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unaltered1_.jpg.7591e9a34c91c9f53d2e496cf5646c52.jpg   To  smoothed1_.jpg.256123026ef4be96fb1c27840f435215.jpg

This plugin offers smoothed paths with manual key input in order to achieve

a natural movement with strafe and facing like from a player.


Settings can be changed via a simple gui




- keyboard moving / strafing is not available for flying

- fully supported versions with keyboard moving         

and strafing are available on 1.12.1, 2.4.3, 3.3.5a,    

above it supports only smoothed paths                     

- this plugin may not work correctly with custom          

fightclasses or plugins with movement                      

affecting behavior                                                           

- side project, new versions / fixes may to be delayed 


Feedback, suggestions or problems?

Please leave your feedback here.


Would you like to report a bug?

At first please disable all other plugins & use not a custom fightclass.

If you can still reproduce the bug, a detailed list of steps and a log would be helpful.

If you notice it's a bug with another plugin or fightclass you

may also describe the problem here(not guaranteed it can be fixed).


Project is currently discontinued

Source: SmoothMove.rar

Someone has been already found to continue the project in the future.

New updates will be noticed here.


What's New in Version   See changelog


- option "Disable in combat" was added,

  allows the user to disable keyboard moving while in combat(uses ctm instead)

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Great plugin. One small suggestion though.

Could you perhaps add an option in the settings to disable the plugin whils't in combat? Currently it badly conflicts with Droidz "MoveinCombat" plugin,  since it tries to "smoothly move" and starts glitching out.

Droidz' "MoveinCombat" is also a mandatory botting plugin and currently I had to choose it over the "SmoothMove" plugin.

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Thank you for providing all the updates to this plugin. I have to say this plugin takes Wrobot to the next level. There are few issues with pathing, but the biggest issue I see is with the circling around target when the target or objective is not there at the time the bot gets to the point. 

I believe the issue is caused by using the HumanMasterplugin.

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11 hours ago, payyn518 said:

Thank you for providing all the updates to this plugin. I have to say this plugin takes Wrobot to the next level. There are few issues with pathing, but the biggest issue I see is with the circling around target when the target or objective is not there at the time the bot gets to the point. 

I believe the issue is caused by using the HumanMasterplugin.

Nope. HMP doesn't modify pathing like that at all. Neither should SmootheMove.
Rather what I think is happening is that your profile contains 2 very close waypoints next to the objective and wRobot keeps cycling between them. You should be able to see this if you enable Navigation logging.

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1 hour ago, Matenia said:

Nope. HMP doesn't modify pathing like that at all. Neither should SmootheMove.
Rather what I think is happening is that your profile contains 2 very close waypoints next to the objective and wRobot keeps cycling between them. You should be able to see this if you enable Navigation logging.

I'm 100% sure that HMP is breaking the unstuck mechanic for Smoothemove. I was getting random circling while the bot was active(maybe related to looting in HMP). I turned off HMP and restarted the bot and everything works fine. By the way, I think both plugins are great, but I'm just reporting what I'm seeing. 


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8 minutes ago, payyn518 said:

I'm 100% sure that HMP is breaking the unstuck mechanic for Smoothemove. I was getting random circling while the bot was active(maybe related to looting in HMP). I turned off HMP and restarted the bot and everything works fine. By the way, I think both plugins are great, but I'm just reporting what I'm seeing. 


I still get circling with HMP off, but much less than before. I think it's the smartpull feature of HMP that does it

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1 hour ago, penumbra said:

I still get circling with HMP off, but much less than before. I think it's the smartpull feature of HMP that does it

One of my bots did just start circling after about 30 minutes of being active. It keeps repeating unstuck. I agree with Penumbra that its not 100% HMP causing the issue, but I do believe it does cause it to occur more frequently. I had 6 bots running and within 5 minutes 5 of them were making circles. After I turned off HMP on all the bots I didn't notice the issue until 30 minutes of activity. 

Maybe test a version that only allows 2 unstucks to occur within a 10 sec period, then it disables the plugin for 20 sec? I'm not sure how Wrobot would handle that, but just trying to think of ideas to reduce the issue. 

