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Everything posted by Talamin

  1. Version


    Overview: Hi Wrobot Users, The Wholesome team is proud to present the Wholesome Vendor Manager plugin. This Plugin comes with all needed presets in mind and hopefully fullfil all your needs in terms of vendor Interactions. Latest Version: Huge Updates were made by @Zer0 ! The biggest Change is that you won´t need a DB anymore 🙂 Just check out the Plugin! How to install: Download the .dll File which is attached to this Topic and put it into the Plugins Tab of WRobot. Autoupdater: This Plugin comes with 2 special Autoupdater. The first one checks everytime you press play if your Plugin is uptodate and if not it will pull the latest available version. The second is a Databaseupdater which checks if you have a 3.3.5 Database available. If not it will DL a compressed one of our Server and extract it into your Wrobot Folder. After this it checks if Updates of the Database is needed and if so it patches it. Other Plugins like HMP which relies on similar Databases are not affected by this. Features: Buying Ammunition: The Plugin determine which Ranged Weapon you have equipped and will buy according to this the best available Ammunition of Vendors. Buying Drink/Food: The Plugin determine your Level and will buy according to this the best available Food of Vendors. Buying Poisons: The Plugin determine your Level and will buy according to this the best available Poisons of Vendors. Buying Bags: The Plugin will buy Bags if you have enough Money (recommended 6 Slot for the Start). Training: The Plugin will determine your level and your class and will do Trainingruns according to your level and Class. Mounts: The Plugin buy the needed Mount if the Setting is activated. Train Riding: The Plugin will train riding if the user is on the correct continent. Repair/Sell: The Plugin will try to Sell everytime it does one of the above Functionalities or if you don´t have enough Bagspace. So the runs to town will be minimized. Mail: Before any of the above things happen, the Bot will try to mail according to your entries you have done the Items you defined in your Lists to the receipient. All this was rewritten from scratch to fit the needs of the Users. Mailboxes will only be used when the Database contains one in a Range of 200 from the current choosen NPC. Whitelist Zones: The Plugin has another noteable Feature which is an whitelist for Zones. So according to your level there are Zones which are whitelisted, so only NPC´s out of this Zone will be choosen. When you progress in the Leveling more and more Zones will be whitelisted, so the Bot will only choose NPC´s which should be save to be reached. For all Options you can change this inside Wrobot in the Default Settings. The Plugin Checks too if there is an NPC available or not (like on pvp servers where the other Faction kills sometimes NPC´s) and will blacklist it for the session if it is not available. As Ususal: If you notice something or have a suggestion, let us know. (Ps.: The Plugin was heavily tested for Horde, so please give it a try on Alliance too and let us know). Project Wholesome – A quick word The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project is transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. Nothing released under Project Wholesome is sold for profit, although individual donations are welcome. We are always looking for more testers and developers. If you want to participate, please join our Discord channel. Project Wholesome Discord: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 Special thanks Special thanks to the entire Wholesome team, as usual, for their support and help. Enjoy!
  2. Is there a good Server? Last time I have searched I didn’t find a single one.
  3. So it placed a Talent in Combat and still wants to load Assassination spec?
  4. But this is not your responsibility ? This will be fixed in one of the next Releases.
  5. hmm? We reworked the Talentmanager to be much faster, maybe something got changed there. Will take a look, if something is wrong i´ll post an update. In the meantime you can respec and put the point into Combat, sorry. Normally it should catch things like this.
  6. Sometimes this error can happen when the FC loads faster then the Talentmanager kicks in. So the Rotation tries to load and the Talentmanager didn´t spend a point, so by default it then is detected as Assassination. Same happens here and there as Priest, he then decides to be a Discipline Priest and didn´t have spend one single point. Best way is here spend this one point in Combat and you never see this error again.
  7. Hey Mate, The AIO detects automatically what class you have and loads the proper Rotation. I recommend to let the AIO set all Talentpoints automatically, because the amount of Points spend determines which Rotation will be used and which Spec you are on. And as you can see, Assassination is not supported. For Rogues we actually only have Combat as Leveling Class.
  8. You can check this out, really good Base for a Fightclass! https://github.com/Schaka/wRobotFightclassFrameworkEnhanced
  9. Did you try to reduce the range down to 29? we have done this with the AIO for wotlk to fight against stutter movement while the mob is running one yards out of range.
  10. You will have a hard time to find some Fighclasses. The only thing you could do would be to make your own using the Fightclass editor. Rest should work fine.
  11. Da könnte das Problem liegen, Wrobot ist nur für privat Server geeignet.
  12. Hi, Bezüglich Essen uns sonstigen Dingen gibt es Plugins welche kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen, oder auch Paid Plugins wie das HMP von Matenia. Profile können Settings verändern, meist aber nur Allgemeine Settings, Essen und Trinken sollte ein Plugin für dich übernehmen. Als Beispiel:
  13. That’s when the code for use of the zeppelin kicks in. I’m really sure that this is the problem, but if you prove me wrong then let me know ?
  14. noticed the same, looks like when the "while" condition is running the bot interface freezes. But it won´t affect and the freeze will be gone after using the Zepellin.
  15. Just kidding, download it from the DL Section, don´t know why the Autoupdater is sometimes broken.
  16. Don´t think that dynamic Levelranges are possible with Grinder. I Recommend you to switch over to the Quester and build yourself a profile there, this can cover a lot more conditions then the Grinder. On another node, Attackrange from 10-15 should be the Mob range, but when you are attacked by hostile mobs, he will attack them for sure, regardless the Level the Mob has. If you insist on using the Grinder, try to rebuild your profile and grind green Mobs in Areas where only Greens or yellow are available.
  17. Wie Marsbar sagte, Healerklassen werden erst dann richtig möglich wenn du in C# arbeitest. Matenia hat nen sehr gutes Framework zur Verfügung gestellt mit dem man so etwas realisieren kann.
  18. Warmane is a mystery for me too. No i am successfully botting a Character since some days there, got banned on several accounts before. The Bot is not detected, otherwhise some other Devs i know won´t have level 80 characters sitting there. So it´s possible, most of the time bad luck. And of course it depends on what you are doing with your quester, which Fightclass do you use, which plugins and so on...
  19. Just tell us which Expansion you are running, which Profile you try and what´s inside your log (located in your Wrobot Folder)
  20. You filled in the Mount Name? Can you be more specific what your Problem actually is?
  21. If you have the Trial/Paid Version Bot you don´t need any Meshes
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