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[PAID] [Alliance] 1-60 Quester / Grinder with Randomized Grinding | 150 Quests | + All Starting Zones + Automatic Updates - 5.1

   (12 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Greetings all!

This is my 1-60 Alliance Quester/Grinder - Avg ammount of Quests is 100-150.

If your looking for a quester with way... way more quests, and work. Please check out my new profile.



As with any profile, expect issues. Mainly issues i have seen come from Other plugins mixing with my code.

1) Enter ID Faster Error:
   This tends to happen, not your fault. You can do the Following to troubleshoot the issue, and if it continues contact me via discord.

  • DELETE -- Wrobot/Settings/AndoidoAuth____.xml
  • then Start profile, re-enter your rocketr ID

2) Invalid ID - Wait 30 Minutes:
This is the most common type of error i see with any of my products. Troubleshooting:

  • Did you re-buy, or change your Wrobot License key?
    YES? Contact me Asap. You will need a new rocketr Key.
    NO? Keep reading.

  • Did you start Wrobot.exe with One ip, and then re-start it with Another IP?
    YES? Wait it out. If you need multiple licenses ive offered this to many others before who wish to say "Bot on 2 different computers.
    NO? Contact me for more help.

4) ComponentModel.Win32Exception:

  • Easy fix. Restart your WRobot.
    This error happens because you changed an INGAME setting (windows mode. Screen size. etc) and did not restart wrobot.

5) Bot Failed To Start:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Quester.Bot.Bot.Pulse(Boolean loadSettingsProfile, String profile)

Usually an indicator that you are trying to load a Quester profile as a Grinder. Or your profile was corrupted upon download.

  • Re-download the profile. Your profile should be 39bytes, sometimes rocketr doesnt update Immediatly after an update and gives you a 0kb file.
  • If the problem still presists, make sure you have "QUESTER" Selected as your " Bot Type ".
  • If none of thoes work, contact @Andoido or a more complete troubleshooting. Steps 1 and 2 should fix it however.


Help and Support - Available 24/7

DISCORD (Profile Support) --- https://discord.gg/fudFNyc




Disclaimer (Read First!)

  • Buyers may only run up to 10 instances at one time per Computer.
    (You may run unlimited wow.exe's using different IP's by using a VPN or Proxifier)
  • Using the same Rocketr ID on more than one Wrobot Key can result in a temp ban.
  • If you need more than 10 instances of this profile running at any given time, send me an E-Mail and we can setup a special discount rate.
  • All buyers must manually update by re-downloading the profile on Rocketr. The file will be updated/re-downloaded via the E-Mail sent upon purchase of the profile.
  • Buyers should get on my Discord channel to see when I release an update.


Randomized Grinding - What is it ?

In a nutshell, Randomized simply means just that. The bot will do quests every level bracket and then go grind the rest out. When he does grind it will Randomly select one of the grinding locations making this method superior in many ways but mainly to not be banned. Match that with the huge grinding paths I have and you're set for success.

The profile will randomly select a grinding location each time you start the bot. So there is no guarentee you will continue grinding in the same spot if you stop the bot.



  • Automatic Updates!  The bot will check for a new updated version each time you click start.
  • Over 90 Quests included.
  • Will do several quests per level group and then go grind.
  • 100% AFK Botting - Meaning you shouldn't have to do anything to the bot.
  • Randomized grinding locations- A new technique that has been getting a lot of popularity because it reduces bans by a lot.
  • Automatic level tracking - Bot will detect level and start doing the quests.
  • 1-23 Night Elf starting zone supported (Will go to Wetlands at 23.)
  • 1-14 Gnome starting zone supported (Will fly to IF and take Tram to Stormwind, then continue.)
  • 1-60 Human starting zone supported
  • Ship usage : (Darkshore - Wetlands)(Wetlands - Theramore)(Theramore - Wetlands).
  • Custom flight path System (Code will force learn new flight paths, and use them).
  • Druid Bear Form Quest.
  • Warlock Voidwalker Quest.
  • Human Warrior Quests (lvl 30)
  • Tram support for IF-SW and SW-IF.
  • Automatic buying of Weapons at level 6/7 (More levels to be added).
  • Automatic Weapons Master training (Darn, IF, SW).
  • Will learn Herbalism (Night Elf's)
  • Will learn Skinning (Doesn't enable it. You have to do this manually.)
  • Custom pathing on longer quests to prevent dying.
  • Huge hot-spots to prevent bot trains and bans.
  • On-Screen display that shows what the bot is doing.
  • On-Screen chat messages for important events.
  • Custom Run-Code to modify Wrobot's base settings.
  • Will use Hearthstone.


