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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Protected functions work, actually. But you'll need to call TurnLeftStop() as far as I know and "nudge" your client somehow (in Vanilla) to actually execute the movement. You can also just use MovementManager.Face() to face a vector.
  2. https://www.proxifier.com/docs/win-v3/errors.htm Possibly: Already in Use (you've started Proxifier.exe twice - or a similar program blocking the port?)
  3. Matenia

    [TBC and upwards]

    Hmmm, it seems to work fine, but for some of my users, it bugs out. At first I thought it was this, then I thought it was maybe SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn, but I tried it all and it all works.
  4. Matenia

    [TBC and upwards]

    Sorry, that is what I meant. I use that, but it does not set focus correctly, it seems.
  5. Matenia

    [TBC and upwards]

    ObjectManager.Me.Focus = guid; does not work. It used to work before wRobot 2.0, but has since stopped setting your focus correctly. I think maybe you forgot to make the setter do anything or maybe the offset is wrong now?
  6. Plenty of tutorials to get you started all over the developers section.
  7. It's possible that @Droidz has some resellers there, but you can find your key on your forum account here: https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ (don't post your key here, publically or to me - KEEP IT TO YOURSELF). I am not a mod here. That being said, the error is problem with the server not responding correctly. This could be legitimate, but Droidz will have to look into it. Generally, your forum account should say that you're a wRobot user.
  8. We don't help cracked users and you don't have a subscription.
  9. Because the fightclass editor requires them on the bar in vanilla to check through the Lua function IsUsableAction whether you can actually use a spell. If you use C# and you don't check for usability at all, you can basically skip the action bars, but even then it's not advisable.
  10. It's unlikely Gummy found a detection vector that nobody else has. Droidz checks Warden scans too. If detection was automatic, you'd get banned either instantly or in periods of 5 minutes when certain scans are executed.
  11. 03:32:08 - 3:32 AM - [Giftfurry] whisper: LVBM STISBT 1051.9230153863 Arathi #Interface\Icons\INV_BannerPVP_02.blp# AB_WINALLY 03:32:08 - 3:32 AM - [Jesicks] whisper: LVBM STISBT 596.68400153145 Arathi #Interface\Icons\INV_BannerPVP_02.blp# AB_WINALLY 03:32:08 - 3:32 AM - [Giftfurry] whisper: LVBM UPDISBT #AB_WINALLY# 998 1051 #nil# AB_WINALLY 03:32:08 - 3:32 AM - [Jesicks] whisper: LVBM UPDISBT #AB_WINALLY# 541 596 #nil# AB_WINALLY This is NOT a BG queue. This is a whisper sent by an addon telling you who is about to win the BG. This is a likely a mistake made by Droidz for counting addon whispers as regular ones.
  12. I would rather wait for Droidz to fix this issue (because it's a general issue with looting). For now you can use the vanilla combatlooter plugin (should work in TBC+WotLK), that one will not skip looting.
  13. You lock them using C#, you can't do it in the XML editor.
  14. It is probably a mixture of the two. Both will interrupt casting. So movement will interrupt casting and looting (interact) also interrupts it.
  15. Maybe in wRobot looting, you could add Usefuls.WaitIsCasting()? That would make sense, I think this a general wRobot bug - you should not interrupt casting to loot.
  16. Your own fightclass? Or one of mine? I lock frames during rotation for a split second to make sure "conditions" don't change.
  17. Du hättest das Plugin nur updaten müssen, ich hatte die Funktionalität entfernt. Es liegt so oder so an Kronos, weil der ausgegraute Button in dem Plugin schon seit 2017 war, und sich auf Light's Hope und Elysium niemand beschwert hat.
  18. That exception is logged, because it's caught. So it doesn't actually break anything, it just logs it. That being said, this occurs because HMP can't find the player's class (class is likely null due to client being dead). If you get a crash, please open the message windows offers up to you. I need the exact exception message, to be able to fix it. I cannot reproduce this problem at all. I ran 2 characters yesterday for 2 hours (simultanously) with my fightclasses and HMP. I had one bot bug out on me (it actually messed up the game, so I had to restart). But there were no crashes. If wRobot crashes (not your game), I need the error message, if you want me to fix anything.
  19. Since the last update, it happens sometimes that wRobot "doesn't do anything". So my plugin for example, will log "looting NPC", but nothing happens. It will think it's stuck because it hasn't moved in a while, the unstuck event is sent and my plugin tries to use hearthstone, but none of my Lua calls or SpellManager function calls actually do anything to the game. Restarted the bot - got this: and this: [E] 21:48:43 - Warning: You need to activate 'Vertical Sync' option, for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Miscellaneous' activate 'Vertical Sync'. [E] 21:48:43 - Warning: You need to activate 'Vertical Sync' option, for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Miscellaneous' activate 'Vertical Sync'. [E] 21:48:43 - Warning: You need to use '60Hz' at option the option 'Refresh', for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Display' select '60Hz' at the option 'Refresh'. [E] 21:48:43 - Warning: You need to run Wow in Windowed mode, for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Display' activate option 'Windowed Mode'. But I am definitely running it in windowed mode with vertical sync. Wow error after a bit:
  20. It should conjure automatically. It also wands just fine (another user actually complained that it wands TOO much). Below level 4, it will fireball instead of frostbolt. Are you sure you're using the correct, English client?
  21. That should help, technically, yes. It basically means wRobot will wait longer before attempting to do the next "action". So for example, if wRobot tries to turn in a quest before the window with the button even shows up - it might not try again. So a certain artificial delay (to account for server lag) was implemented.
  22. I updated HMP to not grey out the button. But the function wRobot uses to turn in quests actually doesn't need the button to be functional at all. So it will likely continue bugging out, whenever that bug does occur
  23. Habs im Plugin mal rausgenommen - denke aber nicht dass das wirklich daran lag, weil es sich bei mir über 20 Testchars noch nie verbuggt hat (Light's Hope). Müsst neu downloaden.
  24. Nutzt ihr HumanMasterPlugin? Ich graue den Button aus damit ich die Quest selbst abgeben kann (manchmal) um das Item zu selecten. Aber das hat seit Ewigkeiten funktioniert. Vielleicht hat sich was seit dem wRobot update geändert.
  25. You also tried scamming me and those things do work (although drowning is a bit messy)
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