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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Disable your sound. It's checking first aid for craftable bandages. Or disable first aid.
  2. I've already fixed it. HMP deletes low level food from the DoNotSell it, but I disabled it for hunters. Will be in the next HMP update
  3. Are you using HMP? For some reason, it seems to loot over and over. I've never had this bug with default wRobot looting and disabled the combat looting in HMP. wManager.Events.LootingEvents.OnLootingPulse += (wUnit, args) => { wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackList(wUnit.Guid, 3 * 60 * 1000, true); }; Should blacklist mobs (not sure wRobot caresa bout blacklist when looting, but w/e)
  4. Yes you can, a lot of people run wRobot trough VMs and a VPN with each VM.
  5. There is not IP limitation for the sessions themselves, but a lot of the paid products have IP limitations.
  6. It's a socket problem. Turns out on older windows version, older versions of Socks Proxy software won't really work with newer .NET classes (anything after 4.5 I think). Seems like he solved it now.
  7. Contact me on discord. If wrobot crashes make sure you've installed it correctly including. Net 4.7 and pm me the crash message
  8. Yes, my products use GetTime to read Spell and item cooldowns. So does wrobot internally as far as I know. Just FYI though, using it itself isn't what would get you banned. The function itself is used by almost every addon in the addon because all of WoW's other API calls and timers depend on it. Look up GetInventoryItemCooldown as an example on how it's used. Edit: to maintain cooldown timers, it'd probably be best to add a random number to GetTime once per client, instead of randomizing on every call
  9. If this is the time that the Lua function GetTime() returns, then someone with more reverse engineering skills than me would need to figure out what function in memory (C function) the Lua function is calling, overwriting or hooking that one and making it return a seemlingy random value. Or you'd have to modify your Kernel32.dll (on your system) so GetTickCount() returns different values. If they actually use Lua to check this somehow, all you would need to do is execute this script ingame (using Development Tools or a macro or an addon): _oldGetTime = GetTime; function GetTime() return _oldGetTime() + math.random(1000, 15000); end This can and will result in breaking addons and possibly all kinds of cooldown timers, which rely on this function. Any internal cooldown timer would have to call the _oldGetTime function instead (so anything wRobot needs). This would actually be easily doable, if it's actually confirmed that this is what gets people mass-banned on these servers AND that this Lua change prevents you from getting mass-banned.
  10. Fix your wRobot then. Because that only happens when wRobot can't read data from the game. Notice it also thinks you're currently at world coordinates 0,0,0 Can also happen if the game is closed or you're not logged in
  11. You didn't install HMP correctly... follow the readme file
  12. If you changed your wRobot key, it's a 12 hour downtime. Support is only on Discord, so if you PM me your order id I can figure out what's wrong.
  13. You're posting in the vanilla section, other binaries for TBC+ don't have that method.
  14. There might be a "need" for it, but none of us have any interest in helping people cheat at endgame if they aren't good enough at the game to press a few buttons. Especially for TBC, where scripting was thankfully never rampant, I have no interest in introducing any of that. I'm an avid PvP myself, I founded AT back in 2009. I take the competitive part of the game seriously. Getting past a few levels of a shittily designed part of the game (that makes up for maybe 10% of the game actually played and has no real effect on any relevant part of game) on a private server that forces you to start at level 1 for a game that for most people started 59 levels higher is not quite comparable to trying to best other players in direct competition - especially if you feel like you need scripts because you couldn't possibly do it manually.
  15. You would have to specifically call a macro "/stopattack". Every time the bot "right clicks" an enemy, in TBC it automatically attacks the enemy because auto shot is not an extra skill like in vanilla
  16. You can add imports (using derictives) in the Custom Script part of the quester editor or just add a fully qualified name for the classes you're using.
  17. Post the full log to Droidz (of the wow error). Pretty sure it's related to one specific spot on the server that crashes your client. I've always solved this by moving my char 50 yards.
  18. Keep in mind, this only works for my TBC fightclass - vanilla does NOT have this feature. PM me on Discord with your order id, I'll send you the latest version that shouldn't leave Ghost Wolf - I'm unsure if I had updated it already.
  19. Make your own. All wRotation does is put you in fight with whatever target you select and then the fightclass does the rotation. When wRobot runs normally, it picks targets, walks towards them and puts you in fight, then the rotation handles the rest. The general consensus amongst the people selling fightclasses is that they're meant to keep your bot running while you're afk. If you're not good enough to press 3 buttons for your PvE rotation or want to script in PvP because you've failed to git gud, you won't find much help here.
  20. I noticed the problem only with Freewind Elevator, I think Thousand Needles elevator still works (mesa elevator)
  21. This is still happening with Smooth Path option. Don't forget to fix it in the next big update, please
  22. That's not the error that happens in the first place. Nobody can help you, unless you actually show us the REAL error thrown when wRobot crashes. If something crashes wRobot, it's probably a fightclass/plugin/combination of those/etc, or you didn't install wRobot correctly.
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