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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Dont know man, Maybe? The profile is pretty simple... enter, 4 bosses, leave, reset and restart.. @sumodima - do you have a log for this session? The only thing i can think of is a dynamic change of the dungeon complete frame on the right of the screen? but that wouldn't fully describe the behaviour. im running a few bots through now.. il see if can get one to trip and upload a log.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Throwing my profile onto the pile as some of the others don't have all the fun spells added. This profile is aimed at Solo / AFK, its not optimised for full DPS. Profile will keep all 3 blessings active. At above 70% health will use Templar's verdict and below that Justicar's Vengeance. Very little self healing until you get to below 50% health. If you have >2 hostiles around you it will use Divine storm, Rebuke on target cast and hammer of justice whenever its up. Ret pally rotation's are very simple in legion, however my pally was an absolute wrecking ball with this profile. Talents are attached-
  3. Tundra Mammoth... life saver
  4. Mostly leveling.. and shipping off materials to lvl up all prof's on my main acc so i can craft legion things
    If you spec Moonfire insert it just above rake using the fight class editor. Flawless profile if not specced moonfire though
  5. On retail i have been playing on PVE servers. Since not everyone is PVP enabled/flagged the bot will see an Alliance person and attempt to attack it. the bot will interact and follow this person until they fly away or the bot / the person dies. i have seen is happen and its blatant bot behaviour, i had to step in and move the bot away. I have some alli / horde on my server. il see if i can arrange them to meet eachother and make a video.
  6. I thinking long game- the legion "dailys" will be like world events that the bot will need to pick up on.. if we can get the bot to trigger from an invasion, hopefully we can get it to do dynamic dailys in the future.
  7. agree- first 4 minutes are shakey atm
  8. Normally the bot does "Tunnel mode"... it focus's 1 mob till death. No sure about maintaining 100% DoT uptime on multiple targets- however as far as DoT'ing multiple mobs this plugin would be the way to go. Probably takes 3-4 GCD's per mob to DoT them up so just changes that value down to 4 sec or so in the pluggin and just have the bot with a normal affliction rotation.. should work OK
  9. The problem with a relogger tutorial - is that relogger stores the account name , password and WRobot key in plain text on the screen. The product itself is easy to learn and rock solid to use.. just i don't feel like exposing myself like that.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Load this as a quest profile The bot will do http://www.wowhead.com/quest=10308/another-heap-of-ethereals over and over and over so you will have to make sure you have done the pre-quest's. The bot will collect 120 insignia's then hand them in for rep. The items the bot uses to hand in the quest http://www.wowhead.com/item=29209/zaxxis-insignia are actually sell-able... so make sure to put them on the do not sell list. Let me know if you have any improvements i can add to the profile.
  11. OK, pickpocket.XML is a QUEST PROFILE. so load it as a quest profile. The bot has a nasty habbit of sometimes breaking steal and killing everything.. which is Ok otherwise you end up with all the camps pic-pocketed and the bot will just be doing loops. I turned Looting OFF as i found it broke stealth too much and the loot really isnt worth it. EDIT: just opened my 30 boxes... what a waste of time.. why are you doing this? Pickpocket.xml Rogue_pickpocket_fight_Class.xml
  12. I can get my rogues to pickpoket... they do Kill the mob after tho. what are you guys trying to pickpocket?
  13. Is that even possible without botting? Is that even possible? (botting aside?) Screw it, curious! loading up the mage EDIT: well... fvck me! it is... awesome!
  14. Whats the log file say? /install directory / logs > most recent files. EDIT: Sometimes its a mesh issue ( where the bot is and where the profile is made for) Is it always the second acc or just the char you are trying to use on the 2nd acc. also make sure you have the right WRobot licence to run multiple wow accs
  15. That usually what it does when you launch 64 bit wow. Try just launching WRobot and allow it to open a WoW client for you.. or use relogger
  16. you are going to need to be more descriptive. did you get a wow error?? an app crash??- did it just shut it down the 64 bit wow?
  17. Version 1.0.0


    First release Ele shaman. In true Blizz form they feel very under powered and i would definitely lean on the Enhancement side for botting- anyway talents are attached in picture Feedback is needed
  18. I must have come out in the last 45 mins... All 4 of my bots were doing their thing- now i have come back to my wow unable to update because i have my Bnet updater open. Dw Driodz has a good track record with being pretty quick on this stuff
  19. How are you doing this...Are you using a quest profile with a gatherer pulse? Using grinder / gatherer i dont know of a way to interact with anything outside of herb / mine nodes. Im actually genuinely curious when you say " I added the Edge of Reality and Voidtalon egg into custom objects to gather " . To interact with a game onject (like enter portal or open an egg) i would think you need to use a Quest gatherer pulse. If you have done the quest route i think it should work... from the wowhead page it may be some time though and the bot would be best farming gold or something useful
  20. If this is the first of many ID changes... im going to be mad.. or very busy
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