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Everything posted by Marsbar

  1. In diesem log sehe ich das du es 2 mal probiert hast aber bei beiden versuchen hattest du noch plugins an. Mach mal bitte alle plugins AUS und versuche es noch einmal. Er sollte dir dann folgen und beim kaempfen mit helfen.
  2. Alter da is nix drin lol, musst den bot auch starten
  3. Ja genau das. 16:50:06 - [FightClass] No Fight Class selected und [D] 16:50:06 - [PartyHelperPlugin] Adding Relogger State Stell mal PartyHelperPlugin aus und select auch eine fightclass, dann probiere es wieder und schick dann nochmal den log ps. Sorry for us speaking german on the english forums - this guy is having trouble getting the party product to work
  4. Also wenn du party benutzt solltest du erstmal alle plugins ausstellen und nochmal versuchen. Wenns dann nicht geht kannst du vllt dein log hier posten?
  5. This looks cool! I haven't given it a test but I like your task implementation. One question I have though is the filesize? It's almost 3.5MB. Could it be that you're bundling the wrobot dll's into your FC with fody or are they other dll's needed for your implementation?
  6. Np, du musst in den product settings fuer party dein 70ger namen eingeben sodass der bot weiss wenn er folgen soll
  7. Es gibt das "Party" product in der liste, das macht genau was du willst - die chars muessten allerdings in einer gruppe sein fuer das zu funktionieren. Sonst gibt es ein plugin das es ohne gruppe macht: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1721-tag-‘n-bagger/
  8. Koennte sehr moeglich sein. Schliest sich wrobot auch oder kannst du die logs checken?
  9. Es koennten mehrere sachen sein, probiere erst mal WRotation zu starten ohne eine fightclass auszuwaehlen und alle plugins aus machen. When es nicht abstuertzt dann koennte es mit einer dieser dingen zu tun haben.
  10. I'm not saying it won't work at all, what I mean is that strings are used in the fightclass to probably check how many of the food name you have in your bags.
  11. Not on the sunwell discord though right? because his name would have been in purple... ? edit: tbh I quite like this piootrek guy, doesn't insta ban and let's you off if you say you'll stop.
  12. In advanced general settings there is a macro tab. You tell it what button to press on a timer.
  13. Can you post a log file of when you think it should be using food but isn't?
  14. I think the issue this plugin was trying to fix has been updated and should now work as normal within wrobot. Are you having issues with totown runs because of ammo?
  15. No it isn't.. don't be silly. Premium products will also stay a thing. This is just so that people have something to use rather than having to fork out more money on products they can't be sure even work properly.
  16. Are you using addons? I know that a version of elvui broke autoattacking. Please test again without any addons enabled and see if it behaves the same.
  17. You can try my free plugin and see if it helps, you can set it to only train certain spells and set a minimum amount of silver to have before going to train.
  18. Can you post what you have so far? (The XML)
  19. While I agree with everything you've said, I think the point of the thread was more to bring up concerns with 3rd party devs/profile creators and their pricing models. I also don't think that the devs/profile creators are really in the wrong, if users wouldn't be buying the profiles they wouldn't price it like they do. Also, not sure if it's coincidental but since this thread more people have released free things than in the last few months. I sort of agree with both sides here. I don't think that this is the main problem though. I think the download section layout is just scuffed. I think if it was tag based rather than segmented by expac etc it would be easier to find things. There are a lot of files that go unseen. Another thing that would be useful is to see how stale a file is (would require moderation which we don't have much of). Speaking of downloads there should probably be a minimum amount of info that should be in a download based on what it is. Again that would be more work for mods. I do think this thread is useful though.
  20. This quester was built for vanilla (the section we're in) and is using a function that isn't in the burning crusade version of the bot. Luckily it only uses it in one place. Open the .xml file in a text editor and delete line 237 and it should work. All that line is doing is abandoning a quest.
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