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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Gummy has no anti-cheat whatsoever. No clue what got you caught.
  2. Why? I can't turn it off because wRobot injecting keys deadlocks the game during frame lock.
  3. Since he sells via Rocketr: They send an email to your PayPal email with the download link. It says so during the buying process.
  4. Seems like it can't sell items. If all your items in the first bag are unsellable or on the no-sell-list it can bug out wRobot vendoring. Same for mailing.
  5. He is asking about Classic (when it comes out in 2020), the vanilla wow iteration to come by Blizzard. And nobody can give you an answer because retail warden has come a long way (and will continue to do for the next years). Unless you have a Classic client to give to Droidz or the OwnedCore community, nobody can tell you about its protection You'll get your info during alpha/beta most likely.
  6. I tried 3 different accounts on Outland, botted for an hour. Didn't get banned. Pretty sure it's NOT server side detection.
  7. You cannot use any profiles before at least purchasing a 3 day license. I'm not really sure how you would test the bot without one either. If you intend to use the trial version - that only applies to private servers and you CAN download profiles for private servers in their respective section.
  8. Yes it is. But it won't work that well and only uses TBC spells (so hemo, doesn't position behind etc).
  9. Version 1.1.1


    No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. DO NOT USE ON TBC. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. Installation instructions Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Rogues have a lot of abilities you can integrate into a bot in a smart way. Doing so for every ability while not looking obviously like a bot isn't an easy task. This fightclass will hopefully fulfill all your needs. I highly recommend getting Poisons and creating Instant Poison. The fightclass will use this automatically. Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Uses Backstab/Ambush/Garrote at lower levels and Cheap Shot at higher levels Can be set to always range pull Situational Spell Usage Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Pick Pockets Humanoids (yes, it loots too) Evasion/Blade Flurry on multiple enemies Vanish and regen in stealth if you are low HP without Evasion available Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
    This is a great product and worth every cent. @FNV316 has come a long way since joining this community and his profiles have improved vastly since he first came out with the free version. On top of that, the profile is constantly being worked on and improved. When I beta tested about 4 months ago, things were still wonky and I was very skeptical - because it still contained a lot of grinding too. Since then, many quests have been added, the order has been re-arranged to make leveling smoother and many paths have been added. The bot automatically switches continents and zones, uses custom paths to avoid chain dying. Recently he added code too automatically abandon quests the bot picked up on accident. He also frequently talks to me about how best to integrate my plugin in this (which is recommend but NOT required). Overall, I can really recommend this. Due to staying in Eastern Kingdoms for a long time, it is fairly afkable. I've always found the first few (~15-18) levels a bit rough if I don't buy my toon any gear. But that hasn't been a problem if I do, or use a good class/fightclass for leveling. I understand the price might seem a little over the top for many newcomers and especially compared to Arcangelo's products. These two are, however, not comparable at all (Arcangelo's focus in on Horde for sure) and I can assure you that months of work have gone into the making of this profile, justifying (imo) the price of 2 hours of minimum wage work.
  10. Wow 1.12.1 doesn't have auto loot. You can however, call the function to look all items in the current loot window manually - Interact.InteractGameObjectAutoLoot() does exactly that, actually. However you need your latency setting in the wRobot avanced settings to be pretty high (350-500). Just call Usefuls.WaitIsCastingAndLooting(); Thread.Sleep(200); /call AutoLoot in client string[] asm = { //$"mov ecx, {alloc}", $"call {0x4C1FA0}", wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.RetnToHookCode }; wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.InjectAndExecute(asm); Edit: I just noticed why your code couldn't work to begin with - this is how you find the game object correctl, then loot it. var gObj= ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(8049).FirstOrDefault(); if (gObj != null) { Interact.InteractGameObjectAutoLoot(gObj.GetBaseAddress, true); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency); Usefuls.WaitIsCastingAndLooting(); }
  11. I just want to clarify, that HB community devs were on pay roll. Which means while unlike the main devs that were part of the team and did this as a full-time job, the community devs still made more money than anybody selling their fightclasses on wRobot. But the most important factor and why I think you cannot and should not compare wRobot to HB in particular is that HB never had to deal with something as hard and unforgiving as vanilla or TBC. It came around in WotLK and at a time during which the game had already been utterly casualized. Botting WotLK, while still somewhat close to vanilla, is piss easy. It doesn't require as much fine-tuning in terms of questing, there are WAAAAY enough quests around that you can even pick and choose which ones to do and you don't need any complicated combat routines either, because simple shit is all you need. Especially with heirlooms. The only thing that really bothers me about wRobot is the bad pathfinding. If Droidz could just implement it to use the Elysium/LH mmaps for vanilla and have something like https://github.com/BosslandGmbH/Honorbuddy-Quest-Behaviors/blob/master/Quest Behaviors/Hooks/Avoid.cs for avoiding enemies (all my attempts at using the current API to do this have failed, the AvoidIt plugin is also not working that well, unfortunately).