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On 15/2/2018 at 5:40 PM, reapler said:

I have uploaded a new version.

If a problem encounters, please disable all other plugins, using a "xml" fightclass and try to reproduce it.

Log, profile(if possible) and the exact & detailed steps about the occuring bug would be helpful to fix the problem.

Tried latest version, only plugin enabled, .xml fightclass and error still persists:


Snippet from log:

[D] 23:57:36 - [Quester] New step (76): VanquishtheBetrayers>Pulse
[D] 23:57:36 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMovementStop
[D] 23:57:36 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMoveToStop
[D] 23:57:36 - [SmoothMove] No smooth @OnMovementPulse
Count: 1
Distance: 0
[D] 23:57:36 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMoveToStop
[D] 23:57:38 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMovementStop
[D] 23:57:38 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMovementStop
[D] 23:57:38 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMoveToStop
[D] 23:57:39 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMoveToStop
[D] 23:57:39 - [SmoothMove] Stop Move @OnMoveToStop
23:57:39 - Session statistics:
Elapsed time: 00h:00m:05s
XP/HR: 0 - 0 min
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 0 (0/hr)
Farms: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C)
Honor/HR: 0 (0)
23:57:39 - [Quester] Stopped

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Amazing plugin, but unfortunately (and its very unfortunate), it appears to clash badly with the MoveDuringCombat plugin (which is essential). It appears the problem arises when it was running back to town to sell items / repair and it encounters a mob. Once its finished killing the mob, it wanders off path but a few feet either side, causing it to get stuck and run into trees / fences / walls etc.

Additionally, I've noticed sometimes after dying (maybe this has something to do with the Runaway from Combat feature of HMP), that when you are a ghost, it randomly runs off in the opposite direction to the corpse, indefinitely.

Such an amazing plugin though, but I've had to opt for MoveDuringCombat over this, especially as a Meele class.

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6 hours ago, GJ31 said:

Amazing plugin, but unfortunately (and its very unfortunate), it appears to clash badly with the MoveDuringCombat plugin (which is essential). It appears the problem arises when it was running back to town to sell items / repair and it encounters a mob. Once its finished killing the mob, it wanders off path but a few feet either side, causing it to get stuck and run into trees / fences / walls etc.

Additionally, I've noticed sometimes after dying (maybe this has something to do with the Runaway from Combat feature of HMP), that when you are a ghost, it randomly runs off in the opposite direction to the corpse, indefinitely.

Such an amazing plugin though, but I've had to opt for MoveDuringCombat over this, especially as a Meele class.

Hello for this problem i have added "Disable in Combat" to the settings. On true it should resolve the problem, atleast on my side. If you still got problems please describe detailed the steps to cause this bug and a log would be helpful.

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Reapler is it possible that you could give us a version that would disable the plugin while in the tram? Humanmaster plugin already provides a good route while in that area. With both enabled, the bot runs into a wall while running to the middle of the room to prepare to get on the tram. The wall the bot hits is the first corner of the first tram terminal. When it hits the wall, the Humanmaster plugin resets and send the bot out of the tram to try again.

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Using this on vanilla right now, absolutely amazing. Altough there is a problem, sometimes bot just get "stuck" and does 360s jumping around and not following path.. Known problem and can this be fixed?

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4 hours ago, doped0c said:

Using this on vanilla right now, absolutely amazing. Altough there is a problem, sometimes bot just get "stuck" and does 360s jumping around and not following path.. Known problem and can this be fixed?

Thank you for the kind words.

To your problem, this bug may happen on low fps, high configured path-smoothness, used product/plugins/fightclass,  or whether the character is riding or not.

To pin the bug please describe your steps to reproduce it exactly, provide the used settings from the plugin, may include the path(A-B), using a 'xml-fightclass', disable all other plugins  and a log would be also helpful.


If i got time, i can hopefully investigate the bug.

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1 hour ago, reapler said:

Thank you for the kind words.

To your problem, this bug may happen on low fps, high configured path-smoothness, used product/plugins/fightclass,  or whether the character is riding or not.

