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Demon / Affliction lock 1-60 by Eeny 1.5

   (10 reviews)

About This File

Free C# fight class for Vanilla Aff / Demonology Warlock's.  Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles


The idea behind this was to make a FC's that will go 1-60 where you dont need to populate the action bars with spells after training.

This FC is about when you would expect from a levelling lock FC.

Works best with instant cast corruption + improved voidwalker torment.  Once you have the Voidwalker spell at lvl 10- you NEED a wand.

Upon targeting an NPC it will send the pet in.  The rotation will keep immolate / Curse of Agony / Coruption on the target.  If you have Siphon life it will swap out immolate for that spell.

Stack a bot with high stam / spirit and a wand- should be good to go.

Should use unending breath when swimming

Will attempt to keep a healthstone in your bags + use if in combat at 50% health.

Will also use all consumable scrolls!  Stamina, spirit and intellect will be cast on you, armour, strength and agility will get send to the pet.

If you have any suggestions / bugs / recommendations drop me a PM and i can look into it.

What's New in Version 1.5   See changelog



Changed wanding behaviour and some lower level skills.

Pet will now attack before you do.  no longer waits for you to engage.


Removed some isspell usable and changed pet attack


Added underwater breathing


Added health stone support

Fixed some "wait While channelling" logic which should stop drain life / soul thrashing

Added scroll useage.  Will buff you / pet if you have a scroll in your inventory.

Added fear


Added sacrifice

Added shadowburn

Fixed healthstone Item ID's


Fixed healthstone ID's (again)

Added back in show trance proc

played around with wanding- changed situational wanding,

Fixed health funnel glitch

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Been useing this for 35 levels. And at low levels its really great. But now its lacking at handling more than 1 mob.

It keeps dieing because a mob aggro the warlock while fighting and it completely ignore it and letting it kill the warlock.

For some reason it doesnt SS itself. Often it mess up in the rotation and it will wand the target with 1 DOT on it. Also it doesnt recast the missing DOTs. If the dots doesnt kill the mob it wont recast them but just stands and shooting the mob down with the wand.


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The wand doesn't work sometimes. It will just stand off in the distance with the mainhand weapon out. Also, when the bot rezzes it will sometimes run right into combat without the voidwalker being out and then try to summon the void walker in combat.

Other than that it seems to be working well! I took a look in the c# file and I couldn't find any reason why it would try to attack with the mainhand weapon.

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Running quite well.


The only minus about the profile, is that it tries to spam the "Shoot" skill (Wand), which cancels out the previous action, giving a constant "Interrupted" message.

Thus it doesn't use the wand, nor does it shoot shadow bolts.

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Damm im having some issues with this FC. It cant really handle more than 1 mob. Very often it dies because 1 mob is attack the warlock while he just wands the first mob. It causes alot of deaths.

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I have a small issue.

The void has not enough time to recover HP then he dies really often in a zone when the repop is fast.

Then when the lock is summoning a new void , he doesnt wait the end of the cast....and walk...interrupting the summon...then the warlock is always without pet.

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1 hour ago, shaker57 said:



I have a small issue.

The void has not enough time to recover HP then he dies really often in a zone when the repop is fast.

Then when the lock is summoning a new void , he doesnt wait the end of the cast....and walk...interrupting the summon...then the warlock is always without pet.

Once you get health Funnnel the Void becomes viable.. For most of my lvling locks the Void would regen fast enough when facing mobs the same level, which worked until you get heath funnel.  will see if i can put a pause in if the voids health is below 50%

As for the summon thing- its odd, if the bot is in a "IsCasting" state it should not be moving... only thing that could get the bot to realise its "IsCasting" is potentially latency??  try increment that on the advanced settings.  I could add waits if you have no pet to the bot pauses for X seconds, however the "IfHasPet" condition sometimes returns incorrectly and will return a false which will result in a pause incorrectly.

The fight class is given in C#- if you can see what needs to be added let me know and il add it.

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Thanks for your reply.

Yes , the void is pulling mob but in some areas he is adding others mobs , then tunnel is not enough to keep him healthy. Then he dies.

Without pet , the bot is still using wand without fear , so he dies also....

