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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, This is not a normal problem. Are you using Wow addons? if yes that's probably the problem. Otherwise use the "Relogger" application and configure it to restart Wow and the bot every 30 minutes.
  2. Droidz

    Mounts and spellbook

    Hi, WRobot don't refresh mounts list when you update spellboot but you can use the news mounts. Whey you need to get new mounts in speelbook?
  3. I tested I cannot reproduce problem, try to download and install WRobot in new folder (don't change settings put only your profile)
  4. Hello, in advanced general settings tab "pathfinder" you can found option to avoid walls, try to put distance like 0.5 or 1
  5. Droidz

    Path finder seems broken

    I have done a lot of research but don't understand why you have this error and how to fix it. Try to run on another computer (or on VM) with same internet providers (you can also try to change you IP if you can). If this doesn't works it is probably routeur problem. You can also try to use VPN or proxy.
  6. If by name that don't works, in settings put buff name like his happer in game when you mouse is over (top/right), and use this plugin: Main.cs using System.ComponentModel; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnMount += delegate(string name, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { MovementManager.StopMoveTo(); // or MovementManager.StopMove(); ItemsManager.UseItem(67009); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); cancelable.Cancel = true; }; } public void Dispose() { } public void Settings() { } } (this plugin will use item when WRobot will try to use mount spell)
  7. robotManager.Helpful.Display.ShowWindow(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.GetProcess().MainWindowHandle);
  8. Hello, you have option in advanced general settings to ignore pet
  9. Hi, robotManager.Helpful.Display.ShowWindow(obj.CurrentWowProcess.MainWindowHandle); public static void ShowWindow(IntPtr mainWindowHandle) { Native.ShowWindow(mainWindowHandle, Native.SwRestore); Native.SetForegroundWindow(mainWindowHandle); }
  10. try to active option quest option RepeatableQuest
  11. Droidz

    Path finder seems broken

    it is strange, try to use cloudflare or google dns
  12. Droidz

    Path finder seems broken

    The last update normally corrects the problem, it changes server if the selected server is malfunctioning (and I tried to solve the problem on the server side).
  13. Hi, I can reproduce this problem but I don't understand why, and I haven't found how to resolve it. But it is old Windows version and this affect only if you don't use default Windows style, I'll not fix it.
  14. Do not pay attention to the version I do not always change it (if WRobot does not ask for an update at startup, it means that it is up to date).
  15. If you can tell me if you still get crash with the new update
  16. Hello, Wait next update for the fix
  17. Droidz

    Path finder seems broken

    In next update I'll fix problem with this security (the bot is often stuck on pause without trying to change servers)
  18. Hello, what is your BfA game version (with build number)? I need to know this to add the supports
  19. I'll check. Are you using the updated version of WRobot?
  20. hi, look https://github.com/goldpaw/WoW_UI_Source_WotLK/blob/7ac7bc5b6ebc57f7de70c64aaf61072bb22bc511/AddOns/Blizzard_DebugTools/Dump.lua#L350 -- DEVTOOLS_MAX_ENTRY_CUTOFF = 0 DevTools_Dump(_G)
  21. Hello, you play in Wotlk? put item name don't works?
  22. Did you notice a particular moment in these crashes? (when movement, cast spell, if wrobot is attached without starting a product he crashes?)
  23. Hello you have try to download client on another website (not in website of the server)?
  24. Hello, in easy quest editor > tools > blacklist editor
  25. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
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