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anarchia reacted to MrBramwell for a file, [FREE] [A] - Elven Start (Shadowglen + Teldrassil + Darkshore) - Level 1-22 Grinder
The elven starting area is probably the least used area, and therefore most safe place to bot, I wondered why there wasn't any grinder profiles, so I've made my own.
Don't forget a good fighting class!
Has all class trainer locations for both Shadowglen and Teldrassil ~ You can use autotrain (Includes Cooking, Firstaid, Herbalism and Alchemy trainers) - Trainers not included in Darkshore and beyond Has a vendor/repair location for Shadowglen, Teldrassil and Darkshore ~ You can use Selling Loot Level 1-6 in roughly (+/-) 1 hour 20 minutes ~ Slower, but safer 1-6 grind through neutral mobs, no deaths. Takes advantage of Neutral Owls in Teldrassil, and Foreststriders in Darkshore for safer grinding. Great profiles for Skinner's and Herbalist's! Avoids quest hotspots, making detection less likely Grinding to level 11-12 is possible with the level 6-10 grinder , but will take a while There will be another grinding profile for level 22+ in Ashenvale, but it will be a while. I recommend you set wrobots "Looting and Farming options" to Max 1 Unit near and Search Radius to 200 - There are furbolg camps around the place in Teldrassil, that can get quite messy. (Unless you're confident in your toon's ability to handle 2-3 mobs at a time)
I also recommend you take the first few quests in Shadowglen you can find, specifically the kill quest, as this Grinder targets the quest mobs, and do the followup, which will give you a new weapon, and will help your grinder.
The profiles are split up, to make levelling up more efficient. and minimize downtime due to deaths etc.
As with any Grinder, make sure to keep your equipment updated, it will make the grind go faster and be more efficient.
anarchia reacted to eeny for a file, QuickQuest
This addon helps the bot quick up / hand in quests as well as interect / chat with NPC for quest objectives. Automatically picks up and accepts quests from items as well as auto-completes pop up quest dialog.
Must have for anyone using quest profiles for levelling.
anarchia reacted to Jdpower for a file, Zul drak - Gundrak Zone
77-80 Leveling grinder profile.
Lot of herbs and minings.
Around 60K XP/hour unrested
Aroung 20G/h + junk sales
Rate if you like it :)
anarchia reacted to Treb for a file, Draenei 1-6 Ammen Vale Profile
This profile will get your Draenei to level 6 by doing all the quests in Ammen Vale.
If you run into and problems or have any feedback please let me know.
anarchia reacted to reapler for a file, SmoothMove
This plugin offers smoothed paths with manual key input in order to achieve
a natural movement with strafe and facing like from a player.
Settings can be changed via a simple gui
- keyboard moving / strafing is not available for flying
- fully supported versions with keyboard moving
and strafing are available on 1.12.1, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a,
above it supports only smoothed paths
- this plugin may not work correctly with custom
fightclasses or plugins with movement
affecting behavior
- side project, new versions / fixes may to be delayed
Feedback, suggestions or problems?
Please leave your feedback here.
Would you like to report a bug?
At first please disable all other plugins & use not a custom fightclass.
If you can still reproduce the bug, a detailed list of steps and a log would be helpful.
If you notice it's a bug with another plugin or fightclass you
may also describe the problem here(not guaranteed it can be fixed).
Project is currently discontinued
Source: SmoothMove.rar
Someone has been already found to continue the project in the future.
New updates will be noticed here.
anarchia reacted to herpderp123 for a file, Fury Warrior Level 68-80 [WotLK, 3.3.5a]
I've been putting this together as I'm currently leveling on a WotLK private server.
Works pretty well with the WRotation product option.
Bloodthirst + Whirlwind priority, dump with Heroic Strike at 45 Rage(currently no cleave) Casts Slam only when Slam! procs Casts Victory Rush when possible Will use Bloodrage, Berserker Rage and Battle Shout respectively
If anything, you can use it during dungeons and your party won't tell the difference looking at your DPS.