To pin the bug please describe your steps to reproduce it exactly, provide the used settings from the plugin, may include the path(A-B), using a 'xml-fightclass', disable all other plugins  and a log would be also helpful.


If i got time, i can hopefully investigate the bug.

Im sorry mate i cant even provide a log since Wow freezes and wrobot actually crashes once combat begins... No negativity just wanted to let u know, if u get time u could check it yourself. Using last version of wrobot and no other plugins at the same time. 


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16 minutes ago, (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\ said:

@reapler is there a chance you add Disable While Gather option, so when bot detects mine/herb and goes for it, the plugin stops and there will be significantly less stucks, would be awesome.

12 minutes ago, (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\ said:

@reapler Also there is a bug(idk if its reported, so much comments) when my char is swimming, the checkpoints are too above the water, and its trying to reach it, but often it stuck.

Thank you for your feedback, i will try to fix the problems, if i got time(other projects)


On 2/23/2018 at 9:58 PM, payyn518 said:

Reapler is it possible that you could give us a version that would disable the plugin while in the tram? Humanmaster plugin already provides a good route while in that area. With both enabled, the bot runs into a wall while running to the middle of the room to prepare to get on the tram. The wall the bot hits is the first corner of the first tram terminal. When it hits the wall, the Humanmaster plugin resets and send the bot out of the tram to try again.

Hello there, sorry i have overlooked your message. If the problem still persist and is not already fixed from Humanmaster plugin you may response.

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Currently using this with 2 profiles. When i use 10 usa warrior fightclass profile it works like a charm, once u start using this plugin its a must have one.. 

Altough, when i switch over to my paid frost mage fightclass wrobot/the game freezes after i cast frost nova and character turns around...

Is there someway to work around this? All help would be much apprecieted.

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On 7/9/2018 at 4:13 PM, doped0c said:

Currently using this with 2 profiles. When i use 10 usa warrior fightclass profile it works like a charm, once u start using this plugin its a must have one.. 

Altough, when i switch over to my paid frost mage fightclass wrobot/the game freezes after i cast frost nova and character turns around...

Is there someway to work around this? All help would be much apprecieted.

Deactivate keybind movement (or ask @reapler to use Lua for movement) as movement keys sent during a locked frame will cause the game to freeze. So using CTM in SmoothMove (and/or deactivating it during combat) should work.
Also, HMP listens to movement events (for taking the tram) as well. So it would be easiest to deactivate it on that map ID.

Also, it seems to send actual keystrokes to the client (which during frame lock will cause a deadlock), so maybe send Lua movement instead? That has always worked fine for me.

Edited by Matenia
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@all I would like to thank you for using the plugin and giving feedback. However the future development will be forwarded by someone else(he will also take care of the bugs).

He will get in touch and response as soon he is releasing this.

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Was trying it out on vanilla, worked for a while then i got this error:

[E] 06:17:00 - GoLoop(List<Point> points): System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.RemoveAt(Int32 index)
   at SmoothMove.Helpers.Math.SmoothPath(List`1 path, Single smoothness, Int32 alignment, Single pointFactor)
   at Main.MovementEventsOnOnMovementPulse(List`1 path, CancelEventArgs cancelEventArgs)
   at wManager.Events.MovementEvents.MovementCancelableHandler.Invoke(List`1 points, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
   at wManager.Events.MovementEvents.�(List`1 �)
   at wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.GoLoop(List`1 points, Boolean stopMoveTo, Int32 forceStartPointId)


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On 7/25/2018 at 6:57 AM, (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\ said:

hey @reapler  i have an idea, is it possible to make option: disable while dead ? Because if causes my char to stuck sometimes when he dies, Thanks!

Yes, this would be good, I see this a lot too.

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Any updates on this? I really want to use this bot for gathering, but at the moment it looks WAY too bottish when taking turns (while flying). I tried this plugin but when it finds a nodes somtimes it flies in the opposite direction and stops working. Looks very bottish. I tried different settings but to no avail. Any help? Maybe someone can tell me what to put the settings at?
Thanks in advance.

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