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Everything posted by Jensen-

  1. its not that, code linked by me will finish quest when you get talon in your bag
  2. return wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.GetItemCountByIdLUA(16305) >= 1; use this in is complete condition when you get talon into bag it will complete it
  3. https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=12 download and do it agian, i just downloaded and unziped it without a problem
  4. dear god unzip it
  5. Version 1.0.5


    Hellfire questing profile should do 80 quests without a problem used it as a pally any1 other class might have a problem with The Exorcism of Colonel Jules also recomended to keep an eye on elite quest mobs hit hard
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Sunwell server Easter Kingdom lvling quester 1-50 Includes Zones Elwyn,westfal,redrige,duskwood,stv,hilsbrad,arathi,hinderlands few grinds in the lvl range betwen 10-30 after that its pure questing there might be few bugs in it since the pathfinding in boot bay is terrible recomened to use it as a pally
  7. any1 has an idea how to aim with cannon trying to do this quest http://db.darkwizard.pl/?quest=12701
  8. dont bot like that, use proxifier theres a guide how to set it on the forum, probobly if you get a ban on the acc that you want to bot, they will link it to your main and i would say they will bann you, my bis war on icecrown got banned like that, i boted with 5 other accs and didnt play at the same time with my main but they linked it and boom. TRUST NO1
  9. hey can some1 help me im looking for a code to remove specific quests by id var logId = Quest.GetLogIdByQuestId(745); if (logId > 0) { Lua.LuaDoString("SelectQuestLogEntry(" + logId + "); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); "); } and local questId = 745; for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, id = GetQuestLogTitle(i); if id == questId then SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end end dont work
  10. dont teach me what botting is with your 10 sessions https://imgur.com/a/HxtRvan
  11. lol grinders theres no zone on northdale without bots so thats why you get banned cuz you use grinding profiles
  12. what do you mean by private profiles just dont tell me you bought them and you calling that private
  13. stop using public profiles and you wont get baned, im not geting any bans since i made my own
  14. when i move key from keyring to backpack everything works fine
  15. item goes to keyring and its not deteced any1 could help me with a macro or code to move key from keyring to backpack
  16. got problem with quest item that is looted from mob https://classicdb.ch/?item=3467#unlocks wrobot doesnt detect it can finish step cuz of it any fix? or workaround?
  17. really you show where your bots farm?
  18. https://imgur.com/a/HxtRvan made my day think twice befor you report any1
    So far,Metania created technically the best pluggin for wrobot. From the day i started using HMP im spending less time on babysitting my chars, everything goes automate.Downtime on farm is 80% less then without it(try botting vanilia without this Pluggin). Tested most of the features and they are working like intended. Price 2 Quality is Perfect
  19. same for me bot doesnt know how to enter tipi if he somehow gets in theres no way hes gonna find exit it
  20. geting error [E] 23:24:53 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle
  21. hey as the title says when im starting 20bots each background window has low fps any1 knows a solution for it like set min fps or something window on top with 60fps my machine is ok not using 40% of its max resources runing tbc on win10
  22. cant get it work on tbc i have set everything and nothing happens
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