Hope it's useful!
anarchia reacted to varendew for a file, [WotLK] Felwood Herb 240 - 315
WotLK only. Felwood herb 240 - 315. Both factions okay.
anarchia reacted to varendew for a file, [WotLK] Stranglethorn Vale Herb 150 - 240
WotLK only. Herbalism 150 - 240. Both factions okay.
anarchia reacted to sarlic for a file, Borean Tundra - Cobalt Ore
Hello this is a big loop in Borean Tundra aiming for Cobalt Ore. 1 Round was 17 mins flying with 150% Mount ~33 Cobalt Ore
Looking for other People to publish some mining stuff
anarchia got a reaction from Dreamful for a file, [REP][BC] SporeggarQuest
Hello Community.
I made this Profile which is repeatly doing "Now that we are still friends". It needs about 3-6 Minutes per Quest, one Quest gives 750 REP. (http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9727/now-that-were-still-friends)
This is a repeatable quest from friendly to exalted.
This version should work on all wow Versions but was created in WOTLK 3.3.5. If there are any Questions/Suggestions, feel free to speak
anarchia reacted to gildanw for a file, Engineering - Jeeves Shematic
Grinds for
Schematic: Jeeves
http://www.wowhead.com/item=49050 SCRAP-E Access Card
Only took me 2 min to get both. Please let me know what you think, this is my first profile.
anarchia reacted to kyln for a file, Glassfin Minnow (Dalaran - Crystalsong Forest)
This is a simple Glassfin Minnow* profile I threw together for myself and I'm interested in sharing it with the community in hopes that it is as successful for you as it is for me.
The profile fishes in Crystalsong Forest, below Dalaran (for convenience). The profile will tread across the entire lake and river.
* Glassfin Minnows are used to make Water-Walking Elixirs for Alchemists, and Ethereal Oil that can be sold decently or used for fun.
Thank you and enjoy. If there's any problems, please let me know. I've had this profile run for hours with zero issues!
anarchia reacted to eeny for a file, 1-80 potion user
Simple plugin which will attempt to use Heath or Mana potions when below 30% If you have them in your bag.
Its a C# file to you can edit it where you see fit.
Thanks to @joeyn240 's plugin as mine is just a re-work of his pluggins.
Should work for Vanilla through to retail. Will use all 'standard' health and mana potions.
PM any recommendations or if any of you c# wizards think i have messed something up let me know.
anarchia reacted to Nubia for a file, Vanilla Train Level
Are you tired of stopping your leveling to go learn your spells every level ?
VanillaTrainLevel lets you learn spells more effectively in order to speed up the leveling :
Every 2 levels from 1 to 10 Every 6 levels from 10 to 50 Every 2 levels from 50 to 60 How to use : Add the VanillaTrainLevel.cs file to the Wrobot Plugins folder.
After this, start up bot, go to the tab called "Plugins" and turn "VanillaTrainLevel.cs" by on. -
anarchia reacted to Phantom for a file, Feral-DPS [Bear Support][Dungeon][Instance]
First of all credits to Dida1990 (I used his Fight Class and updated it)
If you have suggestions, just comment and I see what I can do :)
This should fix the profile itself, it wasn't casting any abilities and such before, it does now.. if there's still any errors, tell me. I'll be slowly fixing it while leveling my druid, just thought I'd share it right now as its functional and not completely broken.
Cat Form:
- Feral Charge
- Mangle
- Rake
- Claw
- Rip
- Ferocious Bite
- Tigers Fury
- Faerie Fire
- Barkskin
- Maim as kick
- Savage Roar
Bear Form / Dire Bear Form (When 3 or more Attackers):
- Enrage
- Demoralizing Roar
- Frenzied Regeneration
- Survival Instincts
- Maul
- Swipe (Bear) Suggestions appreciated
- Berserk
Normal Form (Heal):
- Using Predator's Swiftness with Healing Touch and Regrowth
- Healing Touch on itself when low
- Regrowth
- Rejuvenation
- Mark of the Wild
- Thorns
- Innervate
Class Skill Tauren:
- War Stomp
anarchia reacted to BetterSister for a file, 3.3.5a feral dps AIO V1.0 release
So this is my feral cat dps fight class for 3.3.5a that has everything you will need (exept prowl that i will add to next version)
anarchia reacted to Dreamful for a file, Deathknight [Unholy] [PvE & PvP] [WoLTK] - Dreamful
Deathknight Fightclass for WoLTK
Cast Unholy Presence Keeps Horn of Winter Buff up and generate Runepower Keeps Bone Shield Buff up Cast Raise Dead Cast PetAttack Cast Death Pact if you less then 20% life Cast Icebound Fortitude if you have less then 60% Life Cast Anti-Magic Shell if you have less then 70% Life Cast Mind Freeze if Target Casting a Spell Cast Death Grip if Target has a Distance from more then 15 Meters Cast Chains of Ice if Target has a Distance from more then 8 Meters and moving Cast Gargolye if you have more then 60 Runepower Cast Death Coil if you have more then 50 Runepower Cast Plague Strike Cast Blood Strike Cast Scourge Strike Cast Icy Touch
The FightClass can be used for PvE(Leveling, Gather, Grinding) or PvP, hope you guys like it. Enjoy! Stay tuned for more Content!
