to save my variables, i just totally forgot that i had done it, since it was ages ago. Thank you for the response! <3
  12. Yes and it clearly states: \\ represents backslash in the post you just posted. Anyway it's beside the point i made it work. You guys should rather focus on trying to help me with the other issues i have :P
  13. "translate" was just a rough term. In lua \\ = backslash but for some reason when you use wrobot \\ turns into \ wen it spits out the code. Just like when you wanna do \n for newline you have to do \\n :)
  14. Since we're not making an addon, but we're making lua in the bot and the filename changes all the time (ghuheu38.lua) we can't make a side addon with the toc for the savedvariable Is there some other smart way to do it with wrobot? :)
  15. Hey all! Is there any way that i can set the "timer" for an ability with lua? Example: I want to be able to change the timer on steady shot, so it matches gun/bow/crossbow speed. Instead of having to adjust the Class Profile, i'd like to make it so you can set your speed with lua. Now this can be edited in many ways an example could be if i set the timer as a variable: timer = WeaponSpeed Then one would be able to change the weapon speed in-game with /run WeaponSpeed = 3.5
  16. I saw your post, and i have both. Thing is, it's not lua errors, it's a 'compile' bug from wrobot to lua output @ wow. Which means the errors you get in-game say nothing about the error. An error that i would get as an example would be you are missing an \ in front of n (It would never be this specific.) Where when reading my code i'd be like "I have a \ in front of n, what are you talking about?". So most of the errors i have been encountering, has been because i'm using advanced lua instead of just small snippets. So it's not as thoroughly tested and fixed. :)
  17. So yeah on WRobot you need to use \\ instead of \ :P So my example: I am not Alone? Would be "I am".."\\n".."not".."\\not".."Alone?"
  18. Apparently \n doesn't work for new lines. Is there any other way to make new lines? "I am".."\n".."not".."\n".."Alone?"
  19. After hours and hours of doing this and that, i finally figured the error lies within wrobot. Apparently it dones't translate \\ into / So as soon as i changed StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}); into StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface/Buttons/WHITE8X8",}); Everything worked.
  20. After hours and hours of doing this and that, i finally figured the error lies within wrobot. Apparently it dones't translate \\ into / So as soon as i changed StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}); into StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface/Buttons/WHITE8X8",}); Everything worked.
  21. Hey all I tried to make an in-game frame using lua just the way i would with lua in-game in any other way (macros etc). So in the "spellname" area in the creator i wrote in my code, and i set it to "not spell, is lua script" Ending up with this: <SpellName>if not FrameCreated then FrameCreated = true StatusFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") StatusFrame:ClearAllPoints() StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}) StatusFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,.4) StatusFrame:SetHeight(60) StatusFrame:SetWidth(122) StatusFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",ChatFrame1, 0,90) StatusFrame:SetMovable(true) StatusFrame:EnableMouse(true) StatusFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") StatusFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", frame.StartMoving) StatusFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", frame.StopMovingOrSizing) StatusFrame:Show() end</SpellName> Is there any reason why this does not work? Note: I did try removing the StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}) In case it just couldn't find the BgFile, no difference. :) Also tried writing it like this: StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]],}) Any help would be appreciated cheers! :) This is a copy paste from my other post, since i realized that i posted i the wrong forum. :) Edit: I even tried changing it to use lua script as a condition and then just leave the spellname empty liket his: <LuaScript>if not FrameCreated then StatusFrame=CreateFrame("Frame"); StatusFrame:ClearAllPoints(); StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}); StatusFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,.4); StatusFrame:SetHeight(60); StatusFrame:SetWidth(122); StatusFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",ChatFrame1, 0,90); StatusFrame:SetMovable(true); StatusFrame:EnableMouse(true); StatusFrame:RegisterForDrag('LeftButton'); StatusFrame:SetScript('OnDragStart', frame.StartMoving); StatusFrame:SetScript('OnDragStop', frame.StopMovingOrSizing); FrameCreated = true end</LuaScript>
