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Matenia got a reaction from Skemez for a file, [Free][Unfinished] 1-60 Horde Grinder
Basically this is just an unfinished project with some class quests and all grinding routes to 60.
However, not all hotspots to 60 are correct, so you need to open this in quest editor after level 40 or so and correct the routes by adding hotspots to the quests to421, to422, to423.
The profile is finished. You just need to use the Quest Editor to add mob IDs and hotspots after level 40 or so.
This randomly switches between grinding areas every few minutes, so don't take spots too far apart. I meant to make this as an example for other people to use, so they could create more advanced grinders, but never finished it. Now it's up to you guys to use it as you please.
Matenia got a reaction from Superkwick for a file, [PAID[PvP] Retribution Paladin
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
The attached file is a low-level demo version.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly. This is the WotLK version of my TBC ret fightclass.
Ret Palas are a versatile class. There are a lot of things you can do to look human that even an average player wouldn't do.
I have used this Fightclass to farm around 80k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. On top of that, on a geared paladin I've constantly topped damage and kills.
Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
Dispels friendly targets and uses BoP if they're low and melees around them Chases and chucks down enemies at will Dispels Crowd Control from friends around you Can use Blessing of Sacrifice to break Polymorph Interrupts casts around you with Repentance Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Concec against Vanish, Dispel, PvP Trinket, Avenging Wrath, Divine Shield, Arcane Torrent, etc Humanized
Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr)
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
Matenia reacted to ericiron for a file, [FREE]GPTwhisperer_v1 - Let an AI reply to recieved whispers
Hello all.
Never though much about trying to write a plugin for a bot until I discovered WRobot. With all the AI craze going on I though, well why not let chatGPT respond to whispers recieved.
This is version 1.0 as it works as well as I had initially planned. It includes:
- Reading whispers recived and the username they are from
- Sending recived whispers to OpenAI (chatGPT) or a local ai such as gptforall or any other that has a openai like rest api
- Responding to the user who sent the whisper with the respond from AI
- Set a context for the AI as a starter message so it knows what it is doing: new { role = "system", content = "You are an avid and helpful world of warcraft player" },
The image I attached is first of me whispering myself a question and then the AI response
Currenly the settings ("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE") is in this .cs file. May be good to expand upon the code and add to Settings if you so wish. Other suggested featured I could think of:
- Set context message in Settings
- Pick model from dropdown
- White / Black list
Anywho, I tested this with Vanilla and it works well there. Perhaps some longer initial whispers will cause some issues with lua but should be ok
Feel free to use and/or expand on this to your hearts content 🙂
Matenia got a reaction from Grisu1986 for a file, [PAID] Arms/Fury Warrior 1-60
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product. DO NOT USE ON TBC.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
The attached file is a low level demo.
Installation instructions
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
Warrior are a rocky class to level. This fightclass is designed to have a lot of options to keep you alive.
I highly recommend getting a good 2 hander and not switching to 2 weapons until higher levels (if you run Fury).
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses available stances - can and will stance dance for Overpower without wasting rage Can be set to always range pull Setting to sit down to keep crit buffs up at all times Situational Spell Usage
Will range pull if many enemies are around the target (Throw, Shoot, etc) Rotates through skills to handle multiple targets Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot No need for anything on your bars either, it will swap spells out itself
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - 2 IPs per wRobot license
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
Matenia reacted to srazdokunebil for a file, [FREE] WRobot PathEditor v1.0 plugin for Vanilla 1.12.1 (5875)
# [FREE] WRobot PathEditor v1.0 plugin for Vanilla 1.12.1 (5875)
PathEditor allows Vector3 path XML data to be modified real-time from within the 5875 game client. Use this tool to create paths that can be imported into Quester/Grinder/Gatherer profiles.
Please refer to the github readme.md for usage information.
github: https://github.com/srazdokunebil/PathEditor
Thanks to Matenia, Apexx, Ordush, & Sowelu for their code contributions that made this possible.
