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Everything posted by eeny

  1. dunno man, guess if grinder / quester is working use that. Droidz will ask for you to upload a full log file. may aswell do they before he wakes up.
  2. What profile are you using? edit: because i only ever see ystem.NullReferenceException's on load when someone attempts to load a profile in the incorrect mode. aka loading a grinder profile in gatherer.
  3. https://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/
  4. So that looks the flight portion- ugh its a mess... fly to Exodar and restart
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Need people to QA profile Free Night elf quest profile that should get you 1-20 hands free. I didn't like the Darkshore quest lines (too many stucks) so i just pulled in the 10-20 block from the Draenei profile which works OK. I have seen some issues with the flight co-ordination from Darnasus to Exodar so you may need to watch that. around lvl 10. Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk. I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one. Let me know if you see any stuck's. Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.
  6. you also need an active WRobot subscription
  7. My bad- this was a paid profile, now its not- the version here is the full version. Blizz changes some things around so it may be a bit glitchy.
  8. Version 1.1.0


    Released 4th may 2017- STILL IN BETA / TESTING Free profile for 1-20+ Draenei start zones. this profile is 100% quest Requires the Quickquest addon and auto-gear addon to be full afk. I tested with non heirloom'd bots and hit 20 each one. Let me know if you see any stuck's. Im looking to make a 1-20 for most classes / starting zones.
  9. Today i had a costly trip to GM island. I was running 4 clients, 4 different profiles / fight classes. 3 horde, 1 Alliance. One bot takes a trip to GM island- 24 shaman. No worries- it's irritating, but not a bad loss. At this point no use fighting the inevitable ban. Have a chat to the GM, he didn't want to play around- wouldn't tell me how i was caught. I start shutting down re-logger and other clients until the Gm says " i have banned the other 3 as well" 44 alli rogue 40 horde spriest 29 horde mage ...well shit. Certainly looks like IP banning is a thing. maybe the VPN users are onto something. For those wondering- i was a little careless / rushed. i was botting 10 acc's rotating 4 online at a time so they are active 6-8 hours a day each. mostly unattended- grinding...literally asking for it. 1 public 1-50 grind profile- custom build had a few quests scattered through. 3 more private profiles of similar build. Going back to legion for a bit...
  10. The profile you are using needs to have the trainers added to it as class trainers. If you are using one of my free ones this will be the case as i didnt add them.... lost too many bots to stuck's trying to get to trainers. That and the skills dont auto-upgrade on the toolbar ( for most classes) i justs didnt add support for them.
  11. Why not just add a condition of target buff: flameshock = false and do-away with the CD
  12. I have never seen this bot go 'full retard' like that, so i cant give you a resolution unfortunately - have you tried playing around with a combination of the advanced options > Use LUA to move / use click to move? see if that puts it back into line??
  13. The quest - Kill Flora How does the bot complete this quest and move onto the next step? At what point odes the profile say " ok enough of killing these things, im going to move to the next pulse and exit now"? Depending on the mob / mobs your attempting to farm here, you may be better off makng this a followpath. Where the end is exaclty where the mob you want to farm is and turn on "attack before being attacked" in the hope the bot kills and loots the target.
  14. profile? log? version of wow? version of wrobot? Current bot state in game settings? last log in game settings? This is literally a screenshot of wow- for all we know you arent even botting according to this picture.
  15. horde or alliance? they have different quest ID's... Quest structure looks OK- how'd you get that quest ID?
  16. I have never got into fishing with this bot- cant really help there
  17. There was a problem with your string return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(45000) >= 4; I changed it- so make sure its correct. it doesn't shoot a compilation error, however i don't have 3.3.5 so i cant test 1111TestDaily111.xml
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a quest profile for the Bastion of Twilight Raid instance. Start the profile at the dungeon entrance and let it go. You can only really run this for 20 mins before you get instance locked. Good for enchanting mats / embersilk... gold rate is a bit Meh Keep embersilk in your do not sell list. Also found a high rate of lockboxes getting dropped with some substantial gold in them so if you have a rogue handy put them in the do not sell list as well.
  19. that doesnt make sense- pulseallinone works a charm for me, however you dont question something that works. To make the profile attack elites- beginning of the profile make a runcode step wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.AttackElite = ; Below post has the write-up
  20. EasyProfilecreator is the way to go IMO Profile looks good- you may need to tick " is quest repeatable = true" as its a daily. otherwise the only other thing it could really be is an incorrect quest ID. In EasyProfilecreator go to tools > helper tools and look for the " Current Quests Memory Info" button- hit that and it will give the quest ID's for the quests in your log. Make sure thats the ID you are using.
  21. That's what i did for my brief time on Warmane, each night made a grinder loop and left the bot for 2-3 hours on the loop. worked well enough and it really takes 10 mins to make a grind loop that works. That said, there are profiles 1-60 horde by Webruxim and 1-80 alliance by colderpotato which will do most of the heavy lifting for you. I dont see it as the responsibility of the bot creator to create and manage 1-x lvling profiles for every expansion. if you have an issue with a profile or think there can be an improvement- drop a PM (nicely) to the writer and see if you can work something out. or fix the profile and keep the updated version for yourself to use later
  22. Correct- however i heard blizz did end up scaling lvl 110 to your Ilvl with 7.2. People on forums were QQ'ing because mobs total health would change depending on what gear they had equipped. however lvl 101 mobs stay the same regardless of Ilvl. In this case my hunter below can kill mobs in 1-2 shots. Its incredibly efficient skinning / herb. However any epics that drop are Ilvl 759 and cant really be sold for anything significant. Also cant farm any lvl 110 content. All in all, its not bad for a skinner bot in azsuna, horrible if you want to farm SLR or something like that.
  23. I just don't know how i can state this any clearer in the profile information.... This. is. a. QUEST. profile. Load it as such.
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