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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Stop requesting support for your cracked wRobot version.
  2. Nobody is going to change this for you, if you continue using the cracked wRobot version and won't even pay for a subscription.
  3. Get on Discord and PM me your order id, I'll see what's going on. If you purchased a multi IP license you have to activate that setting. If you don't own one, don't try to use HMP with multi IP setting.
  4. The message is a bit longer. Wait 15 minutes. If you changed your wRobot key recently, it takes 12 hours before you are allowed to use a new one. This is to prevent filesharing with friends
  5. You've set up 3 NPCs but Warmane only allows 2 queues. wRobot will run around unil you have 3 active queues.
  6. Creating a healer in the fightclass editor is very ineffective. Most people can't get it to work at all. I suggest you look at some example projects I uploaded (they are for vanilla but should work until Wrath).
  7. Matenia


    Note that it says the wRobot API - for this particular one it is just a bug in the vanilla client. It has no effect on the game.
  8. wRobot key expiry requires 12 hours downtime to use the new key this happens to prevent sharing with your friends
  9. Matenia


    Q0: Something is off, I don't understand this behavior? I think your plugin is causing it? A: While that is possible, please check your log. Anything NOT prefixed by "[HumanMasterPlugin]" is default wRobot behavior. It is generally recommended that you familiarize yourself with how wRobot works and try to understand how this plugin adds functionality on top. This will make your experience more pleasant but also help you understand where I can't change anything and save us both some time. Q1: I have problems with looting? A: Please increment your latency in wRobot general settings. I recommend 350-500 at the very least. Q2: Can I change food/drink that the bot buys? A: No, it's choosen for you and it chooses between Bread/Meat/Fungus/Cheese (whichever is closest). To prevent buying really expensive food or water, it will also only buy new food/water after overleveling it by 5 levels (at lower levels). Q3: The bot says it's going to Town for Food/Drink/Ammunition but doesn't actually go? A: wRobot takes a while to trigger its ToTown state sometimes. Give it a while. If it NEVER starts going, try enabling "Automatically choose vendor" in the plugin settings. Q4: It's not equipping items? A: It only equips items based on stats and DPS. Which means white armor is ignored. wRobot loves to reload the UI if you run with a bunch of addons, this can break auto equipping. Please disable all addons. We're botting, not playing the game. Q5: It says I'm out of ammo even though my bags have ammo? A: You probably leveled up and it now checks for higher level ammo. Don't worry, it will buy high level ammo and delete the low-level kind. Q6: It's vendoring all items (even greens) wtf? A: I don't change any of this. Make sure that your questing profile doesn't overwrite wRobot's settings. You can disable the first step in the Quester product settings (enabling/disabling steps). Q7: The bot is choosing a wrong vendor (e.g. Horde vendor as Alliance) A: This could be caused by your profile having faulty vendors. Enable automatically choosing vendors in the plugin settings. If the above setting is enabled, message me the NPC name and I will blacklist it. Q8: I get Lua errors ingame sometimes, how can I get rid of them? A: You can't, without an addon like ImprovedErrorFrame. There are some occasional bugs in the wRobot API causing Lua errors. Those don't affect the game in any bad way and you can just ignore them, as you aren't playing your character anyway. Q9: I don't want the bot to go to trainer at all A: Disable it in the general wRobot settings. The plugin just cancels going to trainer on a few levels (so it only goes every 4-6 on higher levels). It also automatically chooses the closest trainer. But sometimes that one might take you through high level zones and you'd want to avoid that by turning it off completely.
  10. Should probably read properly. Eeny's grinder needs to be loaded as a quester profile. Almost nobody uses the actual "grinder" product.
