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    BetterSister got a reaction from Lokomotive for a file, Sholazar mining and herb by BetterSister   
    Huge optimized loop in Sholazar Basin with vendors and mailbox NPCs added
  2. Like
    BetterSister got a reaction from cheko121 for a file, Sholazar mining and herb by BetterSister   
    Huge optimized loop in Sholazar Basin with vendors and mailbox NPCs added
  3. Like
    BetterSister got a reaction from q6611695 for a file, Sholazar mining and herb by BetterSister   
    Huge optimized loop in Sholazar Basin with vendors and mailbox NPCs added
  4. Like
    BetterSister got a reaction from stukas for a file, 3.3.5a Retri Paladin by BetterSister   
    I've used this for long time without huge problems. Uses divine plea when needed and if mana is so low it cannot do anything it uses seal of wisdom. Uses judgement of wisdom
  5. Like
    BetterSister got a reaction from podrick for a file, 3.3.5a Blood DK lvling   
    This profile is meant only for lvling and big pulls (3-7) and survive it without help. It managed to survive 9 of 67-69 lvl rhinos (barely) while my dk 68 lvl and at 69lvl 20k hp elite was no problem
  6. Haha
    BetterSister reacted to Hagryph for a file, All Quests Human 1-80 Part 1 Northshire Valley   
    This is part 1 for all Human Quests. I will add more parts later. I will do a Quester File for every zone till the human hits level 80.
    This first part is going to do all normal quests which are not class specific and will do the class quests.
    You will hit level 5 or 6 if this profiled finished.
  7. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Matenia for a file, [PAID][WotLK] Shadowpriest 1-80   
    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
    For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.

    Priest’s are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
    After coding for several weeks, I’m proud to present you with a priest fight class that contains the following:
    Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
    - 3 different fighting rotations for below 20, below 40 and above 40.
    Situational Spell Usage
    - Uses all your spells, including Silence, Fear and Devouring Plague in appropriate situations.
    Highly Mana Efficient
    - Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial.
    - Uses different heals at different percentages
    Automatic Skill Detection
    - Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot

    This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. 
    If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
    PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 2 concurrent IPs on one wRobot key - 6.50€
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
    Check out my other Fightclasses
  8. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Matenia for a file, MovementRandomizer   
    Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
    You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying 
    MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop  
  9. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Marsbar for a file, [Product] Traveller   
    This is not a custom profile! (there isn't a category for product)
    This is a product I created for your char to travel to useful places based on zone and type. It uses the pathfinding system to navigate to these places and also defends itself along the way. If it can it'll use a flightmaster to get there more quickly.
    It is still in early stages but was hoping for some feedback early on. It is just about in a working state lol.
    To use, simply place the .dll into your products folder and launch wrobot, select "Traveller" from the product list and click Play.

    The options you have are:
    Filter by Continent Filter by Zone Filter by Type (Currently has Innkeepers, Flightmasters, Vendors and Mailboxes) Select the specific NPC / Mailbox A web database link to the NPC / Mailbox which shows where on the map it is (right click the button to copy the link to your clipboard) A go to nearest of Type (select a type and then just the "Go To Type" button) It does not traverse continents at this point, so please be aware of that.
    Again, this is definitely more of a beta release, expect things not to work (go to zone is disabled).
  10. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Matenia for a file, PartyBot Helper   
    PartyBot Helper Plugin
    Hey guys!
    I am excited to finally release my PartyBot plugin which I've been working on for a little over a week now. It was commissioned by @KDiddy who paid for the initial development, but I liked the challenge and added more features as well as more automation. This plugin can be used together with HumanMasterPlugin.
    The plugin needs to be run on both characters and you need to carefully adjust the settings to match on all characters. There can only be one leader character, all others automatically become followers. Only the leader character needs to fill out a list of characters to invite to the party. All settings come with a detail description if you select them - so please do not PM me with questions about what they do or how they work.
    The leader character needs to run one of the following products: Quester, Grinder, Gatherer (no, the followers will NOT do quests)
    The followers need to run one of the following products: Party, WRotation
    I have also attached 2 vanilla fightclasses and the source code for the resto shaman fightclass, as well as the source code for the plugin itself. This should help you easily modify a fightclass for another healer, even if you know very little C#.
    The shaman should also work across expansions, whereas the warrior will not. Please do NOT come to me with questions on how to modify the plugin's code or fightclasses. If you don't know what you're doing, you can ask for help in the official wRobot Discord.

