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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. if GetPetHappiness() < 3 then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet") UseItemByName("FoodName") end Haven't tested this. Instead of CastSpellByName and UseItemByName you can also just do RunMacroText("/cast Feed Pet") RunMacroText("/use FoodName")
  2. This happens randomly and all you have to do is restart it. It's incredibly annoying though.
  3. wRobot in TBC currently randomly skips steps in quester. Sometimes it will just skip turning in a quest, then endlessly wait around trying to pick up the next one in the chain. Other times, while doing Grinder for one quest, it will just stop grinding and jump to the next step (maybe the grinder for another quest). This used to work better for sure. Currently just restarting the bot (or Stop -> Start) fixes all issues. But this makes profiles not 100% Anti-AFK as I'd prefer.
  4. There's a simpel fightclass creator that comes with it and you can use automation or battlegrounder without any profiles
  5. All the info is here You need to implement exactly what code I posted in you fightclass as Lua. Then you can use the sample code that OP posted and said he couldn't use. Just be aware that this will make you start backpedalling for a certain amount of time and definitely look like a bot or a retard. I recommend converting your existing fightclass to C# and adding movement through the movement manager. If you are unable to do this, you can pay someone to create a custom fightclass for you. Discord is full of people, but beware of someone scamming you. If they have never posted anything on the forums, don't trust them blindly. I haven't tested it, but that's basically the entirety of the code you'd need to use. local C_Timer = CreateFrame("Frame", "C_Timer") C_Timer.schedule = {} C_Timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) for timestamp,callback in pairs(self.schedule) do if timestamp <= GetTime() then callback() self.schedule[timestamp] = nil end end end) C_Timer.After = function(duration, callback) C_Timer.schedule[GetTime() + duration] = callback end MoveBackwardStart() C_Timer.After(800, function() MoveBackwardStop() end)
  6. Version 1.1.1


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version. Remember to do your totem quests and get a decent two-hander to start with! Shamans are an unusual class to level with a bot. However, they deserve some love too, and here is just what you need to accomplish that task: Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level Different rotations, depending on which new spells you've learned Uses different totems in different situations Uses Totemic Call when necessary to save mana Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells when appropriate Stoneclaw to tank several mobs Ghost Wolf between fights, when not mounted (experimental) Rank 1 Earth Shock to interrupt casts while saving mana Highly Mana Efficient Totemic Call Rank 1 Spells where appropriate Always saves enough mana to heal yourself Automatic Skill Detection Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR. For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version. Priest’s are a hard class to look human as. But perhaps you just love healing in arenas and want to gear up in BGs without getting reported AFK. I have used this Fightclass to farm around 180k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You Heals and dispels friends with high priority Does damage to enemies if required Can Shadow Word: Death Polymorph (BETA) Situational Spell Usage Uses all your spells, including Fear, Dispel, PvP Trinket, Shadowfiend, Pain Suppression and Mass Dispel Humanized Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. Purchase NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr) I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  8. Hey, it's okay. I think it was a client bug with faulty Cache. It's been resolved.
  9. I actually have the same problem since a few updates ago, where I reset all keybinds and it still says some are not set everytime I start the bot. But because I haven't really had any problems, I chose to ignore that message. It's definitely a bug though, haven't had that problem before.
  10. Admittedly, I am not really sure what you're asking. It will start wanding if nothing else is available in the rotation. So for example, if you're below 20% mana or no shield is available (to prevent many issues, it only mind flays with works up). It stops wanding if something else becomes available. Now it doesn't always immediately stop wanding when it technically could, and I haven't found a solution for that. But I've used this to farm extensively at level 70 and to level 1-70 and haven't had issues with wanding. In TBC, you have enough Lua available to make it happen, and I might improve wanding in the future, if I figure out why isn't doesn't always instantly stop. But it doesn't autoattack or look otherwise bottish. I'm not sure what you mean by attack mode, but I believe it doesn't do this.
  11. You'll have to create your fightclass with C#, if you want to do complicated things like that.
  12. Currently, if you use a mount named differently than the item you're using (in TBC), it will just stand still and do nothing. The bot basically becomes useless. One example is "Chestnut Mare Bridle" giving the buff "Chestnut Mare". I believe this is due to isMounted check. Using Lua IsMounted() could help here.
  13. Version 1.1.1


    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. This only works for TBC. Other expansions get a separate product. For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.If you use this fightclass to level, I recommend getting a Wand asap. Priest’s are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime. After coding for several weeks, I’m proud to present you with a priest fight class that contains the following: Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level - 3 different fighting rotations for below 20, below 40 and above 40. Situational Spell Usage - Uses all your spells, including Silence, Fear and Devouring Plague in appropriate situations. Highly Mana Efficient - Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial. - Uses different heals at different percentages - Smart in PvP, if used at level 70, including silences, dispels, mass dispel, deathing polymorph, etc. Automatic Skill Detection - Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings. PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone. Check out my other Fightclasses
  14. Is it possible to add this or should I build a workaround for myself?
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Does the Aldo/Scryer quest, so you can afk it
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Does the OHF prequest so you can afk it
  17. Version 1.0.1


    This is a sneak peek at my upcoming, paid PvP fightclasses, which will be superior to this one. This fightclass uses frame lock. If you end up with low FPS, it is likely the server responding slowly at high load. Disable frame lock in the settings. If you disable player attack, it will blacklist players after using a random emote. Currently does the following (without giving too much insight to make it detectable): - uses totems in a smart way - chain heal when appropriate - big heal if neccesary (only instant) - bloodlust when it makes sense - shocks/grounds/tremors casts around you if necessary - purges some useful buffa - DPS if no heal required (for anyone in range) Check out my other Fightclasses:
  18. It won't work, because the spell is only usable in battle stance, not zerker stance. Droidz needs to fix Lua events with arguments for older WoW versions.
  19. 99% chance this is a faulty fightclass. The bot tries to cast a spell (for which movement stop is required), but can't actually cast it. Maybe shitty pet handling.
  20. if(ObjectManager.Me.GetMove) MovementManager.StopMoveTo(true, 500); It usually won't try to more any more, if you're currently casting
  21. You'd have to read combatlog events, which currently isn't possible, to my knowledge, in vanilla and TBC.
  22. You need to set it to purchase 40 food/water or so. And then delete/blacklist all vendors that don't sell it, so it can really only go to one relevant vendor.
  23. Yes, it works in PvE I think, but not in PvP. I made this Extensions to help it atm: public static bool HaveDebuff(this WoWUnit unit, string name) { if (unit == null) return false; var tmpFocus = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = unit.Guid; string luaString = @"hasDebuff = false; for i=1,40 do local name, rank, iconTexture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft = UnitDebuff(""focus"", i); if name == ""{0}"" then hasDebuff = true end end"; bool hasDebuffType = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(string.Format(luaString, name), "hasDebuff"); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tmpFocus; return hasDebuffType; }
  24. Use a Lua script for the condition with UnitDebuff. The TBC ret paladin fightclass here on the forums does the same.
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