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Everything posted by Lokomotive

    Flawless, thanks for the profile. It works as intended. NPC and Mailbox works like a charm No stucks, problems or whatever. Thanks for that!
  1. Im using the AutoQuester WOTLK now and it works like a charm. As it is not intended to write some PNs, heres my 5 cents: -The profile tries to get a lot of profiles for Patch 3.40 but WROBOT and alot of all P-Servers work on Patch 3.3.5 so theres a lot of running and trying to get quests which are not implemented. Im very happy with the AutoQuester, so thanks a lot again ❤️
    This is a great tool to support everyone by leveling your toon and save your sparetime for something else ❤️ As every profile on every bot, dont go fully AFK. Its really nice but as every profile you get, some hiccups will ocassionally appear (getting stuck, attacking stucked mob and so on). All in all, Thanks a lot Zer0! Full 5 Stars and a real big #shoutout
    Nice profile. Finishes Quests, doenst get stuck. I had some minor issues because i startet it in the middle of my questing but still, it was very good. Thanks for that.
    Hi there, the profile is good for what i have seen. No stucks or anything on the route. The problem is and thats why i rated 4 stars is that it sometimes flies to Dalaran and gets stuck there, tries to fly or move. Here it gets tricky because the bot tries to jump over the walls of dalaran to get back o nthe route. So the bot runs against walls and jumps, mounts and cant get out. If this can be fixed theres no way this profile doenst deserve 5 stars. If you could fix it or someone could help fix the "dalaran problem" this would be great. Anyway thank you for your effort!
    The whole profile collection is great. There are some bugs i think, like sometimes the bot doesnt harvest herbs/ores for some reason (example is the feralas/herb profile). Here the bot ignores most of the herbs; i need to manually add the herbs in the settings as force to collect. Nevertheless can i recommend the collection and a great and awesome thanks to Bambo!
  2. Hey slk! Yeah changig the profile to Horde would be cool because so theres two grinding profiles from 68 to 74 and 74 to 80 :-) I dont think its enough just to change the vendor names or is it?
    This profile works very good for Horde Questing in the Borean Tundra. It is as always that there are some minor issues and you cant go fully afk but Jensen pointed out some of the issues. All in all i can fully recommend this profile for Horde Questing in the Borean Tundra! Thanks Jensen for this profile and i hope that there will be more good profiles in the future
  3. Top profile! Works like a charm for questing in tundra. Here and there are some minor issues with stucks/quests but all in all a great profile. Bot did for now 90 Q in tundra ? Thanks Jensen
  4. Hey slk, thanks for this profile. I used your ZulDrak profile and it worked great, even with herbing/mining it gets alot of XP. My question is, is there a chance to config the profile for horde? I dont have any knowledge about creating or configure profiles, so i ask if you could give me a little help or change the vendors/repair/mail to Horde. Thanks in advance!
  5. Testing the profile. As for now, it seems good. Nearly 160k XP/Hour means a level every 2h. Testing it on a FeralDruid and i had no problems with starting the profile with level 61. Thanks! I will update the review if i can identify optimizations. Thanks Marvelino123
  6. Im currently trying some FCs and for example the feral leveling FCV by ScriptQQ uses the SpellIDs and therefore connects the english skills with e.g. the german ones. As im not into creating/changig/updating a FC i dont know if this is a thing for the community to help. Anyway thanks guys for your great work!
  7. Thanks Talamin, is there any chance to change the FC to use it with any client language? ? Asking for a friend Best regards!
    Its a good profile for farming herbs and ores. Careful: you need to be at least neutral/friendliy with Sons of hodirs to use this profile. A problem i cant get fixed is that the bot flys around the big statue on top in dun niffelem and "idles". I also noticed that the profile/bot tries to farm nodes in Dun Niffelem and cant land on the node: 21:00:13.531 - [Farming] Farm Saronitablagerung > 7308,59 ; -2918,88 ; 829,274 ; "None" [N] 21:00:13.538 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 7338,234 ; -2966,168 ; 919,0716 ; "Flying" to 7308,59 ; -2918,88 ; 829,274 ; "None" (Northrend) [N] 21:00:13.593 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 29 (212,9715y, 55ms, smoothed) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option)) 21:00:13.671 - [Farming] Node stuck - Cannot landing to this node. 21:00:22.422 - [Farming] Farm Reiche Saronitablagerung > 7263,25 ; -2858,31 ; 784,963 ; "None" [N] 21:00:22.439 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 7342,023 ; -2968,375 ; 927,3077 ; "Flying" to 7263,25 ; -2858,31 ; 784,963 ; "None" (Northrend) [N] 21:00:22.502 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 24 (273,8683y, 62ms, smoothed) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option)) 21:00:22.519 - [Farming] Node stuck - Cannot landing to this node. And theres the problem, the bot just flies in circles over the spot. I can strongly recommend your howling fjord and sholazar profiles, they are great!
  8. Hi folks, first i want to thank you Talamin for this awesome work and i bet we all appreciate it. I have some issues with the dll and would be glad if someone could help: 1. Im using the german client, Fury Warrior and Gatherer-mode and it seems, that the FC doenst use any attack (i put the dll in the FC-Folder and hope that this is correct) 2. When im opening the UI through Wrobot (clicking on the wheel beside the Fight Class AIO.dll) i can just configure in the tab "General" -> "Framelock/Delay" and in the 2nd tab "Talents" -> " Talent Codes/Default talents/Auto Assign Talents/Talent Tree (Fury in my case)" Do i need to open another config for this whole optimization? It would be great if you all could give me some feedback/help for the correct handling of this FC. Thanks in advance!
    Edit: I need to recap my review. The profile is great! No stucks at all for hours and the farm is getting great. Thanks for that :-)
    Works perfectly as intended. Thanks for this ?
  9. I would also be interested ?
  10. Vorab: Danke für die Erklärung und alles was dazu gehört. Hat jemand die Möglichkeit, den Charakterbildschirm zur Verfügung zustellen? Meine Chars im offiziellen WoW sind seit langem Geschichte und ich hab keine Lust, jetzt zu bezahlen um Charaktere darszustellen. Ich stoße hier nämlich an meine Grenzen ? Ich würde mich über eine PM freuen zwecks Editierung der Charakterseite (Battletag usw) Das wäre super!
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