    Thanks to financial contributors:
  11. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Matenia for a file, Invalid target Remover   
    Because wRobot loves to set Fight.InFight = true on friendly targets after interacting with them (vendors, trainers, etc), I made a small plugin that should work across all expansions and stops the fight with that friendly NPC so that you can look less like a bot.
    Disclaimer: This will be included in the next HMP update.
  12. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Matenia for a file, [FREE] Stop attacking tagged targets   
    This plugin stops combat if your bot attacking a mob that's been tagged/tabbed/etc by someone else (their portray is grayed out).
    It's very simple and straightforward and should help you looking less like a bot as well as getting a higher xp/hour rate.
  13. Like
    BetterSister reacted to ScripterQQ for a file, Buy Arena Case Plugin (Alliance - Horde)   
    This is a plugin designed for BLACKR0CK, server WARMAN3.
    Place your toon at Shattrath City, use Battlegrounder product with this plugin enabled.
    If you have 25k or more honor, it will buy Arena Case from vendor, otherwise it will move near the SoloQ NPC, this is your wait position (you can change the wait position and put what you want, as long as it is in Shattrath City). It will also remove target (arena case vendor) to look less suspicious.
    I strongly reccomand you to edit your own "wait" coordinates, so we don't end up everyone in the same position.
    Special thanks to Droidz for the Honor Cap plugin, which helped me creating this.

    Have Fun
  14. Thanks
    BetterSister got a reaction from morris79 for a file, Druid Healer AIO   
    Note that this a early beta version that MAY HAVE BUGS! Also remember that i'm still learning C# and how the bot API works but i learn fast!
    This is ported from @Pasterkes profile to WOTLK with improvements such as innervate and tree form.
    This will be updated frequently untill it's done. It managed to heal 63 lvls group through blood furnace without a single wipe.
    Special thanks goes to @RSpro (testing) and @iMod (code debuging, helping a noob) for helping with this! And ofcourse @Droidz
    Missing something or found a bug? Let me know and i'll try to fix it ASAP!
    - Settings configurated properly (tank, healer names added etc)
    - If the settings aren't shown as BOLD they will not save! Why? i don't know... yet
    - party product
    - healer mode from party
  15. Like
    BetterSister reacted to headcrab for a file, LuaSpy   
    This is developer's plugin.
    Sometimes is usefull to see what Lua commands robot sends to WoW client. But for now all Lua strings in wrobot are encrypted. There are many ways to see this strings, but i found Harmony library with which the process became very simple. Also this library can be usefull to patch wrobot code on runtime.
    copy 0Harmony.dll to Bin folder copy LuaSpy.dll to Plugins folder enable plugin and start any product In console window you will see Lua commands like this:
    [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] Int32 GetSpellCooldownTimeLeft(System.String)
    [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] local t = 0;
    local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown('Snake Trap');
    if enabled then
    t = math.floor((start + duration - GetTime()) * 1000);
    if t < 0 then
    t = 0;
    return t;
    [F] 16:15:22 - [Spell] Cast Snake Trap (Snake Trap)
    [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] Int32 get_LatencyReal()
    [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] local _, _, lagHome, lagWorld = GetNetStats(); return lagHome + lagWorld;
    [F] 16:15:23 - [FightClass] Launch C# code: /*castOnGround("Snake Trap",40)*/
    There are always 2 sequental strings marked with [LuaSpy]
    calling method signature called lua In settings you can also add filter tokens for calling method.
    There are no screenshort, because in 2.x they all like this main picture: 
  16. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Ordush for a file, HS on ToTown   
    This little plugin uses your hearthstone to get to town instead of walking all the way.
    I took a version that Droidz had posted somewhere on the forum, it didn't work.
    But i fixed it, and here it is. - Enjoy!
    No settings needed just put in plugin folder and load.
  17. Like
    BetterSister got a reaction from Pallastic for a file, 3.3.5a Blood DK lvling   
    This profile is meant only for lvling and big pulls (3-7) and survive it without help. It managed to survive 9 of 67-69 lvl rhinos (barely) while my dk 68 lvl and at 69lvl 20k hp elite was no problem
  18. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Ordush for a file, [PAID] [PVE] [RAID] Restoration - Druid - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush   
    This is my paid version of the TBC Druid Restoration Wrobot Rotation
    It is highly advanced, and has an in-game interface, where you can control almost every aspect of the rotation.
    For support and suggestions please use: https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/86-druid-fightclass-tbc/

