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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Version 1.3


    SmoothMove by @reapler updated to be a bit less spazzy (should be turned off in water) and working well with Framelock during combat with any of my fightclasses. Should also work in Deeprun Tram with HMP (not tested fully). All credit to reapler for being a fucking genius:
  2. Great, you probably failed to install it correctly or update it when wRobot was updated. As always - and in BIG LETTERS in the original post, you get support on Discord. It's also not very helpful when you talk about big red letters but then don't post the actual error message.
  3. @Marsbar you can do this completely automatically: Lua.LuaDoString(@" if GetItemInfoFromItemLink ~= nil then return end function GetItemInfoFromItemLink(link) local itemId = nil; if ( type(link) == 'string' ) then _,_, itemId = string.find(link, 'item:(%d+):'); if (itemId) then local version, build, date = GetBuildInfo(); if (tonumber(build) > 5875) then local itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = GetItemInfo(itemId); return itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemCount, itemTexture; else return GetItemInfo(itemId); end end end end "); uint quiverSlotCount = Lua.LuaDoString<uint>(@" for slot = 20,23 do local link = GetInventoryItemLink('player', slot); if link then then local itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemCount, itemTexture = GetItemInfoFromItemLink(link); if itemType == 'Quiver' then return GetContainerNumSlots(slot - 19); -- gets back slot end end end "); Works at least vanilla => WotLK. So you can turn that into a free plugina nd post it here :)
  4. You can do the focus part in vanilla by using mouseover as the unit and writing the mouseover guid into memory. Use my vanilla fightclass framework as an example
  5. Updated my code example
  6. Don't use addons while botting, especially not texture packs
  7. List.Any(unit => unit.CreatureTypeTarget == "Humanoid" ) Basically like that (pseudo code)
  8. You disable food and drink in hmp, then let your fightclass take care of food and water.
  9. You should try it in the wRobot dev tools and to test it you can use: for i=1,40 do local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff('player', i); if debuffType == 'Disease' then hasDebuff = true break; end end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(hasDebuff and 'true' or 'false')
  10. buffed("Moonfire", "target") does not exist. You're trying to use some functions that are either PQR and not proper Lua or from within an addon that wRobot might not have access to UseAction should use the macro regardless of its contents (but then throw an error, potentially). Also what you're doing, starting with /script or /run are technically "macros" in that they execute Lua only after the "/run" portion. Edit: After re-reading it seems that this might be due to wRobot's Lua protection (so it doesn't get caught for unlocking). Unsure why this would cause issues.
  11. If that works, then UseAction(1) should work and press the button in that action slot. If you are using custom action slots through addons, DON'T.
  12. Shouldn't be a problem. Try DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('test message ingame') and see if it prints anything in your chat frame
  13. Does it throw a Lua error ingame? Otherwise you could put the macro on an action slot, then use UseAction(1) http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_UseAction?oldid=181130
  14. RunMacro takes an id, not a name. And yes, you need to activate "not spell, is lua script" for that particular one.
  15. Update your fightclass. It uses Life Tap to 25% HP unless you're out of combat (in which case it life taps until Regeneration by wRobot is triggered). Immolate for pulling remains to be the best spell. What would you have it rather do?
  16. https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_RunMacro it's a simple Lua call
  17. Version 1.2


    Plugin that automatically makes you walk to the warlock pet trainer, buy the books and learn them - but only if you are within 800 yards (so right after regular training). You can adjust the code for this yourself. The "Entry" (Id for your pet) might change depending on the server, but in my tests Imp has always been 416. Voidwalker can vary - so you might need to adjust this yourself. You can get the current entry by summoning Voidwalker and using development tools in wRobot to get ObjectManager.Pet.Entry. This will be included in the next HMP release.
  18. I forgot string.match is not in vanilla, this works across vanilla-wotlk: public static int GetItemCount(string itemName) { string countLua = $@" local fullCount = 0; for bag=0,4 do for slot=1,36 do local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if (itemLink) then local _,_, itemId = string.find(itemLink, 'item:(%d+):'); if (GetItemInfo(itemId) == ""{itemName}"") then local texture, count = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); fullCount = fullCount + count; end end end end return fullCount;"; return Lua.LuaDoString<int>(countLua); }
  19. As far as I know, the IsSitting boolean has never existed. So basically your fightclass is throwing errors because it's not for tbc
  20. It's a bug with the free auto choose food and drink plugin it seems. Make sure it's up to date. If it is, I'll have to fix this on Monday when I get back home.
  21. You should put in at least 100ms sleeps, otherwise this will fry your cpu
  22. You've probably got the sunwell loot bug. Relog
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