  22. Hey all I tried to make an in-game frame using lua just the way i would with lua in-game in any other way (macros etc). So in the "spellname" area in the creator i wrote in my code, and i set it to "not spell, is lua script" Ending up with this: <SpellName>if not FrameCreated then FrameCreated = true StatusFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") StatusFrame:ClearAllPoints() StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}) StatusFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,.4) StatusFrame:SetHeight(60) StatusFrame:SetWidth(122) StatusFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",ChatFrame1, 0,90) StatusFrame:SetMovable(true) StatusFrame:EnableMouse(true) StatusFrame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") StatusFrame:SetScript("OnDragStart", frame.StartMoving) StatusFrame:SetScript("OnDragStop", frame.StopMovingOrSizing) StatusFrame:Show() end</SpellName> Is there any reason why this does not work? Note: I did try removing the StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}) In case it just couldn't find the BgFile, no difference. :) Also tried writing it like this: StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]],}) Any help would be appreciated cheers! :) Edit: I even tried changing it to use lua script as a condition and then just leave the spellname empty liket his: <LuaScript>if not FrameCreated then StatusFrame=CreateFrame("Frame"); StatusFrame:ClearAllPoints(); StatusFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8",}); StatusFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,.4); StatusFrame:SetHeight(60); StatusFrame:SetWidth(122); StatusFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",ChatFrame1, 0,90); StatusFrame:SetMovable(true); StatusFrame:EnableMouse(true); StatusFrame:RegisterForDrag('LeftButton'); StatusFrame:SetScript('OnDragStart', frame.StartMoving); StatusFrame:SetScript('OnDragStop', frame.StopMovingOrSizing); FrameCreated = true end</LuaScript>
  23. That is because i decided to change the profile Droidz to somethng else, after it flew the whole route without getting 1 hit. I decided to change to one that worked instead.It was not able to fish once in the whole route.
  24. Certainly [F] 01:43:38 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Kasper\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\Resto Druid - TBC.xml [D] 01:43:38 - [Spell] Rejuvenation (Id found: 774, Name found: Rejuvenation, NameInGame found: Rejuvenation, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 01:43:39 - [Spell] Lifebloom (Id found: 33763, Name found: Lifebloom, NameInGame found: Lifebloom, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 01:43:39 - [Spell] Moonfire (Id found: 8921, Name found: Moonfire, NameInGame found: Moonfire, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 01:43:39 - [Spell] Wrath (Id found: 5176, Name found: Wrath, NameInGame found: Wrath, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 01:43:39 - [Spell] Innervate (Id found: 29166, Name found: Innervate, NameInGame found: Innervate, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) 01:43:39 - [Loot Stat] Loadded. 01:43:39 - [Fisher] Started 01:43:39 - [LootFilter] Loading. 01:43:39 - [LootFilter] Loaded. 01:43:50 - [Fisher] Fish Pure Water > -900,335 ; 7292,02 ; 32,6575 ; "None" 01:43:52 - [Fisher] Cannot found good position, ignore this fish school 01:43:58 - [Fisher] Fish Pure Water > -953,922 ; 7321,22 ; 32,6575 ; "None" 01:44:00 - [Fisher] Cannot found good position, ignore this fish school 01:44:09 - [Fisher] Fish Bluefish School > -1047,19 ; 7263,17 ; 32,6575 ; "None" 01:44:12 - [Fisher] Cannot found good position, ignore this fish school 01:44:17 - [Fisher] Fish Mudfish School > -1093,03 ; 7220,26 ; 32,6575 ; "None" 01:44:18 - [Fisher] Cannot found good position, ignore this fish school 01:44:18 - [Fisher] Fish Bluefish School > -1120,83 ; 7213,97 ; 32,6575 ; "None" 01:44:21 - [Fisher] Cannot found good position, ignore this fish school 01:45:48 - [Loot Stat] Disposed. 01:45:48 - [LootFilter] Dispose. 01:45:48 - [Fisher] Stopped 01:45:49 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:02m:10s XP/HR: 0 - 0 min Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) Honor/HR: 0 (0) Here is the part with the pools. :) 19 jul 2017 01H40.log.html
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