  11. Yeah and if you bothered at all you'd see that's exactly what my plugin does...
  12. So many existing threads, no willingness to read any of them or use the search function
  13. I've run it for hours today. Make sure you redownload the version I uploaded here. Like I said, I have no intention of developing it any further, all source code is available
  14. It was never implemented. You can write your own healing fightclasses in C# that will heal friends. If you want to follow friends around in combat I suggest using C# code similar to this: public void Initialize() { FightEvents.OnFightLoop += FightEventsOnOnFightLoop; FightEvents.OnFightStart += FightEventsOnOnFightStart; Rotation(); } private void FightEventsOnOnFightStart(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() .Any(p => p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.Position.DistanceTo(unit.Position) <= 30) && !Me.HaveAnyDebuff("Idle", "Inactive")) { BlackList(unit); cancelable.Cancel = true; RunToHealTarget(); } } private void BlackList(WoWUnit unit, uint seconds = 15) { wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(unit.Guid, (int) (seconds * 1000), true); ObjectManager.BlackListObjectManagerGuid.Add(unit.Guid); new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep((int) (seconds * 1000)); ObjectManager.BlackListObjectManagerGuid.Remove(unit.Guid); }).Start(); } private bool RunToHealTarget() { WoWUnit healTarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit() .Where(o => o.Guid != Me.Guid && o.IsAlive && o.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && o.HealthPercent <= 80 && o.Type == WoWObjectType.Player && o.GetDistance <= 75) .OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance) .FirstOrDefault(); if (healTarget != null && healTarget.GetDistance > 10 && !Me.IsCast) { Logging.WriteFight("healing target found - chasing it to heal"); Me.Target = healTarget.Guid; if (GoToTask.ToPosition(healTarget.Position, 10f, false, context => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Me.HealthPercent > 55)) { MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1500); return true; } } return false; } private void FightEventsOnOnFightLoop(WoWUnit unit, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { //No friend to heal in range! WoWUnit friendInRange = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() .Where(p => p.Guid != Me.Guid && p.IsAlive && p.Reaction == Reaction.Friendly && p.HealthPercent <= 80 && p.GetDistance <= 35 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position)) .OrderBy(p => p.GetDistance) .FirstOrDefault(); if (friendInRange == null) { if (RunToHealTarget()) { cancelable.Cancel = true; } } else { if (friendInRange?.GetDistance > 30 && !Me.IsCast) { Logging.WriteFight("Running closer to heal target"); MovementManager.MoveTo(friendInRange); Thread.Sleep(2500); } MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, 1000); } } For a resto shaman (vanilla) example fightclass, you can check out the source code here:
  15. You can enter "Faerie Fire(Feral)()" as the name and it should work. I personally always substitute SpellManager.KnowSpell with an extension function in C#. public static bool IsKnown(this Spell spell) { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>($"return GetSpellInfo('{spell.Name')"); }
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little. You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is a small plugin which will not be developed further. The source is attached, you can modify it and recompile it yourself if you're interested. If GMs turn your mob green, this plugin *should* recognize that your enemy is no longer attackable, stop the fight, turn around and walk away a little, then say something in chat before pausing the bot for a few seconds and moving on its way. For specifics, check the source. The IsEnemy() method can probably be changed to contain UnitIsFriend (Lua) in case GMs use a different method that makes the bot think the target is attackable even if its faction is friendly to you. In that case, you might need to also change it to check for specific NPC flags. But this would require knowing exactly how GMs test for a bot.
  18. It only randomizes a maximum of 3 yards of the original waypoint, the source code is right there for you to edit if you care to The other plugin is built to react to it if they turn your mob friendly. I'll post it in the multi plugin section, since I have no intention of further developing it.
  19. Uploaded something that should work, please give it a try
  20. I updated the file and added a new one too. If you get issues with the bot thinking the target is not attackable (even if it is) go into the plugin settings and turn off the Lua check option
  21. They might use an entirely different method when they do this. You can send combinations the client doesn't recognize and "only" mess up bots. If they are smart, this won't be recognized by Lua and we need stuff like my https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1640-invalid-target-remover/ I will PM you some example code on Discord in an hour or two and we can collaborate on the plugin for this. Should be quick. Edit: Give it a try if you're curious TestCodePlugin.dll RandomizeMovement.cs
  22. You could do something like: - mob becomes friendly - bot instantly stops fight and stands still for 2-6 seconds (random) - says random chat out of "wtf???", "fuck off, man", "r u srs" or no chat - turns around and walks away 5-10 yards (random) - returns to normal behavior, with the mob now blacklisted I could write something like that in half an hour, the problem is it's not entirely clear how you can detect them turning it friendly, because your client probably doesn't really account for that. So I'm not sure if UnitAttackable Lua API would be enough or you can just check values in memory. If a human watches you already, you're fucked anyway
  23. Is your best bet. It's open source so you can add new tables to it.
  24. @Droidz I think the method Battleground.BattlegroundIsStarted() is bugged in vanilla. You check for Buff IDs that only exist in TBC and onwards. In vanilla, you need to check chat messages for this "The battle for %s has begun" -- where %s is 'Warsong Gulch', 'Arathi Basin' or 'Alterac Valley' Oh you can maybe find a value in memory for when the gates have opened. It might be a game object respawning or changing animation status.
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