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  1. Droidz's post in Buy Wrobot was marked as the answer   
    Hello, You can pay with bitcoin, or help the community (create profiles, fightclass, help for user support) to get free license key.
  2. Droidz's post in Can Wrotation be made more effective? was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   For one, check if your fightclass use all spells required and if optimised.   If your fightclass is good but slow, you can: Activate options (in advanced general settings) "Unlock fps limit" and "Improve combat rotation speed". In the fightclass settings you can also increment "Frame per seconde".   (More you have fps in wow, more wrobot is reactive, use low image quality in wow to get the best fps).
  3. Droidz's post in WRobot no work on Europe 20/02/2014 was marked as the answer   
    restart WRobot and accept update.
    Good botting at all.
  4. Droidz's post in aide creation profils was marked as the answer   
    As-tu essayé de mettre un "Timer" (cette option est dans "Spell Settings") à http://www.wowhead.com/spell=45477/icy-touch pour laisse le temps à http://www.wowhead.com/spell=49998
  5. Droidz's post in Still Having Massive Front / Back Detection Issues was marked as the answer   
    I have changed code it is more precise.
  6. Droidz's post in not start was marked as the answer   
    Install this on your computer: http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msi   If after it, WRobot don't works, switching directx version of wow (if you use currently directx 11 change it to directx 9, if you use directx 9 change it to directx 11 (don't forget to restart wow when you change directx version)).
  7. Droidz's post in Abilities Being Used Out Of Combat was marked as the answer   
    Hi Try with condition  "Unit Attack Player Near"
    edit: Sample here: 
  8. Droidz's post in gathering problems/bugs was marked as the answer   
    To avoid http://www.wowhead.com/object=211719/violet-citron go to:
    Tab "General Settings". Button "Enter advanced settings...". Tab "Looting and Farming options". In textbox "Don't harvest object (one id by line)" add text: 211719 211721
  9. Droidz's post in Repa et vendre sur ma monture was marked as the answer   
    Activez l'option "Use Traveler's Tundra Mammoth" qui ce trouve dans "General Settings > Enter advanced settings... > Vendor 'Selleting or Buying".
    Pour plus d'info ce référer au guide: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/
  10. Droidz's post in Warlock Afli - Shadow Bolt <--> Malefic Grasp was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   If when you write "Shadow Bolt" your character launching "Malefic Grasp" then is necessary to use "Shadow Bolt".   This is in wow code, I ignore why (Wow use base spell name).   You can use this macro to get base spell name: /run for i=1,200000 do local f=FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID(i,"spell") if f then local n,id=GetSpellBookItemName(f,"spell"),select(2,GetSpellBookItemInfo(f,"spell")) local s=GetSpellInfo(id) s=n==s and " " or "\124cFF4FF763"..s print(id,n,s) end end
  11. Droidz's post in I Need help lol. was marked as the answer   
    If you can try with new the WRobot update please. It is problem with decimal separator (in french computer is "," by default, in english is ".").
    Tell me if problem is solved or not.
  12. Droidz's post in Profil rotation was marked as the answer   
    Vous devez désactiver l'option "Manage rotation..." dans les "Product Settings".
  13. Droidz's post in Backstab Works On Dummy's But Not In Raid was marked as the answer   
    The first c# code checking if you rotation is similar at target rotation. The second c# code checking if your character see (facing) target.   If you have similar rotation and the target is in facing you are behind the target.
  14. Droidz's post in C Sharp Code For Infront was marked as the answer   
    Reply here: 
  15. Droidz's post in Resurrect Die Pets with NPC Not Working was marked as the answer   
    You need to change the gossip option of the NPC in profil creator (don't forget to clean your npc database with NPCDB (in tab "Tools")
  16. Droidz's post in Bug lancement was marked as the answer   
    - Télécharge et installe SlimDX: http://slimdx.googlecode.com/files/SlimDX%20Runtime%20.NET%204.0%20x86%20%28January%202012%29.msi
    - Redémarre ton Ordinateur et essaye de nouveau.
    Si le problème persiste essaye de mettre WRobot dans le dossier C:\Program Files (x86) plutôt que sur le bureau.
    Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas peux tu me renvoyer les fichier logs (supprime les anciens pour êtres sur de ne m'envoyer que les nouveaux).
  17. Droidz's post in Atack and move in Rotation ? was marked as the answer   
    In WRobot Product Settings you can desactivate option "Manage...".
  18. Droidz's post in afk probelam was marked as the answer   
    Close TeamViewer (TeamViewer_Service.exe and  TeamViewer.exe) and Tuneup utility (TuneUpUtilitiesService64.exe and TuneUpUtilitiesApp64.exe ).
  19. Droidz's post in Player gets stuck a whole bunch was marked as the answer   
    Read in battlegrounder Product settings it is written to remove from random queue Strand of the Ancients:
  20. Droidz's post in LF Healing Profile Help was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   For the first problem (fightclass), you need to settings manually the spell range if "For friends" option is activated (using the condition "Target Distance" for setting range).   For you second problem, it is caused by the path finder (path generator), you can use also it but wrobot don't avoid wall in this continent for the moment (or you can move manually your character if you desactivate option "Manage character rotation, ...." in product settings). I'll add support for path finder of this continent.
  21. Droidz's post in Problème fight classe was marked as the answer   
    Comme la dit Seumas, tu n'as pas besoin d'utiliser de conditions quand tu es niveau 1, ajoute juste le nom du sort (en Anglais, tu peux utiliser le site wowhead pour traduire les noms de sorts).
    Si tu n'y arrives pas dit moi les sorts que tu veux rajouter à ta FightClass je le ferais.
  22. Droidz's post in Zygor to quester profile help was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   You cannot convert Zygor to a wrobot profile.   In quest tools, you have a tool to convert of zygor the order of quests and objectives but you need to complete a lot of informations manually (this tool can gain time). 
  23. Droidz's post in Help please! was marked as the answer   
    In your log "Harvest Herbs" is desactivated, you need to activate it in general settings (if you have problem try to reinstall wrobot in a empty folder).   Tell me if your problem is solved.
  24. Droidz's post in Finding the path to vender was marked as the answer   
    Try this attached profile.
    Don't forget to remove npc already in your list (in main wrobot window, go to tab "Tools" > "Npc DB" > select your npc and press key "Del" to remove it from the list (restart wrobot)).
    300-350 winterspring leopard EDITED BY DROIDZ.xml
  25. Droidz's post in auto enchaînement profils was marked as the answer   
    Oui et non, on peut mettre plusieurs zones dans un seul profil (lors de la création du profil, les zones sont par niveau du joueur) donc dès que le joueur a le niveau requis pour la zone suivante WRobot charge automatiquement cette zone. Mais si vous téléchargez plusieurs profils différents, le changement ne sera pas automatique.
    Il est toutefois possible de mettre plusieurs profils dans un seul manuellement (mais cela requit une connaissance minimale en XML). 
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