Coming Soon:

  • Mining 1-300 Random Zones
  • Add grinding locations in different zones (means i have no control over the "Set" path he will take).
  • Add "buy Weapons" support for higher levels based on the minimum ammount of silver you have.
  • Add more quests.



  • Grab a paid fight class from @Matenia
  • Grab HumanMasterPlugin from @Matenia if you plan to run to 60
  • Put 50+ silver on your char so he will buy weapons!
  • Buy yourself a green weapon ! (if you buy a weapon manually, be sure to uncheck between If and Endif in the settings)
  • Get skinning at level 6. This helps with $$
  • Search Radius of 77
  • Use Profile Vendors Only turned On. (Turn off in HMP too)
  • Inside Human Master Plugin - Turn off "Blacklist groups and Highlevel mobs" and "Use Smart Pulls"



  1. Buy the profile
  2. Download the profile and put the .xml file into  Wrobot/Profiles/Quester
  3. Select Quest bot
  4. In the drop down, select the profile.
  5. Click start, and enter your Rocketr Order ID
    (Order ID can be found in the top of the Email you received after purchasing.)
  6. Done! Report any errors or bugs


Special Thanks

I would like to thank @eeny I used some of your druid bear form code. I also used your class quest quest order from your NE 1-12. (level 1 quests).
Thank you @Matenia For helping me setup the profile here on the forums. And thank you @Droidz for helping with some of the code I was confused on.



Buy Now :

Quester + Grinder - Randomized:               https://rocketr.net/buy/703b23a87b58


Grinder Only(+ 25 Quests) - Randomized          https://rocketr.net/buy/bf4de2592768


Alliance REMAKE  1-60 Randomized



HORDE 1-60 Randomized




Support / Help:

Discord - https://discord.gg/fudFNyc


Please report any and all bugs or errors to me promptly!

Rate and Comment below, thanks guys.




Bot Settings:






















Do Not Sell List:


Accurate Slugs
Alterac Swiss
Black Silk Pack
Blinding Powder
Bristle Whisker Catfish
Brown Leather Satchel
Crude Throwing Axe
Cured Ham Steak
Dalaran Sharp
Darnassian Bleu
Deadly Poison
Deadly Poison II
Deadly Poison III
Deadly Poison IV
Deadly Poison V
Deadly Poison Vi
Deep Fried Plantains
Delicious Cave Mold
Dried King Bolete
Dwarven Mild
Elemental Water
Elixir of Defense
Elixir of Fortitude
Elixir of Giants
Elixir of Greater Agility
Elixir of Greater Defense
Elixir of Minor Agility
Elixir of Minor Fortitude
Elixir of Ogre's Strength
Elixir of the Mongoose
Essence of Water
Fine Aged Cheddar
Flash Powder
Flask of Supreme Power
Flask of the Titans
Forest Mushroom Cap
Freshly Baked Bread
Goldenbark Apple
Greater Healing Potion
Green Leather Bag
Green Silk Pack
Haunch of Meat
Healing Potion
Heavy Brown Bag
Heavy Linen Bandage
Heavy Mageweave Bandage
Heavy Runecloth Bandage
Heavy Shot
Heavy Silk Bandage
Heavy Throwing Dagger
Heavy Wool Bandage
Homemade Cherry Pie
Huge Venom Sac
Instant Poison
Instant Poison I
Instant Poison II
Instant Poison III
Instant Poison IV
Instant Poison V
Instant Poison VI
Ironweb Spider Silk
Jagged Arrow
Large Blue Sack
Large Green Sack
Large Knapsack
Larval Acid
Lesser Healing Potion
Light Shot
Linen Bandage
Long Tail Feather
Longjaw Mud Snapper
Mageweave Bag
Mageweave Bandage
Major Healing Potion
Major Mana Potion
Minor Healing Potion
Moist Cornbread
Moon Harvest Pumpkin
Mulgore Spice Bread
Mutton Chop
Raw Black Truffle
Razor Arrow
Red Mageweave Bag
Red-speckled Mushroom
Roasted Quail
Rockscale Cod
Rough Arrow
Rune of Portals
Rune of Teleportation
Runecloth Bag
Runecloth Bandage
Sharp Arrow
Shiny Red Apple
Silk Bandage
Skinning Knife
Slitherskin Mackeral
Small Black Pouch
Small Brown Pouch
Small Green Pouch
Small Red Pouch
Small Silk Pack
Small Throwing Knife
Snapvine Watermelon
Soft Banana Bread
Solid Shot
Spinefin Halibut
Spongy Morel
Spotted Yellowtail
Stormwind Brie
Striped Yellowtail
Superior Healing Potion
Superior Mana Potion
Tel'Abim Banana
Tender Wolf Meat
Thick Leather
Tough Hunk of Bread
Tough Jerky
Traveler's Backpack
Warbear Leather
Wicked Throwing Dagger
Wild Hog Shank
Wizard Oil
Wool Bandage

What's New in Version 5.1   See changelog



Fixed issue with Auto updater should now work proper.

NEW Alliance version is coming out very soon. 

Watch the creation -- HERE 


I will still perform updates on this file! Keep that in mind - This new version, consider it 3 profiles, Grinder, Medium quest, LOADS of quests.
The new profile is currently level 34, 211 quests (insane) and i have 5 people who have pre-paid for it that are testing for me. If this interests you contact me.

Fixes on new file - I added a small fix for some TBC servers on a couple gather quests.
Also added more blacklists.



User Feedback

Recommended Comments

i'd like to have more info about the Randomized Grinding feature :

  • Zone is selected once when launching profile or does it change automatically after an amount of time ?
  • Different zone for a same level are always in the same region or can it be far away from a random zone to an other ?
  • if my character is currently grinding in a zone and i stop/play the bot, there is a chance he select an other random zone and have to move every time i stop/play the bot ?


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1) Selected only once when the profile is started, and everytime you Stop and Start the profile.

2) Currently same region. I felt that putting zones in diff areas would be problematic and cause a lot of stress if you were to stop and start the bot. However this is a feature I have considered and asked some testers about.

3) Yes. Stopping and starting the bot starts the random selection process all over. Currently only 48-51 had different continents (tanaris and ungoro because they are so close).

When i created it I cut zones into sections N W E S example. And used different spots for grinding - This is why you only see 2 spots for some zones, and 4 for more.


Currently there are 1-2 zones that i need to replace, such as Wetlands. I didnt realize how many other profiles used this area as there was reports of several botters in it. Also wetlands makes the bot go into the water to kill Murlocs (At the time this was intentional but I realize now not everybody owns HumanMasterPlugin.) so i will be removing wetlands all together i think. So keep an eye out for that.

Edited by Andoido
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that's an interesting feature to randomise profile, but i would suggest to implement it that way : when you launch the profile, it select 1 zone randomly and every X minutes/hours, it change zone randomly (excluding the current zone of course of the choice).

One cause to ban is character farming too long in the same area and starting triggering attention from others real players, it would be a nice dodge to this.

I'm not that much agree that just chosing a different zone when launching profile do anything to avoid ban ? i mean ok you will farm to spot A instead of B, but what does it change again ban ? the character will still look as bottish as always in every spot ?