Matenia got a reaction from Lazydude for a file, [PAID][WotLK] 1-80 Feral Druid
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo (no Cat Form) version.
Feral druids aren't an easy class to create a solid rotation for, stances (forms) make it quite complicated. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
Installation instructions
I highly recommend getting level 10 and Bear Form before using this.
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses Bear Form, until you get Cat Form Uses Mangle and Fairie Fire (Feral) as soon as you get it Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Fairie Fire, Mangle, Barkskin, War Stomp and your heals Bear form against multiple enemies (3 by default) Allows you to set how many enemies you must be fighting, before it will choose Bear Form over Cat Form Highly Mana Efficient
Tries to keep time between heals as far spread out as possible for little downtime Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot
This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ - limited to 2 IPs on 1 wRobot Key
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
Matenia got a reaction from dripfeeder for a file, [PAID][Product] AdvancedBattelgrounder
Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support.
Dear wRobot community,
today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin.
It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder.
This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP.
What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to?
plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue)
For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions.
PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
Matenia got a reaction from wrobotu for a file, MovementRandomizer
Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying
MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
Matenia got a reaction from vodkalol for a file, Simple AntiDetection
This is a small plugin which will not be developed further. The source is attached, you can modify it and recompile it yourself if you're interested.
If GMs turn your mob green, this plugin *should* recognize that your enemy is no longer attackable, stop the fight, turn around and walk away a little, then say something in chat before pausing the bot for a few seconds and moving on its way.
For specifics, check the source. The IsEnemy() method can probably be changed to contain UnitIsFriend (Lua) in case GMs use a different method that makes the bot think the target is attackable even if its faction is friendly to you. In that case, you might need to also change it to check for specific NPC flags. But this would require knowing exactly how GMs test for a bot.
Matenia got a reaction from vodkalol for a file, MovementRandomizer
Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying
MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
Matenia got a reaction from vodkalol for a file, [Example] Random areas (on a timer) for grinding
This is not a quester useful in itself.
It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes.
Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class.
It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
Matenia got a reaction from cheko121 for a file, PartyBot Helper
PartyBot Helper Plugin
Hey guys!
I am excited to finally release my PartyBot plugin which I've been working on for a little over a week now. It was commissioned by @KDiddy who paid for the initial development, but I liked the challenge and added more features as well as more automation. This plugin can be used together with HumanMasterPlugin.
The plugin needs to be run on both characters and you need to carefully adjust the settings to match on all characters. There can only be one leader character, all others automatically become followers. Only the leader character needs to fill out a list of characters to invite to the party. All settings come with a detail description if you select them - so please do not PM me with questions about what they do or how they work.
The leader character needs to run one of the following products: Quester, Grinder, Gatherer (no, the followers will NOT do quests)
The followers need to run one of the following products: Party, WRotation
I have also attached 2 vanilla fightclasses and the source code for the resto shaman fightclass, as well as the source code for the plugin itself. This should help you easily modify a fightclass for another healer, even if you know very little C#.
The shaman should also work across expansions, whereas the warrior will not. Please do NOT come to me with questions on how to modify the plugin's code or fightclasses. If you don't know what you're doing, you can ask for help in the official wRobot Discord.
Thanks to financial contributors:
Matenia got a reaction from maraisz for a file, [PAID][Product] AdvancedBattlegrounder
Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support.
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.
Dear wRobot community,
today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin.
It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder.
For support, please ONLY contact me in Discord: https://discord.gg/BJ9HRyz
This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. I supply my own fightclasses here - they aren't perfect but they work well enough to not make you too obvious.
What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to?
plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue)
For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions.
PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
Matenia got a reaction from 870josh for a file, City of Light
Does the Aldo/Scryer quest, so you can afk it
Matenia got a reaction from scsfl for a file, [Example] Random areas (on a timer) for grinding
This is not a quester useful in itself.
It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes.
Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class.
It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.