    It's party and raid friendly. (tested in kara)

    You can set up in-game via the interface if it should heal yourself, the group or even focus. This is smart for situations like if you end up having to only heal tank (focus) or you can even set it up to innervate focus (Another healer?)
    Purchase Links

    The Paid version comes with some unique features like the in-game interface, /commands and more.

    Optimized rotation for best healing
    Using these abilities can be turned off in the interface
    Druid Combat Abilities
    - Regrowth <- Smart healing
    - Rejuvenation <- Smart healing
    - Lifebloom <- Smart healing
    - Swiftmend <- Smart healing
    - Instant Healing Touch <- Will use Nature's Swiftness and will re-apply treeform after cast
    Druid Misc Abilities
    - Tree of Life
    - Innervate <- Smart inervation
    - Abolish Poison
    - Remove Curse <- Will re-apply treeform after cast
    - Auto Buffing (1.1.0) <- Smart auto buffing Will check party and do MotW or GotW based on what is smartest. It iwll only do GotW if you have 5 more mats for it in bag. (It will not auto buff group in raids, i can make it do that too if requested).

    Druid Healing Spell Settings
    - Heal Yourself <- Decide if it heals self (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    - Heal Group <- Decide if it heals group (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    - Heal Focus <- Decide if it heals focus (smart if you are assigned only to tank)
    Druid Misc Spell Settings
    - Innervate Yourself <- Decide if it innervates self
    - Innervate Group <- Decide if it innervates group
    - Innervate Focus <- Decide if it innervates focus
    Druid Dispel Settings
    - Abolish Poison Yourself <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on self
    - Abolish Poison Group <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on group
    - Abolish Poison Focus <- Decide if it Abolish Poison on focus
    - Remove Curse Yourself <- Decide if it Remove Curse on self
    - Remove Curse Group <- Decide if it Remove Curse on group
    - Remove Curse Focus <- Decide if it Remove Curse on focus
    - Buff Yourself <- Decide if it buffs yourself
    - Buff Group <- Decide if it buffs party
    - Buff Fcous <- Decide if it buffs focus
    Focus Only Settings
    - Thorns <- Focus (tank) will keep Thorns on
    - Lifebloom Mode <- Focus (tank) lifebloom mode, can be changed from MIssing HP to Always. If it's on Always, then the healer will try to keep lifebloom on 3 stacks all the time on focus.

    /statusframe <- shows/Hides the in-game interface
    /rotatoggle <- Toggles rota pause on/off.

    These commands can be bound in-game by making a macro and adding to an action bar.

