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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Do /console maxfps 10 ingame for the time being. But yes, I think this should be investigated - although you need to make sure this happens even with an XML fightclass and NO plugins.
  2. //Checks if there's available LoS between your target and the new spot too. !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(ObjectManager.Target.Position, newPos) //check if there's LoS between you and the new Pos !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(newPos) //Then you can use: bool isValid = false; var path = PathFinder.FindPath(newpos, out isValid); if(isValid) { MovementManager.Go(path, false); } This prevents a CPU/memory hog, but only using pathfinding once you confirmed LoS. Also check that no NPC is near newPos.
  3. There are 5.4.7 and 5.4.8 MoP versions. Tons of info on how most servers actually fake the version.
  4. PathFinder.FindPath has an API for checking if the path it made is valid. You can also use !TraceLine.Go(vector3) to check that LoS is available to the vector from your position. Using those tools, you should be able to find a vector where no enemy is in sight (by periodicially checking LoS and enemy positions in ObjectManager) around your character. You can also use PathFinder.ReportDangerArea(vector3, radius) to tell the pathfinder to avoid this area (e.g. mob + aggro radius) while running away. But in my experience this is iffy and you should do your own "pathfinding" for small paths when not runnign very far away.
  5. It is definitely being maintained. Although with a single dev, you will not see HonorBuddy types of development.
  6. wRobot requires you to invest a lot of time to get anywhere. Questing profiles for Legion are all paid. You have to make your own grinder (you can use the quest editor for this) or pet battle profiles if you want to level somewhat fast. You have to make your own fightclasses. Most of camelot's do work though, but they're usually not for low-levels. The fightclass editor is intuitive and very easy to use - there are video tutorials though. Basically invest time and make your own things. There isn't any one-click wonders here. Free stuff is usually okay but nowhere near great.
  7. This method ONLY sets the target. If you have your bot set to grind and you are targeting the type of mob that you've set as a target, the bot might decide for itself to "start a fight". Try doing whatever you're doing in a quester or call Fight.StopFight() right after.
  8. You can find old, unobfuscated binaries somewhere on the internet, I believe. Either way, we've all been asking and he won't do it (you can PM for particular sources and ask nicely). Essentially, the obfuscation got really bad when the bot got cracked over and over. Now it's been fairly safe for him.
  9. Depending on what you want to do, it should also be possible to do: ObjectManager.Me.Target = obj1.Guid;
  10. It's my FC and it does not have anything like that implemented. It must definitely be wRobot itself giving that popup (or maybe some form of plugin). I'd be interested in what causes this: [E] 14:35:43 - ProtectHook(): System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at robotManager.MemoryClass.Hook.IvuejiguvoruovIwed() Plus, it looks fine to me. The bot actually seems to be running the profile and grinding Ogres. What's the problem here?
  11. You'd have to edit your profile to force only profile NPCs and then add only the NPCs do the profile you'd want it to use at any given time.
  12. Another thing wRobot does: When choosing vendors, it chooses the closest vendor by 3D distance, but it doesn't calculate which PATH is the shortest (for resource reasons, it makes sense). So sometimes (often?) wRobot will walk you toa vendor that it thinks is closest, but you will actually have to navigate mountains to get to it for 20 minutes.
  13. Pathing in Desolace (Alliance) is broken and and vendors are unreachable
  14. In free mode, it just follows people instead of a profile, actually. You can't change anything about BGs though, the product is alright but the bot is definitely not made for that.
  15. ObjectManager.Me.IsDead as can condition For the dungeon the same as complete condition Then make it run inside the dungeon. As the last step in your profile, load the first step again.
  16. namespace priestf Sorry I didn't see this earlier, but you CANNOT use your own namespace on the main class. All other classes you have are fine to be used within any of your own and/or different namespaces, but the Main : CustomClass is not.
  17. Regarding your rank on bars problem: https://github.com/Schaka/VanillaFightclassFramework Also, would you mind elaborating what stutter stepping bug you had exactly and maybe how it is related to HMP (and/or how you solved this for your own fightclass), so I can fix it? I usually disable buying food/drink in HMP when running a mage. I recently fixed a bug where the bot would stop too often to create water/food though. I'd encourage you to redownload through your purchase link. Not trying to discourage you from doing your own work at all, I think it's great. I pm'd you a link for a private Discord regarding vanilla wRobot devs.
  18. Discord has been banning botting related channels lately.
  19. ... I am clearly talking about Maylu's grinder on Outland
  20. Also that profile is SO common I can promise you they check all its grinding spots
  21. Yes, that is part of my fightclass (it's a debugging statement I left in by accident). It stops moving ONLY if you are out food/water and the mage wants to create more. Try incrementing your latency setting to 350-500. You will also need to set up CTM correctly, meaning forcing 60 Hz on your monitor and activating vsync in your video options ingame. If you still have any issues, message me on Discord.
  22. Not really, you'll have to take a look at Avvi's guide on how to look at what methods are available in the wRobot API
  23. i guess the repeatable flag on wRobot doesn't work. You could always use C# to achieve this. Activate "not required in questlog", use C# to run to the NPC and pick up the quest. Then add a pulse step for what you want it to do for the actual quest and set the complete condition yourself (in C#, it's Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(id, objectiveNumber). That should most likely work.
  24. Download wRobot for 5.4.7 or try a different client to connect to Tauri (Warmane or Freakz client is unmodified 5.4.8 afaik)
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