Matenia got a reaction from Pudge for a file, MovementRandomizer
Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying
MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
Matenia got a reaction from TheSmokie for a file, SmoothMove Updated - DON'T USE THIS IT'S STILL BROKEN, IT'S OLD - ONLY SOURCE CODE FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES
SmoothMove by @reapler updated to be a bit less spazzy (should be turned off in water) and working well with Framelock during combat with any of my fightclasses.
Should also work in Deeprun Tram with HMP (not tested fully).
All credit to reapler for being a fucking genius:
Matenia reacted to Marvelino123 for a file, [TWC] Herbalism 1 - 375 | Horde & Alliance [FREE]
Join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/UEahd68
Hey Friends!
Welcome to the first public TWC release! Today I would like to provide you with a profile pack I have been working on
for two weeks now. I have used effective and good routes to guarantee a high herb coverage. These profiles are all
completely self-created and will be made available to you for free!
The Profile Pack Includes:
- Mulgore
- The Barrens North
- The Barrens South
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Searing Gorge
- The Hinterlands
- Felwood
- Hellfire Peninsula
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Terokkar Forest
- Zangarmarsh
Supported WoW Versions:
Main Support is 2.4.3, this is the Version the Profiles got optimized for. However you can use it in nearly all Versions
like 3.3.5a, 1.12.1, 4.3.4, 5.4.8 etc. There might be problems when using it not with 2.4.3 but it should work fine.
One IMPORTANT thing:
Try to NOT use "Smooth Path" because there are some Spots in the Profiles which could then get stuck.
So be aware of that, if you want to use the Smooth Path Feature.
Do I get Support from you?:
Yes, just join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/UEahd68 we will support you there! You can also
Report Bugs of these Profiles in our Discord!
Enjoy your Herbs!
~ Tyrian aka Marvelino123 ❤️
Matenia got a reaction from saitek for a file, [MoP] Leveling Frostmage
This profile can be used from level 1 to 90.
I've personally used it up to level 60. It's very efficient. For your talents, you should use Presence of Mind, Ice Barrier, Frostjaw and Cauterize.
- Uses pet spell "Freeze"
- Uses Frost Nova and Frostjaw
- Ice Lance most effectively, tries to Shatter (Bolt+Lance) whenever it can
- Ice Block your Cauterize off
- Uses Frostfire Bolt if you get kicked on Frostbolt
- Uses Icy Veins early on
- Does not automate food/drink
Matenia got a reaction from vodkalol for a file, WhatsGoingOn - Showing bot status ingame
Quickly thrown together plugin that creates a frame in game and shows what your bot is currently doing so you don't have to check the bot status all the time.
Matenia got a reaction from Garub for a file, [PAID][Product] AdvancedBattlegrounder
Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support.
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.
Dear wRobot community,
today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin.
It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder.
For support, please ONLY contact me in Discord: https://discord.gg/BJ9HRyz
This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. I supply my own fightclasses here - they aren't perfect but they work well enough to not make you too obvious.
What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to?
plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue)
For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions.
PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
Matenia reacted to i2ichardt for a file, [FREE][Horde] 58-62 Hellfire Peninsula Quester
Completes quests in Hellfire Peninsula leveling your character from 58 to 62.5~
At the end of this quester profile you will be ready for the next zone.
Works best if you start with only Journey to Thrallmar quest in your log.
Have money on your character for repairs and/or have the bot sell greens.