    Coming Soon
    - Optional wow addon, which will save your settings, so if you changed your pet food or tuned off some spells. You will not have to set it every time you log on.
    - Release
    - Added Smart Auto Buffing (It now auto buffs if you enable it)
    - Removed "Coming Soon" from Auto Buffing.
    - Bug fixes (Rejuvenation spam)
    - No longer tries to cast when in Bear Form, Cat Form or Travel Form
    - Casts Barkskin if hp is lower then 20% (This is not yet optional)
    - Fixed bug that would cast Lifebloom on target instead of focus.
    - No longer tries to cast spells with casttime while moving.
    - No longer casts tree form when you are casting something else (mount).
    1.2.1 (Big update)
    - Barkskin is now optional
    - Thorns on focus added
    - Lifebloom mode for focus added (can now keep lifebloom on tank at all times)
    - Code cleaned up for more smooth experiance.
    - Changed so foucs (Tank) is prioritized first now.
    - Fixed buffing so it doesn't buff focus/group when auto buffing is off
    - Fixed Abolish Poison so it works properly now.
    - Fixed Lifebloom, you ca now move and cast at the same time
    - Increased the general speed of the fightclass.
    - Hotfix for Lifebloom, people have had issues. So rewrote the code.
    In-game Interface

    Always feel free to send me suggestions or bug reports via PM on WRobot Forum
  19. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Marsbar for a file, RecipeSniper   
    Another super simple plugin. It will attempt to buy any item from the list that you set, every "Buy Interval" which you can set. Probably best to do this with wrotation, without setting a fightclass.
    The idea behind it is to leave your char afk with the vendor frame open for a limited availability recipe you want and it will buy it as soon as it comes into stock.
    Things I may add:
    Only buy up to X amount of an item Mail items in item list to X char then return to vendor Move to a safe place until you want to recheck if limited supply item is available DISCLAIMER: If you add in an item that is ALWAYS in stock it will buy 1 of it every buy interval meaning it will drain your gold until your inventory is full or you are out of gold. I am not responsible for what you add into the snipe list.
    Again, this is a .cs file, edit what you want in your fav text editor.
    Note: I created this because on vanilla i needed a limited supply recipe and it was extremely overpriced on the AH. Please don't overuse this and ruin it for everyone.
  20. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Marsbar for a file, AggroMonitor   
    Super simple plugin which draws a circle underneath mobs that you dont have aggro from and from that mob a line is drawn to the person that has aggro.
    It's meant for tanks to easily see when a non-tank has aggro and can pick up the lost aggro.
    It has some basic settings:
    3 Tank names that it will not trigger for if they have aggro Range to search in I'll add a screenshot later.
    I've not done much testing, let me know if anything is borked. It's a .cs file so open it up in notepad++ and edit what you want!
  21. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Marsbar for a file, wDiscordAlert   
    This plugin sends notifications via a webhook to your specified discord channel.
    This is currently ONE-WAY. That means notifications get sent to discord but you cannot reply back via discord to your bot.
    What does it do in its current state?
    Send a status update every X seconds to your discord channel  Send a configurable prefix message to your discord when a message gets sent to your bot or near it. This includes; Whispers, Say, Party, Emote. Send a configurable prefix message to your discord on death. Send a screenshot on any event (example below). What do I eventually want to add?
    Monitor if the chars name is said in ANY channel and send notification Create a discord bot so that we can send messages back to wRobot (TWO WAY) Monitor other events like, teleported, targeted over extended period, killed by player, etc. Suggestions? How to set up?
    The plugin requires you to have a discord webhook URL set in the plugin settings.
    To get this URL go to your discord channel (preferably your own as only you want to see this info) and click on the cog next to your channel name (like #general for example).
    On the left hand side will be a Webhook section, click that and then click Create webhook. You can change settings here if you want but the important thing is the webhook URL at the bottom, copy/paste the full URL to the plugin setting.
    Known Issues:
    On emote it sends the last chat message instead (if someone whispered you 3 mins ago and then you get an emote 2 mins later, it will display the message from 3 mins ago). Will change it to say an emote was used near you.
    Status update timer fires more than once (this happens after start/stopping the bot because i dont dispose the original timer..)
    Let me know if you have issues.
    1.1.0 feature update - Screenshot mode:
    Now you can send a screenshot with your notification. It saves these screenshots into a wDiscordAlert folder inside your plugins folder and sends it to your discord server! Example:

  22. Confused
    BetterSister reacted to eeny for a file, Gnome Runner   
    Profile to run bots from the Gnome / Dwarf start zone over to the human start zone- AFK.
    Will go via the tram, collect SW Flightpath, set hearth at Goldshire and run to the valley.
  23. Like
    BetterSister reacted to BGX for a file, BGX_PALA_Retri_1.0.0   
    Hi here is my first FightClass for Retri Paladin
    High DPS :-) testet as grinder,quester,gatherer
    Testet on Legion lvl 100 ilvl 558 Kills the Elite :O

  24. Like
    BetterSister reacted to Seminko for a file, FISHERMAN'S FRIEND - tinfoil hat and some utility on the side   
    FISHERMAN'S FRIEND - tinfoil hat and some utility on the side
    I'm a fishing fan. When I first tried WRobot I was pleasently surprised you can set your own 'Wait time after loot' but, since I'm a tinfoil-hat kinda guy when it comes to botting, I was pretty bummed out that I cannot randomize it. The other thing that wasn't up to my tinfoil standards was the inability to set how fast the bobber is interacted with after a bite - I've seen that complaint quite often actually. So now that I got my bearings a bit i put together a solution that will make the bot fish in a more humanlike fashion and give you some additional utility on top of that.
    General info / what can it do?
    More humanlike fishing (more in the settings section) Opens all openable items you loot during fishing across all expansions (hopefully)) Can use Hearthstone, stop the bot and/or shut your PC down once you catch a certain amount of fish  
    So let's get ourselves familiar with the settings.

    Bobber click delay A random number of milisecond between min and max will be picked for every catch. Recast delay A random number of milisecond between min and max will be picked for every catch. (Set 'Wait time after loot' to 0 in the Fisherbot settings so that it doesn't interfere.) Humanlike Set humanlike behavior - noone is able to fish two hours straight without a break. Heck, I would say not very many people are so diligent to go for more than 20 catches without a few seconds of downtime. For bigger brakes you can use the Schedule product but for smaller ones this option is ideal. As you can see in the screenshot, when you start fishing the bot will pick a random number of catches required to trigger the humanlike pause and a random number of miliseconds to wait before casting. Again, it is randomized for every iteration. The other good thing is that since the Fisherbot product is not stopped your toon will still be holding the fishing pole during these small brakes! Open items Pretty self explanatory. If you want the bot to open items, set to True. You can set what items to open too. Stop Fishing Routine Enable Stop Fishing Routine - Sometimes, you want three stacks of some buff food but you don't know how long it will take. If true the bot will stop, and more based on settings below, if you have a certain amount of fish (items) in your invetory. Use Hearthstone - if true, bot will try to use HS before stopping. Make sure it is off CD and in your inventory. Shutdown PC - if true, bot will shut your PC down "before stopping". Fish ID - item ID of the fish the quantity will checked for Number of fish required to stop - once you have that number of items defined in Fish ID the bot will stop. Enable logging If true, the bot will log every event like so:  
    If you have any ideas as to how to make the plugin better, let me know.
  25. Like
    BetterSister reacted to JackDaniels for a file, AquaosThrow   
    This is a simple plugin that scans your bags for a Mark of Aquaos, and throws it into Margoss pond.
    Couldn't find a plugin like this and the profiles available don't do this either.
    Hope this helps somebody
    if any bugs or errors may occur, please let me know and i'll try to fix it as soon as possible!

    It's a single dll file, just place it in the 'Plugins' folder.
    It also gives a sound notification once a Mark of Aquaos is looted, this can be turned off in the settings.
    Currently there is no option for a custom sound, it has a standard windows sound packed in the dll.
    I might make custom sounds possible in the future.
    This is a modified version of ItemBuffer by camelot10. Thanks a lot!
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