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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. It only works on the player. Just look into any actual 1.12 addon that uses those timers. Enemyframes, LoseControl, you name it. https://github.com/0ldi/LoseControl/blob/master/LoseControl/LoseControl.lua
  2. HMP doesn't bring mailboxes. It's up to you to add them to the database.
  3. Andoido has free profiles for UC to OG etc. Take a look at how it's done.
  4. Nothing like that exists for free and I doubt anyone will release something as complicated for free either. There's a reason the only plugins (HMP and the vanilla one by elitecas) are paid
  5. He has the same issue when using battelgrounder. wRobot just doesn't attack players for him for some reason. Has nothing to do with HMp
  6. For some reason your clsas isn't recognized. Either you're trying to run a DK and go to trainer (doesn't work, disable training) or you have a corrupt install of wRobot of some sort, since it's not reading your class correctly.
  7. If it says is empty but doesn't go to vendor, you don't have enough money. HMP isn't responsible for mage water/food. Fightclass has to manage that and you should disable water/food buying in HMP
  8. Don't use "calculate target distance by hitbox size" in the settings and lower your pull range in your fightclass a bit.
  9. The timer isn't random (and there's no reason to convert it to the string). The selection of which grinder profile it uses is random. It selects between them. It literally even says "Random areas" in the title.
  10. You've probably activated is "Is spell, not item"
  11. Do you even see the irony? On top of that, you've been ignoring the fact that the 1.12 and 1.13 clients have nothing in common. If you understand anything about how bots or software works, you'd understand that you can't just flip a switch and hack completely different software. Plus anti-cheat since patch 7.x is insane and Blizzard is going after bot creators legally too. It's not happening. Edit:
  12. NO IT WILL NOT WORK. It's a bot for WoW clients that are NOT PATCH 1.13.x. THE GAME ISN'T EVEN THE SAME. IT DOES NOT SUPPORT ANYTHING BUT PRIVATE SERVER WOW CLIENTS. How is that so hard to grasp? It's been said a million times. Why not give the trial a shot though? Don't forget to run the battle.net client in the background to make sure you 100% will get banned though!
  13. Use your eyes. All other threads are locked for a reason. wRobot will NEVER support retail servers. It's a private server bot. Pay someone to hand level for you, if you can't be bothered at all.
  14. It's the forum/website software he uses, which our licenses are validated by. For some reason they must've broken his authentication mechanism or just messed with licenses.
  15. There is no solution. We have to wait for Droidz to fix it.
  16. Not that this is at all relevant to this thread. But if you want to buy vanishing powder, you need to set this up yourself. A 6€ fightclass doesn't come with an internal database of vanishing powder vendors. You can set it up in wRobot yourself to buy any item from pre-set vendors. The fightclass supports using the item - that's it. It's up to you to make sure you have it. Same as poisons. If you want someone to code buying poison mats and craft them for you across expansions, good luck. HB also never had to deal with an expansion where you had to do ANY of those things because the game was already dumbed down to shit by then. It also doesn't use evasion randomly, it uses them either on multi pull or when you drop below a certain HP percentage in a single fight to prevent you from dying (this only happens if enemy HP is above your own). If you die in a pack of 3 mobs, that might be an issue in itself. I mean, rogue is a garbage class to bot until like WotLK/Cata. Everyone has always known this. Every profile rates rogues slightly above warriors and mages slightly above rogues - THEN everything else. Check out FNV's old profile. Lower your scan distance to 70 yards. Set "max enemies near x" to 1 (maybe even 0 if you're feeling frisky). Maybe let it grind out green mobs for a few levels if you feel your profile is using a shit spot for grinding as rogue. There are plenty of mass botters who run rogues successfully.
  17. It does rezz your pet. Read the #faq on my Discord channel if you're running into any issues
  18. I highly doubt it's the auto download. It's probably a mixture of WoW and pathfinding requests of wRobot. But 1GB is really not a lot in today's age. Even just the shit windows sends back and forth all the time accumulates quickly. On the bright side, you should be able to run WoW even with slowed down internet. I did this frequently in school when I was playing on my laptop during class (school's internet didn't allow connections through Wow's ports, so had to improvise).
  19. Because you just need to implement an interface and then it doesn't matter how it's implemented. So wRobot can load any code that implements this interface at will. It's very extensible. But also, I wouldn't want my PAID SOURCE CODE to be publically available. Anyway, if you compile a binary, which consists of more than just one C# class (and should, otherwise it's not maintainable) you end up with a dll file.
  20. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/API_UseContainerItem So when you open the vendor, then your bags and use that Lua API, it will sell the item.
  21. Enable fighting back. It's not ideal, but wRobot WILL fight back if you get attacked while you're running around trying to find a mob. If he adds them to the targets for the grinder, wRobot will actively target them (and if you keep dying, they are the closest mob, thus being the priority when targeting, getting you killed again), which is much worse than the occasional body pull.
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