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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Lua (ingame Lua) is extremely limiting in terms of options. Targeting is unreliable, you can't interact with game objects or properly control movement. I wouldn't recommend it, but mmm you also don't need wrobot for it in vanilla
  2. I'm on vacation until Sunday morning. Can't fix anything until then. You can give droidz the most recent version to test some stuff, but you'll have to give him an order id too, since rocketr doesn't have mobile support Hope this can be solved. My fightclasses use Lua to move and I use MovementManager.StopMoveTo to make sure it stops before a cast like range pull
  3. There are C# code snippets in other sub forums for that, but it's advanced and you need to understand what you're doing
  4. Fightclass isn't executed during regen phase. The thread gets paused. You can only do this with a plugin that spawns more threads but the can lead to other issues
  5. Something this basic you can make yourself in the fightclass editor. I recommend farming as enhancer though, even with average gear it's much better
  6. Gotta make your own profiles... Auto battlegrounder never worked well anyway
  7. No, you need to build the project again
  8. He didn't enter the transaction id, been solved on Discord already
  9. Are these your own profiles? Did you implement the customcode for my authentication system? Because that one is throwing errors. I'm gonna check my server to see if it's causing any issues.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Small plugin that will ignore NPCs in AV so you don't look suspicious. If any IDs are missing, you can edit the plugin and add them to the list
  11. No it does not use hamstring. I don't really see why it would. It's not for PvP.
  12. On Outland I have definitely been banned while offline on 2 characters. Ironically, both characters that were somewhat important to me because I wanted to actually play them. I think occasionally they will look at video reports. Warden is much advanced in Wrath, then again Cata and MoP. So no, WotLK bans don't mean they would be banned on all realms.
  13. Make sure not to run any addons in your game at all. They can cause enemy HP to bug out in wRobot. I've updated the fightclass with a setting to disable kiting. You can redownload through the same purchase link.
  14. Because that's for the rotation steps that you (might have to) implement yourself. It's for conditiomal if you wanna make sure to only switch stances if you aren't currently IN a certain stance. I'm only giving pointers, not creating everything for you.
  15. 1. I would have to interrupt frostbolt in most cases. The logic is already to nova within < 10 yards (nova range is 8 yards btw). It's not something easily possible and would interrupt the rotation itself. 2. I definitely check for enemy HP to be above 50%. The only case in which this is ignored is if you have 10 mobs in melee range on you. 3. Not possible due to how wRobot starts/ends combat. The mobs are already bugging out (unfortunately) a lot when getting polymorphed and it was a hell of a fight to get to bot to attack them at all. I can't wait around until polymorph ends. Make sure you actually have the fightclass downloaded from Rocketr and not the free demo on the forums here.
  16. No, there is no manual. You just put it in your fightclass folder. Don't forget to enter your rocketr oder id in the fightclass settings.
  17. The detection they use is very rudimentary (although still a smart implementation, I will definitely grant them that). There is absolutely no way they could find the wRobot user and key from within WoW. You even. can only partially access that information through the wRobot binaries. They are highly obfuscated. Anyway, for the kind of detection they use, they don't really need a wRobot license.
  18. No, but I assumed you would be using it, because you didn't clarify anything. If you are writing a fightclass in C# for vanilla: private static DateTime _lastDodge = DateTime.MinValue; private static DateTime _lastOverpower = DateTime.MinValue; public void Initialize() { EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += OverpowerHandler; } private void OverpowerHandler(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) { if (id == LuaEventsId.CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES) { string msg = args[0]; if (new Regex("You attack\\. (.+) dodges\\.").Matches(msg).Count > 0) { Logging.WriteFight("Setting dodge - time to overpower"); _lastDodge = DateTime.Now; } } if (id == LuaEventsId.CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE || id == LuaEventsId.CHAT_MSG_SPELL_DAMAGESHIELDS_ON_SELF) { string msg = args[0]; if (new Regex("Your (.+) was dodged by (.+)\\.").Matches(msg).Count > 0) { Logging.WriteFight("Setting dodge - time to overpower"); _lastDodge = DateTime.Now; } if (new Regex("Your (Overpower) .*").Matches(msg).Count > 0) { Logging.WriteFight("Overpower successful"); _lastOverpower = DateTime.Now;; } } } Now you can modify your rotation to read those variables, for example if(_lastDodge.AddSeconds(3.5) > DateTime.Now && _lastDodge > _lastOverpower) { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Battle Stance"); Thread.Sleep(1500 + Usefuls.LatencyReal + 50); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Overpower"); Thread.Sleep(1500 + Usefuls.LatencyReal + 50); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Berserker Stance"); } Just as an example. You can also just build this into your rotation as different steps, rather than one "action" where you create sleeps between executing skills (because maybe in the mean time you need to cast something else due to many enemies around). You could also put that code right into the OverpowerHandler function, but then you'd have to do stuff like wait until GCD is over etc to make sure you can actually cast Battle Stance + Overpower when the dodge happens.
  19. Which is the same as using one proxy per VM (which can't be recognized as a VM by Warden). Or the same as using the same (static) VPN.
  20. At that point, I'd have to put in a lot of effort into figuring out the fightclass editor and I'd be doing all the work for you. Don't have the time for that, sorry.
  21. Which is the same as using a VM and VPNs (or proxies). Fyi, I used to run WoW on a tethered rate-limited 3G connection, it actually works just fine. That's basically 64kbit/s or 8kb/s.
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