(If you can't afford the repair costs when the bot tries to repair it will get stuck) *Assuming you have the bot set to repair*
Does the following quests(IDs) in Hellfire:
Journey to Thrallmar(10289), Report to Nazgrel(10291), I Work... For the Horde!(10086), Bonechewer Blood(10450), Eradicate the Burning Legion(10121), Felspark Ravine(10123), Apothecary Zelana(10449), Forward Base: Reaver's Fall(10124), Burn It Up... For the Horde!(10087), Spinebreaker Post(10242), Make Them Listen(10220), The Warp Rifts(10278), Decipher the Tome(10229), The Battle Horn(10230), Bloody Vengeance(10250), Honor the Fallen(10258), Outland Sucks!(10236), Disrupt Their Reinforcements(10208), Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz(10129), Return to Thrallmar(10388), Void Ridge(10294), Falcon Watch(9499), The Great Fissure(9340), Trueflight Arrows(9381), Magic of the Arakkoa(9396), The Assassin(9400), A Strange Weapon(9401), The Warchief's Mandate(9405), Birds of a Feather(9397), Preparing the Salve(9345), WANTED: Worg Master Kruush(10809), From the Abyss(10295), Investigate the Crash(10213), In Case of Emergency...(10161), Voidwalkers Gone Wild(9351), Ravager Egg Roundup(9349), Helboar, the Other White Meat(9361), Smooth as Butter(9356), Helping the Cenarion Post(10442), Demonic Contamination(9372), Keep Thornfang Hill Clear!(10159), Testing the Antidote(10255), Source of the Corruption(9387) -
Matenia got a reaction from Talamin for a file, [PAID][Product] Advanced Battlegrounder
Only tested with the English client. While most things should work flawlessly with other clients, I will not offer support.
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.
Dear wRobot community,
today I want to introduce you to a new product that I have been working on for the past months. Yes, this is a product. Do NOT load it as a plugin.
It expands on the simple Battlegrounder functionality you already know from wRobot and is called AdvancedBattlegrounder.
For support, please ONLY contact me in Discord: https://discord.gg/BJ9HRyz
This product is NOT a fightclass. You will need to acquire a fightclass separately, as if you were using a quester or a grinder. I do NOT take responsibility for anyone using bad fightclasses that get them banned in PvP. I supply my own fightclasses here - they aren't perfect but they work well enough to not make you too obvious.
What does this product do differently than the functionality you are already used to?
plays for objectives - attacks and defends bases, tries to protect and return the flag (it always prioritizes real players doing the work) prioritizes healers in combat uses mage table if available can use food in your wRobot settings, if activated in the product options calls incs in chat (randomized) during defense and where it makes sense supports WSG, AB, AV, EoTS and leaves unsupported BGs (waits for Deserter to requeue)
For more info, hop on my Discord channel and ask questions.
PURCHASE NOW - 10 concurrent IPs on 1 wRobot key - 20€
Matenia got a reaction from emoine for a file, [PAID][PvP] Subtetly Rogue
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord. The attached file is a simplified demo version.
Rogues are not an easy class to automate, let alone look human as. Therefore this took a little longer to come out, but I am satisfied with the results.
I have used this Fightclass to farm around 150k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported.
You need to have Wound Poison V and Crippling Poison II in yours bags!
Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
Can sap targets close by Blinds healers and can sap after they drop out of combat during blind Can Vanish several spells, such as Blind, Hammer of Justice, Death Coil, etc (BETA) Several gap closer mechanics, so you won't get kited a lot Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including PvP Trinket, Will of the Forsaken, Cloak of Shadows, Shadowstep, Vanish, etc Humanized
Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot
This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
Matenia got a reaction from TheSmokie for a file, [PAID[PvP] Retribution Paladin
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
The attached file is a low-level demo version.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly. This is the WotLK version of my TBC ret fightclass.
Ret Palas are a versatile class. There are a lot of things you can do to look human that even an average player wouldn't do.
I have used this Fightclass to farm around 80k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. On top of that, on a geared paladin I've constantly topped damage and kills.
Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
Dispels friendly targets and uses BoP if they're low and melees around them Chases and chucks down enemies at will Dispels Crowd Control from friends around you Can use Blessing of Sacrifice to break Polymorph Interrupts casts around you with Repentance Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Concec against Vanish, Dispel, PvP Trinket, Avenging Wrath, Divine Shield, Arcane Torrent, etc Humanized
Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr)
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses