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Everything posted by Batman

  1. I literally asked the same question and I use this Lbniese warrior fight profile. Any ideas?
  2. When my warrior see's a hunter pet, that is a bear, he tries to attack it. It looks kinda bad too because he clicks on and off and targets and clears and retargets like 10 times. Any ideas?
  3. Sometimes when I rez at the spirit healer, I'll run by a lower level mob and my dude starts to attack it. Just a waste of time since it's a grey mob...right? Just look suspicious.
  4. Thanks! Looks and feels awesome to crush all mobs who oppose!!
  5. Checking this out right now, hope it works great! Thanks for the share too...
  6. Very nice! Thank you very much... works very well so far.
  7. Both outbound "Partners" links are broken / dead.
  8. How soon will a beta be up and running? You think this is something I can help you test?
  9. I've noticed, from time to time, my spell casting class, like a Warlock or Mage, will stop casting spells and start melee auto-attacking. How do I disable and / or turn off melee attacks to ensure that never happens? My fight class is very simple, and nothing to complex, but I was hoping there might be an option to disable melee attack. Thanks and take care!
  10. May you please integrate spell condition "Pet Mana Percent"? I notice, you already have Pet Health Percent and more...but no mana. For example, Warlock Voidwalker, is worthless once mana is depleted. I wish to Sacrifice my blueberry, and re-summon with less than 10% Pet Mana Percent. Please make this work for TBC 2.4.3 Private Server WRobot.
  11. This program saves me time, I can do pushups, and stretch and even snag a cup of coffee for example, while it runs. Some of my favorite features though, are the Map / Radar and of course, the auto-pathing when I die. I leave the bot up for example, on the second monitor, and use it just when I die, so it can run back to my body for me. Also, I love the RADAR because I can filter out everything except for enemy players, when a hostile player is nearby, I see a yellow circle... and that means WREAKING TIME!!! I use the WRobot only for TBC, and I'm pleased with the fishing bot, works really really well. I think, for $20, it's a great investment. You just have to build alot of the stuff yourself, which isn't that bad if you think it's fun like me. I wish the documentation was better. Inside the fight class editor, for example, the "condition info" button doesn't display jack shit...that sucks, because some of them look helpful! Snag the bot, or download and use trial for couple days and see if you like, enter license "TRIAL" during launch-up.
  12. You should try to make a plugin yourself, hire someone to make one, or consider downloading this one -- Hope it helps and good luck!
  13. That's really sad to read, especially for veteran players like myself. If I was to migrate from TBC or WotLK and acquire some heirlooms, I'll be severely disappointed it sounds.
  14. Please visit wowhead and notice the "spell=XYZABC" part in the URL bar. So for example, Void Eruption is spell id 228260. Upload your current fight class too, so we can help. C'mon brotha...
  15. Thanks for checking it out @eeny - I too didn't have much luck, but I just noticed spell condition "Buff Casted by Me" and I'll try that. Maybe I can replace "Drink" with the actual name of the drink (like Filtered Draenic Water)...still testing.
  16. How do I cast Mark of the Wild, Fortitude or any other buff on a nearby, friendly player that isn't in my party? Is there a spell condition that I do not see? I re-read the entire list twice. I see "Hostile Unit Near" and "Hostile Unit Near Target" but I desire OPPOSITE.
  17. Marvelous! I replaced <<EATING BUFF>> with "Drink" - testing it out right now, thanks buddy...
  18. How do I cast Shadowmeld when I sit down and drink? I often find, that it's better to be invisible when I'm eating / drinking. Perhaps you have some tips / advice to share, I can use the macro feature of WRobot for this?
  19. Holy shit - Thanks!! p.s. - this is a test for http://tbc.openwow.com/spell=17941 p.s.s. - this is another test for http://tbc.openwow.com/spell=27209
  20. Sometimes, my dude will sit at 55% life / mana to recharge and it only takes 10 seconds (not 30, the default rest period) to reach maximum. How do I tell him to go back to fighting once he reaches 100% life / mana? Instead, he waste many, many seconds just sitting. It also, looks a little tricky...
  21. This is a brilliant idea, I also desire feature.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    1-60 Druid Combat profile setup: Buffs: Will rebuff before pulling Gift of the Wild always up Thorns always up Innervate if mana less than 35% (only uses in combat) Barkskin always up and on 60,000 (5 min) timer Healing routines: Will go out of Moonkin form to heal Rejuvenation if health less than 80% Regrowth on low health (replaces having to eat too) Combat routines: Force of Nature always up and on 18,000 (3 min) timer Moonkin Starfire only cast once per target Insect Swarm always up Moonfire always up Wrath until target is 18% Moonfire to death if target is 18% or less Other: Travel form to travel faster Use War stomp if not in feral form (Tauren special)
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