Edited by micam
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8 minutes ago, micam said:

that's an interesting feature to randomise profile, but i would suggest to implement it that way : when you launch the profile, it select 1 zone randomly and every X minutes/hours, it change zone randomly (excluding the current zone of course of the choice).

This actually is a good idea but i litterally would have to ask droidz if there is even a way to add a "Timer" to the profile. My can, and Complete conditions are already used, and has 2 at that.

I will look into this though i like it

It reduces bans in a few ways.

It makes the bot unpredictable. Most profiles use the same path, same grind spot, and hundreds have it. This at least minimizes that chance in a small way but nonetheless it does give the bot randomness. Nothing i can do about sharp turns and what not but i can try to implement a timer per say.

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2 hours ago, Andoido said:

This actually is a good idea but i litterally would have to ask droidz if there is even a way to add a "Timer" to the profile. My can, and Complete conditions are already used, and has 2 at that.

I will look into this though i like it

It reduces bans in a few ways.

It makes the bot unpredictable. Most profiles use the same path, same grind spot, and hundreds have it. This at least minimizes that chance in a small way but nonetheless it does give the bot randomness. Nothing i can do about sharp turns and what not but i can try to implement a timer per say.

Well yes you have an advantage to some degree with your randomization. But you say it yourself. Its all randomized in the same zones. So there also will be bot trains. They will just be more split up. Not shit talking your randomizing feature though, it basically is capable of having 2x or 3x the amount of users before things look the same compared to non "randomized" profiles.

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I have no objection to doing diff zones. I actually was hoping to get feedback on it just the whole letting the bot run to a zone on its own seemed illogical.

I suppose any way you look at it, randomizing so the bot goes to diff zones, is the same concept as botting same zone diff areas. What do you guys think. Should i add Random zones ?

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Not saying that its bad what you are doing now, but its almost the same as using a very big route that leads through the whole zone or that gets all the spots you used in different sub questers now... real different zone randomization, that would be a game changer and then you could start speaking of "unpredictable botting"

just my two cents, like i told you, your product seems to be great. I don't wanna bash on you or anything.

Edited by Bambo
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I will look into adding some different zones that are neighbors and not super super far away and yall can tell me if you like it

I know bambo =p i can take constructive criticism my friend

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I'm getting a popup that sells me to go to a website to download a new profile? When I visit the site I have to pay. Not sure what's gone wrong but that doesn't seem right.

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Which popup is it.

When you pay - you have to enter your Rocketr ID into the profile. Did you do that ?

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6 hours ago, Emberlight said:

I don't recommend anyone to buy this product. It's extremely slow and there are multiple issues. There is zero support and have message the seller a few times on skype and discord with no response. A few issues i''ve had:

My purchase download link think only takes me to the file at time of purchase and the not the updated one, your only allowed 5 downloads of the file. I can't seem to get the new files.

I'll often start the bot and it just runs and buys a weapon that I already have in my bags or don't need and purchase it anyway before starting.

90% of it is grinding mobs at a much lower level for poor XP, The "random" grind spots don't seem very well done. Example, i'm 26 and the bot spent all day grinding 21-22 mobs and there are very little quests as far as I have seen. 

This product clearly doesn't deserve what you are stating here. It has been well done ( and I am saying that even though I am a Competitor, since I have similar products )...

keep in mind that also premium sellers need some sleep from time to time, maybe he wasn't aware of your issues and was comfortably sleeping and having nice dreams?!

Edited by Bambo
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Im getting stuck at a quest giver that has no quests available.  Im guessing i manually completed the quest but the bot doesnt know.  How can I skip to the next part of the bots action?


Also the pause button is not working.  So I have to use the stop button everytime. But when i do that the bot restarts all over again and goes through the beginning steps.

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go into profile settings (below the drop down menu where you choose the profile itself), disable all steps there that belong to your handmade parts.

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3 minutes ago, Bambo said:

go into profile settings (below the drop down menu where you choose the profile itself), disable all steps there that belong to your handmade parts.