  12. It doesn't care of distance. It iterates "states". It checks if each state needs to be run, if true that state is run until it is finished. Then it continutes to the next state that needs to be run. ToTown and Trainers are 2 different states, so I was talking about priority here.
  13. wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true; Forces ToTown state, going to closest vendor. If you want this to be done before training, you can probably try new wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers().NeedToRun This should check if it needs to run to trainer currently. However, it's not fully reliable, rather you would need to run this: robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnBeforeCheckIfNeedToRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) => { if (state != null && state.GetType() == typeof(wManager.Wow.Bot.States.Trainers) && state.NeedToRun) { wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true; } }; Everytime the bot checks if it needs to go trainers, you are forcing ToTown. I'm not sure if calling NeedToRun sets some timer or something else, because states aren't documented. So it's possible that this will break training entirely. It's also possible that ToTown is checked before Trainers, in which case you would need to call cancelable.Cancel = true; after the ForceToTown line to make it re-check if it needs to trainer later (then again, that could break training entirely). So have fun testing or wait for Droidz to give some info.
  14. Trial is for free on private servers. It is unlimited, but every session only lasts 15 minutes before you need to enter a captcha.
  15. NoobBot - detected since 2015. Zumal ich mir ziemlich sicher bin, dass wRobot aus dem NoobBot source hervorgegangen ist...
  16. @Droidz + log snippet: [F] 20:37:36.526 - Iteration took 267ms [F] 20:37:36.910 - Iteration took 232ms [D] 20:37:39.291 - [Fight] Mob seem bugged [F] 20:37:39.411 - Fightclass successfully casted: Cheap Shot() [F] 20:37:39.411 - Iteration took 466ms 20:37:39.492 - [Fight] Can't reach Skeletal Flayer, blacklisting it. 20:37:39.711 - [Fight] Player Attack Skeletal Sorcerer (lvl 52) [F] 20:37:41.079 - Iteration took 533ms [D] 20:37:43.662 - [Fight] Player attacked by other unit, skip this fight. 20:37:44.065 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Skeletal Flayer (lvl 51) [F] 20:37:45.468 - Fightclass successfully casted: Sinister Strike() [F] 20:37:45.468 - Iteration took 350ms [F] 20:37:45.633 - Staying in fight with target [F] 20:37:46.053 - Iteration took 419ms [F] 20:37:46.535 - Fightclass successfully casted: Sinister Strike() [F] 20:37:46.535 - Iteration took 329ms [F] 20:37:47.055 - Iteration took 369ms [F] 20:37:47.652 - Fightclass successfully casted: Slice and Dice() Rogue.mp4
  17. Hi, this is one of my fightclasses. You need to just redownload, I pushed the about about 3 hours after wRobot received an update.
  18. You can either use ObjectManager.Me.Target = guid to target the NPC, or use Interact.InteractGameObject(unit.GetBaseAddress)
  19. Hi @Droidz it seems you changed the API (maybe more obfuscation?). Before, I was using WowMemory.Memory.ReadUInt32((uint)WowMemory.Memory.MainModuleAddress + memory); Keyboard.PressKey(Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, Keys.Enter); And a few more. None of these seems accessible anymore. How do I get direct access to the memory reading API now? Getting this exception, can't really tell how/why, since the field does exist: [E] 18:52:33 - System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'MemoryRobot.Memory.MainModuleAddress'. Edit: Seems a wRobot restart resolved this after recompiling with new binaries.
  20. If you want to fix this, you can decompile wManager.dll Go to wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown Find the following line: Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName, 1); Change 1 to 4 Find the following line: Vendor.BuyItem(wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DrinkName, 1); Change 1 to 4 Recompile and make sure to do this again if wRobot updates. Now it will buy 20 (4 stacks) of water/drink, up to 10 times in total (so 400 food/drink max). Or wait for the HMP update coming out in a bit that will also be fixing this.
  21. To be fair, I don't fully understand everything you're trying to say, so I'll try to address one by one what I do understand: - There is no inherent need for many FPS. But you do need CTM to resolve tram stucks - Escape from enemy DOES check for a safe path, but because of low view distance and high chase distance on some vanilla servers, it cannot properly check for enemy path at ALL times (you will see if it can't find a safe path if you check the log sometimes) - For Auto Equip, check the log. I've had some reports of it bugging out but could only reproduce with addons, non-English clients and/or if wRobot reloads your UI frequently and kills my scripts - For SmoothMove I haven't had issues with it, but I do intercept movement events for unstuck (so it can use hearthstone) and so it can take transports (those are the only problems other people have told me about too, and there is nothing I can do about that)
  22. ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Count(o => o.IsValid && o.IsAlive && o.Guid != ObjectManager.Target.Guid && o.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) <= 15) >= 3
  23. You can't do this in Lua. The client's Lua API doesn't have access to the game's ObjectManager. You need to use C#
  24. Tauri is lightyears ahead of Warmane in terms of quality. They've had cross-realm dungeons and battlegrounds forever, so even if you play on the small English server, you can still face people from the high pop servers in BGs. Only problem is they recently moved to MoP and don't have all endgame content
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