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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. More likely, they saw the same IP Address and banned your account that way so fast.
  2. Auf Grund dessen, dass ich nicht auf dem Aktuellen Content spiele, werde ich das Profile selbst nicht testen können. Dir sollte aber von vornherein klar sein, dass Legion Quests deutlich komplexer sind und somit oftmals nur via c# zu lösen sind. Ps. Bin aktuell im WRobot Discord Server anzutreffen.
  3. Um welche World of Warcraft Expansion handelt es sich?
  4. Could you please add the "Don't use CTM for Movement" feature for the other private server versions too?
  5. The bot can't generate a correct path to those nodes, so just blacklist them and he'll avoid the position.
  6. 0 means, if there's a unit or player around, the bot will simply not gather the node. 1 = max one unit near the node 2 = max two units near the node etc.
  7. You have to raise the max units near target value and don't set it to 0.
  8. And what are with objects that are not spawned via the server, because the bot get stucked by them too? But ye, that would be at least something and could improve the pathfinding a bit. I have access to fully spawned databases for all private server versions, so I'll hit you up for first with the Wotlk database via private message. Once you added it to the meshes for Wotlk and it really improved the pathfinding, then i'm glad to send you the Databases for the other private server versions.
  9. I just came back to botting and would like to know, when we could expect a plugin for private servers? ( all versions ) I created 1-max level Questing Profiles for Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk, but the stucks are making it almost impossible, to let it run without observing the bot 24/7.
  10. Dynamic objects which are not saved in the .mpq files, but saved on the server itself, are not included in the WRobot meshes. ( Doors, Waggons, Benchs etc. ) I really don't understand, why other bots have them included in their meshes and WRobot doesn't. ( Droidz just need to go ingame, record every single dynamic object with a tool and add them to the meshes ) A more improved pathfinding system would be great, but ain't gonna happen.
  11. Runaro

    paypal stuck

    Du benötigst einen verifizierten Paypal Account, dann funktioniert die Zahlung via Paypal problemlos.
  12. You simply can't edit a .dll with the FightClass Editor. If you know basic c#, just decompile the .dll and edit the .cs to your wishes.
  13. A piece of software grows and improves with such suggestions, so i don't think it's disrespectful. I know exactly how he's feeling about the non existing API Documentation and the not user friendly Quest Editor. ( a friend created a improved version for me, so i was able to create more efficient quest profiles )
  14. Runaro

    Blacklist zone

    The improved version is much better, but a function to blacklist a zone completely, so the bot will never enter it.. would be worth gold. Since the Pathfinding isn't the best, we have to get such a function implemented. ( the current meshes doesn't have all objects in, that's why the bot stucks at some places often )
  15. Just click on the play button? Here's a direct link for you: https://youtu.be/KDiXbWNMLvc
  16. I don't play DH, so i have no idea about the spells... Edited the FightClass for you, so it only cast Sigil of Flame, if the target doesn't have the Debuff Sigil of Flame. ( not tested ) Demon Hunter Tank - EDITED.xml
  17. If you buy this Version http://wrobot.eu/store/product/4-wrobot-unlimited-subscription/ you'll be able to use WRobot for the following WoW Versions: TBC ( 2.4.3 ) Wotlk ( 3.3.5a ) Cata ( 4.3.4 ) MOP ( 5.4.8) WOD ( 6.4.2 ) Legion ( current retail patch ) After 10 years, you have to renew your WRobot Sub manually.
  18. He doesn't have a Bot sub, so he can't even use the Bot...
  19. Why don't you use the Party Product of WRobot?
  20. You have to pay for the bot.. sounds like, you're using a cracked version of it. The Object ID's are wrong in the profile itself, here are the correct ones: Solanian's Scrying Orb - 180510 Scroll of Scourge Magic - 180511 Solanian's Journal - 180512
  21. You just posted the pulse part, please upload / post the full profile. Btw. you should really separate every single objective, so if the bot needs to finish 3 objectives for a quest, then create 3 pulse parts. Ps. How do you want to use the quester product, without a Bot Sub?
  22. Don't worry, i haven't forget you. ( the profile itself is done since a long time, it just needs some testing and blacklisting ) Currently full in legion mode, geared my druid full Mythic and soon the Mythic + are coming.
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