Recommend: If you want to Gather with this FigthClass you should use the specefic FightClass for Gather where i took out the Pets, otherwise you might have problem with infight bugs and cant mount up.
Deathknight [Unholy] [PvE & PvP] [Woltk] - Dreamful.xml
Deathknight [Unholy] [Gather] [Woltk] - Dreamful.xml
anarchia reacted to TomJ for a file, Tom Frost Mage (WOTLK)
It is especially for leveling, but you can do it for everything. :)
-Frost Armor- keeps this buff all the time
-Arcane Intellect- keeps this buff all the time
-able to make drink and food
-use frost nova and Conce of cold to avoid hit of the mob.
-Evocation to fast mana (hp if, it is talented) regen.
I am waiting your feedback.
Tom Frost 1-80.xml
anarchia reacted to BetterSister for a file, WOTLK Horde 13-60 questing profile by BetterSister
The profile is mostly grinding. On paid version of this profile i will add optimized questing. ALL trainers will be added on free version
- For automatic talents usage i used zygor's talent advisor
- Be in Kalimdor
- For automatic gear equipment i used TopFit
- Start with ATLEAST 100g
- Set Selling on
- Set Selling gray, white, green items on
- Set Repair on (not required on casters)
- Setup drinking and eating (You must get it more drinks/food always when it runs out which is 800 drinks last 9-12 hours and 800 foods last upto 24-48 hours on prot warrior)
- Bags required (16 slot netherweave bags cost under 10g each on any decent server)
- Shaman (Trainers support, Fire totem continues from 1-13 profile and 3/5 of water totem quest included. Couldn't finish because has to go to hillsbrad)
- Priest (Trainers support, No class quests to do)
- Warrior (Trainers support, Stances not included yet. Will be added soon)
Known issues:
- If you finish quest to freewind post (thousand needles) and after it leave the area without hitting 30 lvl you MUST bring the character back to thousand needles yourself because it won't make it back without help
All donations will go to improving my overall life as student. Studying isn't cheap! If i receive enough donations i maybe won't make paid versions of any profiles but instead keep them free and public. Click here if you would like to donate
anarchia reacted to BetterSister for a file, Orc and Troll 1-13
My first quest profile that will get your orcs and trolls from 1 to 13 and includes class trainers and class quests
- Set Selling on
- Set Selling gray, white, green items on
- Set Repair on (not required on casters)
- Setup drinking and eating (or it'll die constantly taking alot of extra time but it'll be able to finish the profile)
- Bags speed up by alot but not required
- Shaman
- Priest
anarchia reacted to Amazing Snake for a file, [Zwox] Enhancement Shaman
- Call of Elements (Only on more than one Attacker) - Recommendation: Strength, Magma , Mana Spring & Windfury Totem
- Fire Nova (Only when Call of Elements was used)
- Windfury Weapon (Mainhand)
- Flametongue Weapon (Offhand)
- Bloodlust
- Feral Spirit
- Lesser Healing Wave (50% Life)
- Shamanistic Rage
- Water Shield
- Lightning Bolt (5 Stacks Maelstrom Weapon)
- Stormstrike
- Earth Shock
- Lava Lash
anarchia reacted to riddi332 for a file, 3.3.5a Combat Rogue
My 3.3.5a Combat Rogue Profile.
It works great for me on Lodearon-Warmane (60+ rogue)
Most of the time it opens with stealth.
To get poisons i use the macro fuction of WRobot with 3600s time between the uses.
If you have any suggestion feel free to comment and ill try to update :) but im still a noob in programming so i have still limits ;D
ToDo: make it usable for low lvl :) (making 1-80 class)