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Jayquellin's Achievements

  1. Using is quite a lot, been doing it for years. Dont use any grinding profiles. Only gathering or questing.
  2. I know the issue! Turns out my sub had ran out. Bought a new one now. You can close this.
  3. Disabeled all addons as well. Still turns off like 10 sec after I turn it on.
  4. 7 apr 2021 12H09 - lyvc.log.html 7 apr 2021 12H24.log.html
  5. It started just fine then it turned itself off and closed. This happened 3 times in a row. Anyone else had an issue with this today?
  6. Could anyone make a good tbc arms warr fightclass for me? Tried to find one to buy but couldnt find any.
    You forgot 115-170, overall it was good.
  7. Fishing bot wont loot..
    I like it alot, but the warrior FC wont charge. It just runs up to the target. But the rotation on all the warrior specs is very good
    Getting disconnected from the game. Doesnt work sadly
  8. No
  9. Love the reply Sye
    Everytime I use it, I disconnect.
  10. I'm looking for an arms warrior pvp fightclass. Free or to buy.
  11. A bit sceptical about this one.. Why use battle stance when berserker is way more dps and have more abilities to use? I mean you cant use whirlwind in battle stance.
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