Plugins - Multiversion
25 files
[FREE]GPTwhisperer_v1 - Let an AI reply to recieved whispers
By ericiron
Hello all.
Never though much about trying to write a plugin for a bot until I discovered WRobot. With all the AI craze going on I though, well why not let chatGPT respond to whispers recieved.
This is version 1.0 as it works as well as I had initially planned. It includes:
- Reading whispers recived and the username they are from
- Sending recived whispers to OpenAI (chatGPT) or a local ai such as gptforall or any other that has a openai like rest api
- Responding to the user who sent the whisper with the respond from AI
- Set a context for the AI as a starter message so it knows what it is doing: new { role = "system", content = "You are an avid and helpful world of warcraft player" },
The image I attached is first of me whispering myself a question and then the AI response
Currenly the settings ("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE") is in this .cs file. May be good to expand upon the code and add to Settings if you so wish. Other suggested featured I could think of:
- Set context message in Settings
- Pick model from dropdown
- White / Black list
Anywho, I tested this with Vanilla and it works well there. Perhaps some longer initial whispers will cause some issues with lua but should be ok
Feel free to use and/or expand on this to your hearts content 🙂
[PAID][1.12.1/2.4.3/3.3.5a] AFKing and Humanizing plugin
By Matenia
No refunds - you are purchasing a digital copy of a product.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
I will continue working on this plugin and it will receive updates (which are included in the purchase).
Any problems pathing? Disable all "Avoid Enemy" options.
Installation instructions
can automatically buy food and drink (uses @reapler's database) can automatically choose your vendors and repairs (closest vendors and avoids high level zones) can automatically purchase ammunition (deactivated by default) automatically chooses the best quest reward for your class automatically equips better items, based on TBC "Pawn" stat weights - only uses base stats automatically equips bags and replaces them with bigger bags creates and uses bandages - will learn First Aid and train 1-150 trains Skinning and all useful weapons for your class (can be turned off) runs away from fight if you're likely to die (can be seen several times throughout the video - fails in cave sometimes)1 spirit rezz if chain dying ignore all combat if items are broken stop combat with evading mobs, friendly NPCs and friendly pets hearthstone if stuck (please read instructions) fully automated trainer choosing and training, goes every 4 levels after level 20 (if you have training turned on in wRobot) automatically use potions in combat stop combat with tapped targets stop combat if target is evading swim up if you are about to drown swim to shore before regen (if a safe spot can be found) teaches your bot how to use transports for shorter paths (supported so far: Deeprun Tram, Darnassus Portal/Ship) constant updates, you should re-download through your Rocketr link every evening
This is a new multi-expansion, multi-functionality plugin. I wrote it to fix some of the inconveniences, bugs and "bot-like" behavior wRobot comes with sometimes. Down below is a list of features, that this plugin brings to the table. Any plugin that has the same/similar functionality to my public (free) plugins has been improved in functionality and CPU usage.
Here you can find a 1:30 hour long video of a pure quester run from level 1-12 where you can see some of the plugin's functionality. The "running away" part of the plugin can sometimes be buggy within caves.
1Problems with "running away from combat" will occur in highly obstructed areas, such as caves, hills or anything else where your bot might have issues navigating (such as highly contested areas with tons of enemies). I have been trying (and still am) to improve this feature as much as I can, but if you aren't grinding with your bot (questing, gathering, etc) I recommend setting it to only run away if you pull more than x number of enemies
Unstuck instructions
Your hearthstone needs to be set to your current continent (anywhere on it) for the bot to find a path back to your regular grinding/questing spot, after using Hearthstone to get out of a "stuck" situation. If this is not the case, please disable that feature in the plugin settings.
*If you run wRobot.exe through a proxy or VPN, this limits you - if you only run WoW.exe througher another IP, this is not a problem
PURCHASE NOW - 10 IPs (limited to 1 wRobot license) - 30.00€
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
[FREE] wDiscord - A discord bot to suit your needs.
