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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. 1. Nein 2. Nein, es gibt paid profiles die relativ gut laufen mit, sind aber alle WiP 3. Wenn dein Rechner das schafft, ansonsten werden auch 6-10 deine Hardware wohl schon etwas auskitzeln 4. Guck dir das Forum ein, gibt eigentlich sehr wenige Banns 5. Ja, wRobot wird von nur einer Person entwickelt. Die API ist nicht dokumentiert und es ist kein One-Click Bot wie HB. Wenn du von HB kommst, und das deine einzige Erfahrung mit Bots ist, wirst du hier keinen Spaß haben. Es sei denn du bist gewillt zu lernen und deine eigenen Profile zu erstellen.
  2. You didn't understand what I said at all (btw, not using free mode without a profile will also work okay-ish, trying to fight at bases and stuff but can get you deserter). I said to start recording your profile for EoTS at a base (first waypoints) then circle all bases. At the end, it will run back to the first to the first point. I made my own Battlegrounder product where instead of running back to the first point, it can either use pathing or reverse the path. Honestly, my biggest problem with Battlegrounder is the lack of "human" behavior. Pirox even worked better by being able to "defend" bases, even tap them if necessary. I had the idea of getting this to work for wRobot, but it's a ton of work and you don't get banned on Warmane anyway.
  3. The bot will run back to the first recorded point onf a profile once it reaches the last waypoint. Just start recording your first waypoint further down. It always uses pathing to find the closest waypoint if it's further than 10 yards or so.
  4. No. It's a max-level fightclass for PvP only. Lbniese sells combat rogue leveling fightclasses.
  5. If you aren't using the cracked version, you don't need to restart the bot anymore. Droidz has it fixed already. That's why I'm saying Jasabi can fix his mage fightclass now, so that it doesn't bug out anymore (freezes). Which btw, his Hunter does as well (in TBC at least).
  6. Jasabi's mage fightclass has that problem. No clue what's causing it either. I guess he can adjust it now that wRobot automatically recognizes when you learn new spells. No need for his own mechanic anymore.
  7. My bad. Removed that. No updates thus far though.
  8. Compile it yourself in Visual Studio into 1 DLL and it'll work just fine.
  9. Actionbuttons use the function "UseAction" as far as I'm aware. Could try hooking that. I'm not entirely sure how buttons cast the spell internally, but I know it goes through that function at some point.
  10. I just double checked, just to be sure. If you do not have that option anymore, then you already have the latest version of the fightclass. That error might be caused by your bot in general, not the fightclass in particular. I thought it may have been an old fightclass, but it seems to not be the case. Maybe check that in your general settings (bot, not fightclass), "attack players" isn't deactivated? The backlisting error you're getting can't be related to the fightclass, if you do not have the "attack players" option in the fightclass settings anymore.
  11. Please update your fightclass. I've removed the player blacklist months ago, when Droidz added the option to the bot. You can also just disable it in the fightclass settings...
  12. You can blacklist vendors (tools => blacklist), remove them from your profile (if that's the source). You cannot set a main vendor, but you can set your profile to ONLY use vendors from your profile, not your Bot's database. In a quester profile, it looks like this: <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true;" />
  13. Not sure if you saw my answer on Discord, but I recommend getting Bugsack and Buggrabber, you'll still see the Lua errors of injected code that way. That usually can put you on the right path.
  14. Make your own profiles, then deactivate free mode (or rather deactivate freemode anyway). Also blacklist the water zones for your bot, then it will avoid those when finding a path. The Battlegrounder product isn't very advanced. Some people have thought aobut writing their own. I've started and it's a big project that requires more time than some fightclasses.
  15. The bot queues up mounting regardless of your fightclass. So by the time that action is finished (the bot does a sleep for the duration of your mount cast), your fightclass is at it again and it tries to cast something. Because the intial mounting sleep isn't long enough, by the time your fightclass gets to do its thing, the bot hasn't recognized that you're mounted. So the "mount = false" condition still holds true and it casts again. Therefore your best shot is to set a higher latency to make those sleeps last longer. The other option is to have Droidz adjust the behavior to make sure mounting is updated correctly.
  16. If you don't want a path to be run twice, you can use the completecondition for that step. Quest.GetQuestCompleted(questId) || Quest.IsObjectiveComplete(1, questId) Other helpful methods are Quest.HasQuest(questId) Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(questId) Quest.AbandonLastQuest() Quest.CompleteQuest(gossipOptionItem) Quest.GetNumActiveQuests() Quest.AcceptQuest() Quest.CloseQuestWindow()
  17. It says that it's unused, but it's not true at all. I've specifically tried what you did and it has fixed it every time in my 58-70 quester. Generally I ALWAYS fill in the objectivecount myself. It could of course be some bug for this specific quest, but I doubt it.
  18. You have to use the quest editor, then add the step manually in the XML and reload it in the editor. There's no way in a quest profile with 500+ steps to do it any other way. Anyone who's used a quester for a good amount of levels before will tell you the same.
  19. I haven't tested this, but I saw what you said about The People's Militia 1 1. Assuming this is the quest: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=12 Go to your XML file, go to the <EasyQuest> declaration for this quest. <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>true</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>true</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> Set these to false instead. <ObjectiveCount1>0</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> Set these to 15 each, as below: <ObjectiveCount1>15</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>15</ObjectiveCount2>
  20. Make it a Quester profile and then add this at the top: <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.AcceptOnlyProfileNpc = true;" /> Everything else can be solved by adding the correct Blackspot areas for certain coordinates + 250 yards radius
  21. Should be a latency problem. From what I understand about the source code, the bot sleeps while mounting and doesn't cast any actions until the sleep is over. The time to sleep is calculated based on latency, so it checks in <latency> intervals if it needs to sleep for another interval.
  22. No you can't do those things, that's all server side. At most you can maybe change your range/global cd duration if the server doesn't check for those and just accepts client values.
  23. This happend a while ago already. Currently when using the quester on 2.4.3, it will sometimes skip quest steps until I restart it. In the "Bot state:" it show that it's at TurnIn something, for example, then actually grinds for the next quest. Sometimes when restarting after a long time, it will go back to finish one quest 2 zones ago. It's a bit odd and I'm not sure what could cause it.
  24. This thread is about TBC. Warmane doesn't give a shit about their Cata/MoP servers, because they're just happy anyone in playing at all. They also don't crack down as hard on 3.3.5 servers, because the Chinese don't infest these as heavily.
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