OK I will give that a try.


Also the pause button is not working.  So I have to use the stop button everytime. But when i do that the bot restarts all over again and goes through the beginning steps. Can you help with this?

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So, it depends on the quest. If you already completed it, go look up the QUEST ID on like classicDB.. and enter the quest ID into the "completed quests"  list ? or uncheck it.

Have you tried a fresh install, to answer the pause button ? thats not profile related. Pausing will cause the bot to do this sometimes dunno why.

You can try disabling all addons, and what not. and change your Search Radius to 88 like i said above!

Lastly, if thats not working - try deleting your GENERAL-(CHAR NAME) in the settings folder, and QUESTS-Charname - and if this doesnt work, try a fresh install of the bot.

Let me know!

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On 10/20/2018 at 11:38 AM, Andoido said:

So, it depends on the quest. If you already completed it, go look up the QUEST ID on like classicDB.. and enter the quest ID into the "completed quests"  list ? or uncheck it.

Have you tried a fresh install, to answer the pause button ? thats not profile related. Pausing will cause the bot to do this sometimes dunno why.

You can try disabling all addons, and what not. and change your Search Radius to 88 like i said above!

Lastly, if thats not working - try deleting your GENERAL-(CHAR NAME) in the settings folder, and QUESTS-Charname - and if this doesnt work, try a fresh install of the bot.

Let me know!

What if I play on multiple computers or with multiple characters at different points in the game?  Do I seriously have to uncheck and then recheck the hundreds of boxes in order to get each character back to where he needs to be every time I switch pc or toons?


I would REALLY love to get this bot working great for me.


Thanks for the help.



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So, as i mentioend in the start of the forum post - If you are looking to do this, you need extra Rocketr ID's. Which i can give you at a big discounted rate. Allowing you to bot many many more clients.

and Yes. As with any profile , by any user. You have to do this. OR... you can simplly "Copy" the settings file named General.CHAR NANE.SERVER + Quester.CHARNAME.SERVER  - into the new bot settings folder, i think this method works.


The fackt that you need to uncheck stuff because ur switching between computers has nothing to do with the actual profile ? i hope lol,

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43 minutes ago, Andoido said:

So, as i mentioend in the start of the forum post - If you are looking to do this, you need extra Rocketr ID's. Which i can give you at a big discounted rate. Allowing you to bot many many more clients.

and Yes. As with any profile , by any user. You have to do this. OR... you can simplly "Copy" the settings file named General.CHAR NANE.SERVER + Quester.CHARNAME.SERVER  - into the new bot settings folder, i think this method works.


The fackt that you need to uncheck stuff because ur switching between computers has nothing to do with the actual profile ? i hope lol,

Is there a way to add a user interface button that you can just simply click to skip to the next part of the script?  That would be soooo awesome!!!  


Or an option to select/deselect multiple boxes at once?

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Currently level 19 hunter, works great for the most part. It took me a long time to finally figure out a good balance of settings, for a while it would repeatedly run into huge groups of mobs and chain die, skin every corpse in an entire zone before grinding/questing etc. but I think it's working pretty well now.

There's one thing though, I'm on the 18-23 grind in Duskwood and it goes 100% smoothly most of the time, gains a lot of xp, effiiciently kills mobs etc. but it inevitably always runs to the area around Manor Mistmantle and chain dies after about 40 mins, which needless to say makes it impossible to leave alone.

Is there a way I can blacklist this area from the randomized grinder or something? It shouldn't be trying to kill mobs 10+ levels higher than me but it always does. It does perfectly fine around the edges of duskwood killing the 19-22 mobs so I'm not sure why it always moves.



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No problem, do you have any idea when it will be fixed? or what I can do to fix it in the meantime? Overall, amazing profile, it works much better than any other I've used in the past

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Can you give me an exact location ( take a picture ingame, of map where ur char is) and ill fix that asap.


thanks for the compliements ?

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