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    Droidz got a reaction from swishswish in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK   
    As I have already said several times on the forum, we are not here to piss off other players or the teams that manage the private servers.
    The bot is here to help you enjoy the game by sparing you the repetitive tasks you've been doing for years. And that, by using WRobot intelligently so as not to abuse it. Some also take pleasure in tweaking, creating and coding. But of course there must be abuse, I can't deny that...
    The private server team does its job, it is there to prevent abuse, to keep the game fair, some are more severe than others, these are the risks.
    I will do another test in the week and come back to you again, do not hesitate to give feedback on your experiences.
  2. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from elitecasaj00 in DO NOT USE ON EVERLOOK   
    As I have already said several times on the forum, we are not here to piss off other players or the teams that manage the private servers.
    The bot is here to help you enjoy the game by sparing you the repetitive tasks you've been doing for years. And that, by using WRobot intelligently so as not to abuse it. Some also take pleasure in tweaking, creating and coding. But of course there must be abuse, I can't deny that...
    The private server team does its job, it is there to prevent abuse, to keep the game fair, some are more severe than others, these are the risks.
    I will do another test in the week and come back to you again, do not hesitate to give feedback on your experiences.
  3. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from swishswish in Happy New Year 2022   
    Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead.

    View full article
  4. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from happiness7 in Quester settings saving   
    var assembly = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().LastOrDefault(a => a.FullName.Contains("Quester")); if (assembly !=null) { try { var currentSetting = assembly.GetType("Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting").GetProperty("CurrentSetting").GetValue(null, null) as Quester.Bot.QuesterSetting; if (currentSetting != null) { currentSetting.SaveModifiedGeneralSettings = true; currentSetting.ProfileName = "test.xml"; robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("OK"); } } catch { } }  
  5. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from happiness7 in Add new relogger profile code   
    using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using Relogger.Classes; using robotManager.Helpful; namespace MyNamespace { public class MyPlugin : Relogger.ReloggerPlugin { public override string Name { get { return "My test plugin"; } } bool IsRunning { get; set; } public override void OnStart() { robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("OnStart"); } public override void OnStop() { robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("OnStop"); } public override void OnButtonPress() { AddNewReloggerProfile("AccName", "realmListName", "pass", "charname", "key", "wowpath", "profilename", "1-10"); robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Write("OnButtonPress"); } public void AddNewReloggerProfile(string AccName, string realmListName, string pass, string charname, string key, string wowpath, string profilename, string runtime) { var t = new Thread(o => { try { var newprofile = new Relogger.Classes.ReloggerProfile(); newprofile.Name = AccName + " " + pass + " " + charname; newprofile.Checked = true; //newprofile.Comment = ""; newprofile.Settings.MinimiseWRobotOnStart = true; newprofile.Settings.RelaunchIfWowOrWRobotCrash = true; newprofile.Settings.RunTasksLoop = true; newprofile.Settings.ScheduleResetAtEnd = true; newprofile.Settings.WowAccount.AccountName = AccName; newprofile.Settings.WowAccount.BattleNet = AccName; newprofile.Settings.WowAccount.Password = pass; newprofile.Settings.WowAccount.Character = charname; newprofile.Settings.WowAccount.Server = realmListName; newprofile.Settings.WRobotAccount.WRobotKey = key; //newprofile.Settings.WowWindow = new Rectangle(); //newprofile.Settings.BotWindow = new Rectangle(); //newprofile.Settings.ScheduleFrom = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00); //newprofile.Settings.ScheduleTo = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 23, 59, 59); newprofile.Settings.Tasks.Add(new Relogger.Classes.ReloggerTask { TaskType = Relogger.Classes.TaskType.ChangeWowPath.ToString(), Task = new Relogger.Classes.ChangeWowPathReloggerTask { WowPath = wowpath }, Name = "123" } ); newprofile.Settings.Tasks.Add(new Relogger.Classes.ReloggerTask { TaskType = Relogger.Classes.TaskType.Run.ToString(), Task = new Relogger.Classes.RunReloggerTask { RunTime = runtime, Product = "Quester", Profile = profilename, }, Name = "run" }); Relogger.Classes.ReloggerGeneralSettings.CurrentSetting.Profiles.Add(newprofile); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError(e.ToString()); } }); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } } } You still get error when you try to edit task, but tasks are well configured (you can restart to see value)
  6. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from happiness7 in Change WRobot setting with plugin   
    Yes, code is bad.
