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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, no with default option but you can do that with your fightclass
  2. Hello, you haven't license on your account, I don't unstrande your problem, in screen you use trial version.
  3. Hello, use quest type Gatherer and add entry id of this object
  4. Hello, replace 5 by value like 60 (in your current settings WRobot start to regen if you have less than 5% to 95%)
  5. Hello, can you share full log file please
  6. Droidz

    check you key

    Hello, try again
  7. Droidz

    check you key

    Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to All
  8. https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/conditional-and-operator
  9. Hello, You have tried solution given for thousand? she works and resolve your problem (even if is it offmeshesconnections) (I'll add these offmeshesconnections by default to WRobot in next updates) , and I told for booty bay to wait than I add new offmeshesconnections feature to resolve this issu (I'll add by default to WRobot this offmeshsesconnections too). And change maxclimbheight is not solution, this will probably resolve problem in thousand but will add a lot of bugs in others zones (I work on it since several years, I know what I said). You never say hello, thank you, ..., I give you solutions that you do not even test, you talk badly about me, and you're there for only 1 month ... Tell me why if WRobot has so many problems, and I deserve so little respect because what I give you is so bad you have bought WRobot (there is the trial version for tested before purchase), and why do not you go to the competition? I know than WRobot is not perfect, and I work on it every days, I appreciate people who help me to find bugs and than suggest solutions (if WRobot still here it's thanks to them), but stay polite, and when I give a tested solution before you complain.
  10. Hello, use quest type useitemon and add only hotsport (not target)
  11. https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/thousand-needles-bad-meshes-tries-to-walk-up-huge-cliffs-ignoring-z-coordinate-r1139/?do=findComment&comment=5383
  12. Hello, you need to use this offmeshesconnections ( "WRobot\Data\OffMeshConnections.xml" ) <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-4890.577" Y="-1975.606" Z="92.24278" /> <Vector3 X="-5021.466" Y="-1938.876" Z="90.04434" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5021.466" Y="-1938.876" Z="90.04434" /> <Vector3 X="-4891.924" Y="-1970.782" Z="91.50689" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5027.926" Y="-1931.706" Z="90.34178" /> <Vector3 X="-5004.158" Y="-1940.912" Z="84.85013" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5004.158" Y="-1940.912" Z="84.85013" /> <Vector3 X="-5023.804" Y="-1938.739" Z="90.57607" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-4906.365" Y="-1969.007" Z="85.78034" /> <Vector3 X="-4891.267" Y="-1973.176" Z="91.93782" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-4891.267" Y="-1973.176" Z="91.93782" /> <Vector3 X="-4906.328" Y="-1968.438" Z="85.74543" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5154.633" Y="-2129.755" Z="91.84631" /> <Vector3 X="-5149.066" Y="-2109.99" Z="88.07574" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5149.066" Y="-2109.99" Z="88.07574" /> <Vector3 X="-5154.358" Y="-2130.45" Z="91.88598" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-5153.188" Y="-2128.675" Z="91.61093" /> <Vector3 X="-5119.792" Y="-1986.772" Z="87.88402" /> <Vector3 X="-5079.95" Y="-1946.185" Z="89.30199" /> <Vector3 X="-5030.777" Y="-1935.503" Z="90.53847" /> <Vector3 X="-4890.049" Y="-1971.698" Z="91.81448" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-4890.049" Y="-1971.698" Z="91.81448" /> <Vector3 X="-5027.663" Y="-1937.253" Z="90.62695" /> <Vector3 X="-5088.373" Y="-1945.523" Z="88.93313" /> <Vector3 X="-5118.782" Y="-1992.137" Z="87.27573" /> <Vector3 X="-5153.819" Y="-2131.953" Z="91.95806" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1</ContinentId> <Name>Cime de Noir-nuage</Name> </OffMeshConnection> Pathfinder stuck here:
  13. Thank you, can you share positions (from/to) (or your log file of sessions where you get this problem)
  14. hello, how to you have written your two conditions?
  15. How I told in previous messages, next offmeshconnections features will fix this problem
  16. I generated meshes with better settings (more details), meshes are on servers, if you can tell me if you found path better/less or unchanged.
  17. if you get bugs in 100% of the zones, try how I said to disable all wow addons and reinstall WRobot in new folder.
  18. We do not have the same vision of the word "BROKEN", pathfinder needs improvement, and it is not perfect, but he works in more than 90% of cases, avoid to create profile in zones where it does not work correctly if you do not want to have strange behavior. Tell me the name of bots with a better pathfinder than WRobot (all games)? Except HB I do not see it. I repet, pathfinder is not perfect, I need to improve it and I'll do that. And if you get really a lot of problems, try to disable all wow addons and make fresh install of WRobot (in new folder to reset settings), try without plugins and add plugin one per one.
  19. Hello, I don't planned to add python support, but look IronPython
  20. Hello, you have try to increment your min/max latency in advanced general settings? can you share your log if your problem is not resolved
  21. Add offmeshesconnection for successfull path will resolve your issue, problem in booty bay is that pathfinder don't know than he can use tunel to enter/exit (I forget why, but I cannot change that), but pathfinder found another path (by the water) current offmeshesconnection don't works, with next features, you add offmeshes connection to the tunel and WRobot will use it to enter/exit of booty bay. Ofcourse this will not resolve all bugs
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