Concerning the summoning of the void , I ve already played with the tunning of latency options in advanced options....nothing changed. He cast 1 sec then move...avoiding the summon. Same for healthstone...I dont understand why


Thanks for your help


@Edit : concerning summoning the void its ok I changed these values :

                Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 22000);


Is it possible to engage the fight with an curse then send the void 2 sec after ?

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Hello Eeny,

I want to use feldomination for summon the void but the bot launch the spell and continue to run...and summon during 2 sec...stop summoning and run.

How can I tell him to stop waiting the end of the cast ? 


I added this but it doesnt work: 



if (!ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && SummonVoid.KnownSpell && FelDomination.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted)
                wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Fel Domination()");


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For some reason if vw attacks a already tagged mob warlock just keeps trying to melee attack from distance and doesnt ignore the mob, is there supposed to be a function to ignore already tagged mob and call the vw back same as the character itself does and start looking for a new mob?

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Keeps interrupting its own health funnel to shoot with the wand. Never seen it use sacrifice. often wont use drain life even though ive seen it use it at the same hp/mana at a different time. most of the time it wont use a lesser health stone, but it will some times. Its the best FC out there for locks atm (that ive tried atleast), but its probably the reason why ive been banned on a few accounts. It just looks bottish as hell when it does that "HF, nah lets shoot with the wand, nah lets HF, NAH SHOOT, etc" keeps interrupting itself.

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Noticed it keeps targeting my voidwalker which is fine for everything but turning in/accepting quests and vendoring. I noticed it after it used a scroll on the voidwalker (restarting wow and bot fixed it)

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On 4/26/2018 at 8:52 PM, dweebster said:

Noticed it keeps targeting my voidwalker which is fine for everything but turning in/accepting quests and vendoring. I noticed it after it used a scroll on the voidwalker (restarting wow and bot fixed it)

Yea this. After buff scroll it keeps itself or the voidwalker in target and cant turn in quests anymore, have to relog to fix it.

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void walker is pulling mobs with in a radius even before you can loot and pulls you into combat again which is causing the warlock to spaz out, you can target one mob but the fightclasses is making the voidwalker attack some think completely diffrent

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3 hours ago, deka880 said:

void walker is pulling mobs with in a radius even before you can loot and pulls you into combat again which is causing the warlock to spaz out, you can target one mob but the fightclasses is making the voidwalker attack some think completely diffrent

You sound like you have your pet on aggressive... 

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Issues i have is after using DoT's it just uses wand not shadow bolt etc

Shadow Trance procs it doesnt use Shadow bolt

Lesser Healthstones not being used at all

Doesn't use amplify curse

Doesn’t use Siphon Life


is eeny still working on this ?


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22 hours ago, ellisium said:

any solution for wand?

if your still having issue use 400-600 latency settings i have no issues with wand 

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@eeny Seems like this recently added line causes issues. Got several reports about Warlocks pausing randomly and refusing to continue. Removing the "Products.InPause = true" solved it

				//try waiting around if no pet??
			if (!ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && SummonImp.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted)
                Products.InPause = true;

Pauses the bot, but there is no code to break pause again

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14 minutes ago, FNV316 said:

@eeny Seems like this recently added line causes issues. Got several reports about Warlocks pausing randomly and refusing to continue. Removing the "Products.InPause = true" solved it

				//try waiting around if no pet??
			if (!ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && SummonImp.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted)
                Products.InPause = true;

Pauses the bot, but there is no code to break pause again

I didnt think that was too new.. regardless, i dont know why u got the reports LOL/

So... as a fix i should put a sleep and then un-pause?

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It's just that one line, that pauses the bot. I think this line has been added recently, at least my version of it from half a year ago doesn't have it. Probably to avoid the bot continuing without summoning a pet after resurrect

Yes, something like that. I have the impression that it misses the part where the bot is unpaused, so it just remains in pause. Or am I wrong?

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12 hours ago, FNV316 said:

It's just that one line, that pauses the bot. I think this line has been added recently, at least my version of it from half a year ago doesn't have it. Probably to avoid the bot continuing without summoning a pet after resurrect

Yes, something like that. I have the impression that it misses the part where the bot is unpaused, so it just remains in pause. Or am I wrong?

Uploaded a newer version i have been playing with (a lot of help from Ashoko) and removed that line of code.

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