    Wait next update and use 
  7. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from happiness7 in Settings question   
    You can try to host http server in relogger (with relogger plugin) (you can get/return values (or xml) from it.
    It's sample of http server, but for wrobot plugin :
    using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { /* Samples: http://localhost:8000/name http://localhost:8000/jump http://localhost:8000/pos http://localhost:8000/runlua?code=print(%22test%20from%20web%22) */ private readonly bool _debugLog = true; private HttpListener _listener; private readonly string _url = "http://localhost:8000/"; private int _requestCount; private bool _runServer; public void Initialize() { // Create a Http server and start listening for incoming connections _listener = new HttpListener(); _listener.Prefixes.Add(_url); _listener.Start(); if (_debugLog) Logging.WriteDebug("Listening for connections on " + _url); // Handle requests var listenTask = HandleIncomingConnections(); listenTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } public void Dispose() { if (_listener != null) { _runServer = false; _listener.Close(); _listener = null; } } public void Settings() { } private async Task HandleIncomingConnections() { _runServer = true; // While a user hasn't visited the `shutdown` url, keep on handling requests while (_runServer) { // Will wait here until we hear from a connection var ctx = await _listener.GetContextAsync(); // Peel out the requests and response objects var req = ctx.Request; var resp = ctx.Response; // Print out some info about the request if (_debugLog) { Logging.WriteDebug("Request #: " + ++_requestCount); Logging.WriteDebug(req.Url.ToString()); Logging.WriteDebug(req.HttpMethod); Logging.WriteDebug(req.UserHostName); Logging.WriteDebug(req.UserAgent); Logging.WriteDebug(req.Url.AbsolutePath); } var content = string.Empty; // Parse if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/name") { content = ObjectManager.Me.Name; } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/jump") { Move.JumpOrAscend(); content = "done"; } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/pos") { content = ObjectManager.Me.Position.ToStringXml(); } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("/runlua")) { //var r = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(req.Url.Query).Get("code"); var r = req.QueryString["code"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r)) { Lua.LuaDoString(r); content = "ok"; } else content = "failed"; } // Write the response info byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); resp.ContentType = "text/html"; resp.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; resp.ContentLength64 = data.LongLength; // Write out to the response stream (asynchronously), then close it await resp.OutputStream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length); resp.Close(); } } }  
  8. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from Pudge in Settings question   
    You can try to host http server in relogger (with relogger plugin) (you can get/return values (or xml) from it.
    It's sample of http server, but for wrobot plugin :
    using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { /* Samples: http://localhost:8000/name http://localhost:8000/jump http://localhost:8000/pos http://localhost:8000/runlua?code=print(%22test%20from%20web%22) */ private readonly bool _debugLog = true; private HttpListener _listener; private readonly string _url = "http://localhost:8000/"; private int _requestCount; private bool _runServer; public void Initialize() { // Create a Http server and start listening for incoming connections _listener = new HttpListener(); _listener.Prefixes.Add(_url); _listener.Start(); if (_debugLog) Logging.WriteDebug("Listening for connections on " + _url); // Handle requests var listenTask = HandleIncomingConnections(); listenTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } public void Dispose() { if (_listener != null) { _runServer = false; _listener.Close(); _listener = null; } } public void Settings() { } private async Task HandleIncomingConnections() { _runServer = true; // While a user hasn't visited the `shutdown` url, keep on handling requests while (_runServer) { // Will wait here until we hear from a connection var ctx = await _listener.GetContextAsync(); // Peel out the requests and response objects var req = ctx.Request; var resp = ctx.Response; // Print out some info about the request if (_debugLog) { Logging.WriteDebug("Request #: " + ++_requestCount); Logging.WriteDebug(req.Url.ToString()); Logging.WriteDebug(req.HttpMethod); Logging.WriteDebug(req.UserHostName); Logging.WriteDebug(req.UserAgent); Logging.WriteDebug(req.Url.AbsolutePath); } var content = string.Empty; // Parse if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/name") { content = ObjectManager.Me.Name; } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/jump") { Move.JumpOrAscend(); content = "done"; } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath == "/pos") { content = ObjectManager.Me.Position.ToStringXml(); } else if (req.Url.AbsolutePath.StartsWith("/runlua")) { //var r = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(req.Url.Query).Get("code"); var r = req.QueryString["code"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r)) { Lua.LuaDoString(r); content = "ok"; } else content = "failed"; } // Write the response info byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); resp.ContentType = "text/html"; resp.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; resp.ContentLength64 = data.LongLength; // Write out to the response stream (asynchronously), then close it await resp.OutputStream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length); resp.Close(); } } }  
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    Droidz got a reaction from marzio in License Key is not working for Legion 7.3.5 (26124)   
    Hello, your problem should solved
  10. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from mx1193 in ID Problems   
    Your IP seems to change frequently (check website like https://www.myip.com/ ).
