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[A + H] [Grind] Legion beast grind pack 1.0.0

   (8 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This zip contains 7 profiles that I'm currently using to farm leather mostly in Azsuna.  The bot will target pretty much anything that can be skinned.

XP is not amazing.. 80-100K per hour without any buffs / heirlooms.

Going from the map

  1. Azsuna Rhutvan Passage
  2. Azsuna Felblaze Ingress ** bot can pull 4+ mobs at once here** keep an eye out for excessive deaths.
  3. Azsuna llothien
  4. Azsuna "the Greenway"
  5. Suramar Western river loop
  6. Val'Sharah Cenarion Grove
  7. Highmountain Nesingwary's camp 

The idea here is to use relogger change the bots location every hour or so.  I did keep mining / herbalism in mind when making the grind loops.

No vendors added yet- cant foresee any issues using the inbuilt selling system here.  Don't disable taxi otherwise the bot will be running through some pretty scary places when switching locations / profiles.

Add http://www.wowhead.com/item=128554/enchant-shoulder-boon-of-the-scavenger for some extra gold- will pay itself off in a few hours grinding.

Let me know if you hit any issues. Enjoy!





What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


7.1- added Suramar skinning loop 5

7.2- Added Val'Sharah and Highmountain loops 6+7


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10 minutes ago, marty said:

the profile runs great but when ure pet dies it does not summon or revive it

I was subtly trying to point out that a grind profile does not manage that aspect of the bots behaviour.  The fight class you should have loaded manages what class specific spells / abilities the bot will use.

You never thought it was odd that none of the files for legion / WoD were class specific? Or did you just assume the profile creators factored in rotations and talent build for all wow classes?

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2 hours ago, Mr. Robot said:

What level can you play this up to before not getting any more experience?

The mobs in broken isles scale to your level. Technically you could get 100-110 with a single grind profile... And a lot of time.

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Number 3 worked great for me, something I thought you might enjoy though, There is a world quest right there, I neglected to record the name, but it requires you kill 10 of the lions and then the big lion, if you were to include the big lion in the route I would have completed the WQ due to killing enough of the lions in the route.

You may leave it out as it may be difficult for the bot to solo? But if you included it, it would be a nice bonus for the route :D

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3 hours ago, TheThirdEye said:

Hello guys i love this Grinder Profile for 1 thing. But i have a question on the highmountions Profile i keep getting stuck in the water fall any tips on this

Only thing I can really do about that is to blacklist that zone.  I dont think the bot deals well with the running water dragging it along.


send me a screenshot of where you are getting stuck and i can add the blackspot if you like.

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Just a heads up guys ive been running in to a problem with a mob being stuck in a rock, tree, or undertheground and can not kill but

bot will stay trying to kill the whole time till you move. Could lead to bann. IDK if this is old or not but just started happening to me

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