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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Do you maybe use a quester/grinder that takes the tram automatically?
  2. You're using a 0 byte file. That's an issue with Rocketr (you need to redownload after 5-10 minutes). Ordush does not use Rocketr. You're likely looking for support from the wrong guy. Also, you don't own a wRobot license (at least on this forum account) so I doubt you will get any help for the cracked wRobot version.
  3. wRobot goes to repair of ObjectManager.Me.DurabilityPercentage <= 30 This can't be configured. It's an average of all items you have equipped and probably accounts for empty slots
  4. First Aid is plugin related. I could add it to the FC but it would mess up other stuff. *Maybe* I will add it before the near year, if I can think of a smart way.
  5. It uses Cheap Shot when possible and no KS because it's a waste
  6. Dude, it says everywhere I possibly can to JOIN DISCORD. If you aren't willing to, you will NOT be notified of updates. For the past 2 days, I've either had massive hardware issues or an attack on my server. I have since switched to a new host. A simple update would solve this issue, as your HMP would connect to the new server.
  7. wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer() is all enemies targeting you, I think you could use this for what you want: ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Count(u => u.IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember && u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player)
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin is a mix of Droidz' old "auto choose food and drink" and my old "Auto Select Food/Drink". I have updated it and combined the two. This plugin automatically sets the best best/drink in your bags for your character. If you have less than those in your bags, it will force a vendor run to buy more (you can set the amount in wRobot's vendor tab) and buy whatever food that vendor has available. Every vendor (except for Repair) available to your profile NEEDS TO BE A VENDOR WHO SELLS FOOD FOR THIS TO WORK. Do NOT use this if you already use HumanMasterPlugin. This is meant for people who can't afford HMP or don't want to use HMP or work on expansions that don't have it. Source code is available (plugin is a .cs file).
  9. I've botted several chars to 1-40 on Warmane TBC recently (to test fightclasses). Not sure how you get banned after 3 hours.
  10. Do you have Whirlwind but not Mortal Strike? Please join Discord so I can give direct support. There might be a bug I hadn't seen yet.
  11. I don't control eating/drinking, you need to set that up in the bot itself. And I announced a short authentication server downtime earlier today for maintenance through Discord.
  12. The code droidz posted is only for when you're dead and standing RIGHT on the spot before the dungeon. Then it will walk you into the dungeon from that point on. So you need to change the coordinates correctly and it will work.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version. Installation instructions If you use this fightclass to level, I recommend getting a Wand asap and activate the Good Wand setting. Use a spec similar to this, where you put the rest of your points is up to you. You don't have to follow this exact spec either, but definitely put at least 8 points in Demonology. After coding for several days, I’m proud to present you with a warlock fight class that contains the following: Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level - chooses different pets - chooses spells, healthstones, soulstones etc Situational Spell Usage - Uses all your spells, including Fear, Voidwalker Taunt, Sacrifice etc at the right times - Uses Soulstone Resurrection - Dots offtargets - Tries to make pet tank all targets - Fears adds - Uses Underwater Breathing Highly Mana Efficient - Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling - Tries to alternate between Drain Life and Life Tap as much as possible Automatic Skill Detection - Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot- No need for anything on your action bars This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  14. Try the plugin, you'll see for yourself if it what you need. Quester will automatically engage your fightclass in combat, that's kind of the point. It makes it target mobs and calls Fight.StartFight()
  15. There is no healer mode. You need to write a fightclass that only and doesn't engage in combat. That won't work if you're running a quester and you need to do it in C#. All code is free here:
  16. new System.Threading.Thread(() => { wManager.Plugin.PluginsManager.DisposeAllPlugins(); wManager.Plugin.PluginsManager.LoadAllPlugins(); }).Start();
  17. I think you have to dispose all then load all, but I'm a new thread
  18. Either use SendChatMessage with whisper or make all bots join a new invisible channel then use SendChatMessage for that
  19. See the big disclaimer saying it's not pqr?
  20. public static ulong StartFight(ulong guid, bool skipIfPlyerAttackedButNotByTheTarget = true, bool managerMovement = true, bool stopIfPlayerTargetChange = false, bool rotationBot = false) Maybe some of these parameters are responsible. I also saw that wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DetectEvadingMob is considered.
  21. Wrobot has an option like "can attack units already in combat" that might play into it. There's also a plugin for attacking tabbed targets of a main character. You might be able to look at the source or decompile it. Also, StartFight has a bunch of arguments
  22. Get on Discord if you want proper support and PM me a full logfile. Idk if you're using conflicting addons or what.
  23. Make sure you're not running any addons. Auto attack is part of wRobot, I don't really control it.
  24. These things are only casted out of combat. You need to properly set up your regen settings (especially drinks) if you expect the bot to stop fighting after rezzing. It will cast crusader, then realize it just went below a certain amount of mana and try to preserve it for another heal. I'll add something (again). But I highly suspect you are trying to run the bot without drinks, even though it says in the description that you *will* need drinks. The fightclass is designed to kill fast and be efficient while doing it, not minimize downtime. Trust me, with drinks you get much higher xp/hour than you would with any other ret fightclass.
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