    But that has nothing to do with WRobot itself. It is the profile authentication system (which is not managed by WRobot) that poses a problem. I can't help you, only the profile creator can.
    If you want to solve the problem yourself, try to have a fixed IP (internet provider option, VPN with private IP, ...).
  11. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from wrobotu in mail recipient   
    Hello, use
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailRecipient = "Name";  
  12. Like
    Droidz reacted to PupAce in Crashes and freezes Win 11 and 12th gen   
    It may have nothing to do with the bot at all.  I started getting other crashes not running it at all.  Maybe the platform im running.
  13. Thanks
    Droidz reacted to flaw0flife in Stormwind mage tower pathfinder broken   
    Ok so i managed to figure it out, it seems you need to use the off mesh tool to tell the pathfinder to use the right path for broken meshes.
    For anyone interested in a fix, you can paste this in the OffMeshConnections.xml with the bot off
          <Vector3 X="-9014.484" Y="872.5606" Z="148.6167" />
          <Vector3 X="-9021.027" Y="890.2583" Z="29.62078" />
        <Name>Mage Quarter</Name>
    I've tested it a bit, seems to work mostly ok, it might need a bit more refinement but ideally these should already be included with the bot on download, kinda silly to browse through years old of forum threads for half baked answers and poor documentation.
  14. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from eggwithbeard in Server seems down to me   
    Hello, you Windows is updated? Do you have installed all required files ?
  15. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from eggwithbeard in Server seems down to me   
    Sometime, restart computer can resolve this type of problem. 
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    Droidz got a reaction from RandomVer in Relogger Plugin sample (developer only)   
    Sample of plugin for Relogger (move file in the folder "WRobot\Plugins\Relogger\")
    Relogger Plugin Sample.cs
  17. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from venom3140 in Radar3D   
    Hello, to add code to your gatherer profile you can use https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2202-profile-positions-and-action-column/ :
    c#: wManager.Wow.Helpers.Radar3D.Pulse();  
    But, I think it's better to do it with plugin :
    public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { public void Initialize() { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Radar3D.Pulse(); } public void Dispose() { } public void Settings() { } } (save this code in .cs file type in the folder "Plugins")
  18. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in official server Classic   
    No, WRobot works and will work only on private servers. Current supported versions can be found here https://wrobot.eu/supported-wow-versions/
  19. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Zer0 in TBC - stack overflow (table too big to unpack)   
    The bot uses unpack Lua function only to extract Lua events.
    When you catch LuaEvent does your code take time ? (maybe try to lock one thread to try to reproduce the problem, if it's the problem try to run the slow code in a new thread. In dungeons, he has probably more events that in open world).
    You can also try to put lower value at :
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime wManager.Wow.Helpers.EventsLua.RefreshMs (~150 by default)
  20. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from Sye24 in change Product in plugin   
    Hello, if you want to use several products, using "relogger" application is the best way.
  21. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in Put an item in the list not to sell   
    List<String> ItemNames = new List<string> { "First Item", "second Item", //etc }; foreach (string ItemName in ItemNames) { if(!wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains(ItemName)) wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add(ItemName); }  
  22. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in Put an item in the list not to sell   
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add("item name"); But to avoid duplicate:
    var itemName = "item name"; if (!wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains(itemName)) wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Add(itemName);  
  23. Thanks
    Droidz got a reaction from saleh in Train skill riding   
    Hello, use this c# code: 
    if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new robotManager.Helpful.Vector3(1, 2, 3), 12345)) // replace 1, 2, 3 by position, and 12345 by npc entry id { wManager.Wow.Helpers.Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(wManager.Wow.Enums.GossipOptionsType.trainer); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Trainer.TrainingSpell(); }  
  24. Like
    Droidz got a reaction from vodkalol in Happy New Year 2022   
    Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead.

    View full article
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    Droidz got a reaction from Marvelino123 in License Key is not working for Legion 7.3.5 (26124)   
    Hello, your problem should be solved
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