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About Degix

  • Birthday 02/26/1995

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    Programming, Sports

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  1. Sometimes the charackter is running or doin stuff and then the lua can not apply this poison. The script will try it very often and when it fails this message will appear. Just ignore the messages :D
  2. Hi, yeah the WoW Version matters. I created and tested the Plugin for WoW Version 3.3.5a. It can be that it doesn't work on your 2.4.3 Client because the version is missing some functionality that was added till 3.3.5a. I will mention it in the description that it is only for 3.3.5a.
  3. Changed the description.Thanks for the advice :)
  4. Got the same problem (WoW 3.3.5a) every time i leave my Server alone with a Grinder Profile it gets Stuck in the relog process because there was a random Server crash or a Server restart. Very sad, that sometimes the profile only run 35 min if there was a crash. At night i can't press the Realmlist ok Button so that the Grinder Profile continues. If I wake up I always need to fix this stuck process, therefore i need to press manual the Realmlist OK Button. Every time the Server crashed/did a restart the Bot/Relogger get stuck in the Realmlist and executes (Logins?) or something else; This shows up the MessageBox with "Cancel" as you can see it in the Bug description from BetterSister. I see this bug exists for a quite long time now. Hopefully you can fix it in the near future so i don't need to check my BotSession every hour. @Droidz If you want to reproduce the Bug I can send you my Server I'm playing on. Just write me a PM. EDIT: I use the General Settings Relogger Tick. Don't know the Category WRobot General or Relogger.
  5. Hi, I had the same problem and developed a Plugin for this process. Search for 'EasyPoison'. :)
  6. Version 1.0.0


    ONLY FOR WoW 3.3.5a! | or 3.3.5a+ before poisons get spells, but not tested yet! Plugin to refresh Poisons after they expired. You can set your Poisons in the Plugin Settings. Installation: Extract the two files into the the plugins folder! Then start/restart WRobot and activate EasyPoison under the Plugins Tab. Setup your Poisons: Go into the plugin settings and fill the field's of the main/offhand poisons with your poison-name(case sensitive!) or poison-itemid of choice. NOTICE/SELF-HELP:
  7. Version 1.0.2


    This Profile uses a Custom-Path through Dalaran to achieve the "Higher Learning" Achievement. (WoWHead Link). Startpoint: In Dalaran where the blue triangle teleporter is. (The Violet Gate)
  8. Degix

    Update Buggy

    Was setting up my VServer and thought all the time the Server is the troublemaker. After spending 3-4 Hours a Folder eleminiation fixed it. <3 Thanks, notifications! <3
  9. Hi. Just want to inform you that my Orc Hunter lvl 5 was stuck in Step 41. There were no quest named Encroachment and also the next Quest/step BreakaFewEggs>PickUp is not available. maybe I need to be level 6.
  10. Ups. obtained the quest ID via. Target NPC Info. Then copied the nr in EntryTarget.Add and pasted it in NPC Quest giver info. Figured out that 'current quests memory info' has another quest id value than i got with my method. Will try that. Thanks :) EDIT: Okay now he skips the step automatically. Thanks! EDIT2: I have chosen Quest type: "Interact with NPC" now. He goes to the NPC and interact with him, but still is in "pulse" State and not in "turn in". (yes i have added the 2nd npc and gave him the new quest id :D) Should i choose an other Quest Type if it's just a running Quest, like run from a to b?
  11. Hello guys, i want to get startet in creating my own Questing profile. I just started a simple profile. (Quest pickup -> pulse -> turnin) My problem: I get the quest with the onclick-event on the npc. When I use "Action type: PulseAllInOne" then the bot is in the PickUp State forever because it does not recognize the accepted quest. In the "Quests order editor", when i select Action-type "IfHasQuest" what should i write in the Action parameter textbox? Lua Code, C# Code or just the Questname from the selectionbox when i select Action type "Pulse" ?
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