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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. i know but if you ever want to use them you can,
  2. use this plugin if you are running dungeon part
  3. Look in you're settings and check you're bags, if you dont have sell items on and but you have sell when you have only 2 free slots with you having less then 2 slots free in you're bag then it will do that.
  4. join my discord server, ill walk you threw the hole steps on how to make a grinder for you. https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc
  5. there is a function reset? i've neverseen it
  6. I was wondering this question also, I thought it was because my pc is a few cans shy of a vista but I’m wondering now.
  7. Fuck yes! i fully support this idea, Ill bring the weed.
    Very useful and thought out plugins, everyone who likes to bot and have a lot of options at there fingertips. Get this plugin! amazing support also!
  8. You don’t have to have a PayPal, you can pay using a debt card. I think @Matenia is alittle foolish for selling something that’s a must have to bot with out detection so cheap.
  9. You don’t have to have a PayPal, you can pay using a debt card .
  10. You’re pets option would to just turn it off in settings
  11. What are you using them for? You can use in runcode , if you have more code and this is just a peace you can add to a overridepulse. There a lot of options tbh.
  12. Off wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; on wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = True;
  13. You ca not, but what you can do is use quester to add a grinding area in a quester.
  14. You’re back to playing wow? I call heck no! ?
  15. Hello you guys ? there is a awesome plugin for this fix, here you go @Ordush
  16. Never thought I’d see a ice cream analogy
  17. I love the layout, pretty dope! Good job!
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