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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. type this as spell name and then activate "Is Lua, not spell" option CastSpellByName("Frostbolt(Rank 1)");
  2. Droidz solution works, you just need to add the condition properly. I use this: hasDebuff = false; for i=1,40 do local texture, count, debuffType = UnitDebuff("player", i); if debuffType == "Poison" then hasDebuff = true break; end end
  3. https://tauriwow.com/ Keep in mind, you have to create an account and they modify their client (it says it's 5.4.8, but it's 5.4.7, from what I remember)
  4. wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-5814.899, 650.6406, 94.55161)); This code is blocking - but your loop should have a Thread.Sleep anyway to keep your CPU from exploding. I'm guessing SOMETHING interrupts your code - so add some logging to see if the above quoted code actually returns anything. It probably breaks early, so maybe try an exitCondition for the function call that's basically just if you're getting attacked. Or do MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(vector3)), that will never terminate unless your movement is otherwise interruped (say by fightclass, plugin, etc). On the downside, you need to add a sleep until it reaches the final destination, because it's not blocking. Edit: You could also calculate the path ONCE and then just walk it in your loop. Pseudo code below, I don't have a PC right now, just doing this from the top of my head. using System; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using robotManager.Helpful; using System.Threading; using wManager.Wow; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { const int HONORREQUIRED = 10000; bool _running; List<Vector3> pathToFollow = new List<Vector3>(); public void Initialize() { _running = true; while (_running) { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore && !Battleground.IsInBattleground()) { if(!pathToFollow.IsEmpty() && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(pathToFollow[pathToFollow.Count - 1]) > 5) { MovementManager.Go(pathToFollow); //wait until we reach last point or enter combat while(ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(pathToFollow[pathToFollow.Count - 1]) > 5) { Thread.Sleep(500); if(Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore || !Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause) { break; } } } var zone = Lua.LuaDoString<string>("return GetZoneText()"); var h = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local points = GetHonorCurrency(); return points;"); if (h >= HONORREQUIRED && zone == "Stormwind City") { pathToFollow = PathFinder.FindPath(new Vector3(-5768.91, 419.931, 103.921)); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(-5768.91, 419.931, 103.921), 34081); Lua.LuaDoString<int>("BuyMerchantItem(9,1)"); } // Wait Position if (h < HONORREQUIRED && zone == "Stormwind City") { pathToFollow = PathFinder.FindPath(new Vector3(-5814.899, 650.6406, 94.55161)); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-5814.899, 650.6406, 94.55161)); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } } public void Dispose() { _running = false; } public void Settings() { } }
  5. @Droidz did you change something recently? wRobot pathing just changes randomly. Sometimes it takes a good, straight path and everything works out. Next week, it runs around, much longer pathin, maybe even goes through water, seems to ignore some blacklisted areas etc Maybe accidental bug when you fixed pathing server?
  6. Don't play around with that. Get on Discord where you can get proper support instead of spamming the comments here. You likely had some quests pre-completed. Also if the bot gets stuck in a flying loop, you probably aren't using the flightmaster plugin but instead are using default wRobot flying which is broken as hell.
  7. I have news for you, dude. Tauri is absolutely fantastic. It's top notch quality. I made a character when they just launched MoP a year ago or so. They have incredibly smart and capable devs, class mechanics work REALLY well and I couldn't name a single bugged quest. Everything they implement is done based on sniffs, so even all the phasing works flawlessly. MoP is one of the most challening expansions and the PvP is the most balanced it's ever been. On Tauri, you even have cross-realm BGs, dungeons and AH. It's about as good as you'll EVER see a private server get.
  8. Looks good to me. Try disabling First Aid in HMP if updating the plugin doesn't seem to work.
  9. Just take the quiver off and replace it with an actual bag. Or go into wRobot settings and change "free bag slot space" to a number of 2 + quiver slots or they WILL get recognized as bag slots. DefaultSettings.xml is a profile (quester) that gets shipped with FNV's quester and can be selected as the profile to start. It sets some stuff up for you.
  10. Vanilla warden is so primitive that I highly doubt they actually found a way to catch wRobot. The last update on Warmane (TBC/Wrath) used REALLY creative workarounds to catch ONE small vector (which is what got PQR banned). Droidz uses hardware breakpoints for Lua injection now afaik, so that should be (completely) safe. Essentially they must've somehow seen you do something "bottish" or you got false-flagged. You should make an appeal.
  11. It chooses the shortest path. It doesn't know about mobs spawn positions ahead of time (unless you have blacklist zones created for them) so it can't avoid them. Plugins like AvoidIt try to overwrite movement, blacklisting mob spawns automatically when the bot is close enough to see them. It kinda, sorta works.
  12. With my authentication system, it's either infinite wRobot keys on the same IP or multi IP but limited to 1 key. You don't need more than 1 IP since you can just run WoW through a proxy without connecting wRobot through a different IP. If you're a multi-botter who runs the same class on more than 2 IPs (for whatever reason) I need to at least make sure you aren't sharing it with any friends for free or aren't reselling it. So there is always the option of purchasing twice in the case that you'd want to run more IPs. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I need to protect myself. There have been too many resellers and scammers lately.
  13. It's not the fightclasses' fault, it's part of the plugin which makes you attack the other party members' target and you can adjust it by changing the code. My development on this plugin has concluded (that's why it's free and I posted the code).
  14. The class that runs Fight.StartFight when one of your party members is in combat handles that. Feel free to adjust it.
  15. Official servers = BfA, a completely different client and a completely different expansion from the rest. It's not the same game in any way. So no, wRobot does not support BfA.
  16. Party product is not being developed anymore. It's not even part of the advertised features. He threw it in there for good measure because he developde waaaaaay back in the day. I already released a free plugin for in-party leveling here: If you don't like some of the code in it, you can just modify it since the source is attached. I personally think Droidz should just remove the Party product and a few others so people stop acting entitled to it.
  17. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_IsResting?oldid=134114 Lua.LuaDoString("return IsResting()");
  18. You might wanna tell people what you want so they can figure out whether it's worth investing the time for below-minimum-wage pay.
  19. Modify the code to blacklist all nodes that aren't the ones you want. I won't do this for you.
  20. You instantly renter rested state once you enter a city or an inn. All you have to do is Lua.LuaDoString("return GetRestState() == 1") to figure out if you're rested
  21. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetRestState
  22. You can't. The party product code is not public, but Droidz has posted the grinder code so you can write your own products. I've also released a free party plugin you can take a look at.
  23. u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player Keep in mind, this won't actually do anything, players aren't listed in GetUnitAttackPlayer (as far as I know). So just iterate all players and filter for hostile players that are targeting you
  24. It does everything automatically and if you want to change anything, you need to adjust the code yourself.
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