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Everything posted by catrix555

  1. Server is dead, they dont ban Bots anymore https://old.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comments/zfarot/main_developer_of_everlook_is_leaving/
  2. Everlook, they dont ban Bots anymore https://old.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comments/zfarot/main_developer_of_everlook_is_leaving/
  3. Sure it works, but with the same IP they ban just both accounts right away
  4. Still Botting but quitting this Server anyways... i dont enjoy to play with tons non english speaking chinese "ninjas" .....
  5. well it works for others so it seems your profile is just buggy. Make a clean install and do it all over again.
  6. thanks for the update today for vanilla!
  7. GMs checking the starter area for sure...... thats why u get banned quickly
  8. Seems to work now, not banned after 12 Hours 🥲
  9. private only
  10. But use a VPN!
  11. Nope this is not detected
  12. Nope not true, i made a new account and the bot was just running from Goldshire to the corner of Redridge and back and i got banned in like 5mins and no clunky movement was involved and i was using a fresh ip
  13. We are happy to help, just tell us when you push a update.
  14. Bot is detected and you will be banned quickly!
  15. yes people report bots on all levels dude.... so be careful
  16. they have very very active GMs atm its easy to bot due the amount of fresh people but later on its hand. And if someone report you with like a video its over... https://atlantiss.org/banlist
  17. if you google for classicwowbot scam you can find this thread... good job google ? Some more words for Google classicwowbot fake classicwowbot scam classicwowbot bullshit classicwowbot not working classicwowbot.com scam www.classicwowbot.com scam
  18. btw classicwoxxxxxxx is down ... game over ?
  19. Any Updates for the rewrite progress ? Still waiting for it then gonna buy it
  20. I dont think the AI logic for the pulling code is the CC
  21. I mean come on its garbage... some examples 1. Bot needs to repair no problem lets run trough all mobs ignore all blackspots etc... 2. Pulling by far is the worst, he simply ignore all mobs in front of him to pull mobs further away
  22. Server crashed... so ofc the relogger wont work then
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