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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Yeah, it is then. It used to say wRobot specifically, that's why I was curious.
  2. It would give wRobot as a reason if it was detected, I'm sure. You can try this by registering a new account, leveling to 10 or 20 and using wRotation. If you get (insta) banned it's detected.
  3. You don't say what you actually tested... Have you started wRobot through the No Memory Edit shortcut and renamed your wRobot.exe (maybe both)?
  4. It's definitely detected on Netherwing (TBC) and on Lightshope (vanilla) it got detected around the exact same time. Meaning they got the same warden update, which makes sense because they teams are on good terms. Edit: To clarify, Netherwing (TBC) bans in waves. Roughly once a month. I used 2 test accounts to figure this out. Can you guys try renaming wRobot.exe to chrome.exe or just something else random like spotify and see if you still get banned?
  5. You made 3 threads without even looking into it at all. I already sell a BG product. You're responsible for your own fightclasses though.
  6. Don't know how many times this has to be said. It doesn't depend on the server. However:
  7. Matenia

    NoMemoryEdit shortcut

    Update: It seems this actually works... It's weird, sometimes it seemed to break. I'd write the mouseover guid, call Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByName('{name}', 'mouseover')") and nothing happens. It seems almost like the WoW client breaks for a bit. Happens on Warmane only I guess and I can't really reproduce it.
  8. Hey Droidz, for my framework, I set focus and mouseover units to make casting on off targets more easily possible. Can you add the option to still write mouseover guid via wRobot API? I think ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid Setter still works just fine. Or is there at least a check like Usefuls.CanWriteToMemory? Then MAYBE I can think of a workaround. But currently it breaks some of my stuff. For Mouseover via ObjectManager.Me.MouseoverGuid, if you want: private static void SetMouseoverGuid(ulong guid) { switch (Usefuls.WowVersion) { case 5875: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x74E2C8, guid); break; case 8606: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64((uint)Memory.WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + 0x86E950, guid); break; case 12340: Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WriteUInt64( 0x00BD07A0, guid); break; default: throw new Exception("Wow version is not supported!"); } }
  9. I did a check where 3 weeks ago I botted for 2 hours and haven't logged in since. Which means NW definitely detects wRobot. I will do another test with the no memory edit shortcut, I guess.
  10. Pretty sure wRobot added a function to use hearthstone on stuck recently. Or rather any item. Check out the advanced settings. But yes, HMP has had this option since 2016 as well.
  11. You can't. Unless you get total cast time and calculate when your ticks are going to be in relation to it (due to haste etc), it's not happening. You can get the timestamp of your last ticks through COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. However, also keep in mind that if youa ren't building your fightclass in C#, it's going to be very hard to handle combatlog events that run on a different thread.
  12. That's what I thought. I don't know how IsAttacked handles this, maybe the GoToTask used to get to the vendor inside the ToTown state has a exitCondition for getting in combat. Usually the exit condition for GoToTask is checking if the bot is running (not pause) and not being attacked. So that makes sense. The bot SHOULDN'T check for other states while one state is still running. That's how FiniteStateMachine works. Maybe remove the ToTown state from the machine and build your own wrapper state that will abort the ToTown state (which should work by calling MovementManager.StopMove) if you pass/change a variable to your ToTownWrapper. What you want to do won't really work without hacks. All of our code is more or less hacked together because we're changing wRobot's default behavior. @Marsbar, for his training plugin even removes wRobot's training state and adds his own.
  13. You can set Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked to true for the the duration of your state. That conditions evaluates to false then.
  14. Ask @Droidz My best guess is IsAttacked has another thread that stops ToTown or something
  15. hey @Droidz, when my products starts up, I am trying to add road and water vectors. This method is missing a parameter to tell the pathfinder which continentId to use: athFinder.ReportArea(arathiRoad.Position.ToVector3(), arathiRoad.Radius, arathiRoad.AreaType, true); For water it is easy, I can just use blacklist like this: wManagerSetting.AddBlackListZone(water.Position.ToVector3(), water.Radius, ContinentId.PVPZone04, water.AreaType, true); But please add a parameter so I don't have to blacklist anything and I can use pathfinder properly. Thank you
  16. Problem here was that if you don't activate Use Lua to Move, it causes endless game freezes
  17. Don't use addons. wRobot uses lua unlocking to execute some commands. This can taint addons and it replaces some functions that addons try to use. Just disable them, wRobot doesn't need you to have addons on to function. You can enable them when you play the game. If this wasn't happening, you'd get banned for Lua unlock detection
  18. I guess that makes sense. IsAttacked checks for enemies targeting you (or you being on theit threat list in higher expansions) and tries to fight back. Maybe activate "don't fight back" in wRobot settings?: Also I believe NPCScanState is started with the "newThread()" method (static) on the class, so it would make sense it's running in an additional thread to start a fight. Unfortunately I don't know all the inner workings of wRobot.
  19. Check the PartyHelper project, it uses LuaDoString with a parameter that enables you to call insecure code. Or do: Lua.SecureLuaCall = false; Lua.LuaDoString(""); Lua.SecureLuaCall = true;
  20. I mean instead of hitting an ingame macro to change a Lua variable, just make your fightclass listen to keys (examples on the forums, by reapler I believe). Or you could just use the Lua.LuaDoString calls that don't use an unlocked Lua unevironment. If you're on vanilla/tbc you'll be fine. Any other expansion you're taking risks. Although as long as you only read from Lua and don't execute any functions, you should be fine.
  21. Maybe just add your radar as its own state. That would, however, make it so the ToTown state running wouldn't allow your state to be triggered. Like Mars said, look at the grinder product example to see how exactly Droidz' FSM works. Then take a look at my free PartyHelper plugin on how to add states to wRobot.
  22. There are a couple threads on the forums on how to use keybinds in your fightclass. Yes it worked when warden was garbage and wRobot could just run whatever code unprotected.
  23. You're trying to call secure (more or less) code from insecure code (wRobot unlocks Lua). The environments clash. No, there is no fix for this except using C# and disabling Lua protection for the call you use to extract the EnableAoe variable from the client's memory. However, this instantly puts you at risk of being banned.
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