By Marsbar
UPDATED: This needed updating as the way bots work has been updated by discord. Changes include:
You cannot have the word "discord" in your bot name - this will make it just not work. Either rename it or create a new application/bot Slash commands! No longer use the . prefix. Now you would use /say instead of .say Bot scope - when inviting your bot to your server you need to have the bot.commands scope. Guild ID requirement - this is a bit of laziness from me but this is now a setting you need to set up before using the plugin. Included in the guide at the bottom. wDiscord is a 2 way discord and WRobot integration bot, you will receive alerts to your chosen discord server and channel when in game events such as whispers, deaths and trade requests, etc. happen. You can also then respond to these alerts and a variety of ways via commands in discord. This is the spiritual successor of wDiscordAlert, a free 1 way discord alerting plugin, if you don't need to send commands you can find it here:
Feature list:
Multi-char monitoring and commands on one (or multiple) discord server(s)
Status update on timer
Simple setup (just a bot for both ways, no webhooks like wDiscordAlert)
Event alerts (bot will send a message to discord):
Say Emote Whisper Party Guild Party invite Duel request Trade request Guild request Player death Player stuck Configurable alert prefixes (@everyone, etc.) Configurable alert screenshots Configurable alert area blacklists for say/emote (default contains some capital cities) Commands:
status setup say party whisper reply (to lastest whisper) channelsay macro (TBC and above only!!!) reloadui screenshot gif hearth stop bot start bot pause bot resume bot accept request (such as party invite) decline request leave party logout exit game Do a to town run Product (like battlegrounder/quester) - list,set fightclass - list,set profile – list (set coming soon) bag - list General Config Commands:
groundmount flyingmount foodname drinkname drinktoggle drinkpercent foodpercent selltoggle repairtoggle sellrarity donotsell - add,remove,list forcesell - add,remove,list mailtoggle mailrecipient donotmail - add,remove,list forcemail - add,remove,list Getting started:
27th June - Updated with command to list bag items (.bag list) and an issue with ppl unable to purchase from Rocketr
2nd July - Updated with command to show professions levels (.profs), stopped status spam if disconnected and added a setup tutorial video to the getting started
8th July - Updated with Quest objective tracking & automatic clearing of the screenshots folder on startup.
28th August - Updated with a .setup command, see new getting started, added a .gif command to send yourself a short gif of ingame! (also some small fixes and better logging)
1st October - Found a bug I introduced which caused a few errors on status/screenshots. Also added 3 new commands, .reloadui, .channelsay (eg. .channelsay 1 Barrens chat 4evaaa!) and .macro (include the slash to use). Marco only works for TBC upwards, no vanilla im afraid.
19th April - Substantial re-write, updated settings style, added auth, added auto updates, updated help command. More features to come.
29th May - More filters on what messages to alert on (requested by user)
Made free
Set Loot Range
By XetroRo
You can set your own loot range using this plugin. I not sure whether is working or not lol i just did it because i saw someone have issue with the loot radius so yea xD.
Source Code Link :
[Relogger] Backup
By Droidz
Relogger plugin to make backups of "WRobot\Settings\ReloggerGeneralSettings.xml" (this file contain your relogger settings), backups are in folder "WRobot\ReloggerBackup\" and by default removed after 7 days (you can edit file to change that).
Download and move plugin file in folder "WRobot\Plugins\Relogger\" (maybe you need to create folder). Launch (or relaunch) relogger, click on button "Plugins", if plugin is correctly installed you can see it.
Tips: If you want use/transfert same relogger setting file in different VM/computer without get passwords problems, you can use option (edit with notepad file "WRobot\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml")
By Matenia
SmoothMove by @reapler updated to be a bit less spazzy (should be turned off in water) and working well with Framelock during combat with any of my fightclasses.
Should also work in Deeprun Tram with HMP (not tested fully).
All credit to reapler for being a fucking genius:
[Free][Raven] <D-Bot> - Discord Integration and Communicate bot !
By TheSmokie
D-bot is a two way communication and Integration bot for discord to be able to communicate with players ingame.
Also has different command to help tell your bot what to do,
Special thanks goes to @Avvi For letting me using the code for his paid Product plugin.
Discord Commands :
1. /w {Playername} Message
2. /s Message
3. /CloseWow or /CW (This will close wow and close wrobot.)
4. /Town (Forces bot to go to town.)
5. /Train (Force bot to go train spells.)
Create Discord Server:
1. Open Discord Desktop Application.
2. Select the New Server button. It is shaped like a plus on the left side of the application (+).
3. Enter a name for your Discord Server.
Configuring Discord Webhook for Discord Notifications:
1. Click the Settings Button of the General channel.
2. Click Webhooks on the Settings Page and select the Create Webhook button.
3. Enter a Name for the webhook, and then COPY the Webhook URL.
4. Click Save.
5. Paste Webhook URL into WRobot D-Bot settings Discord Webhook URL field.
Configuring Discord Bot:
1. Go To URL:
2. Click New App
3. Give App a Name.
4. Click Create App.
5. Click Create a Bot User.
6. Next to the Token button, click the CLICK TO REVEAL url.
7. Copy the Token. SAVE THIS
8. Click on OAuth2
9. in the SCOPES options in OAuth2 Cleck the bot Box
10. in OAuth2, BOT PERMISSIONS select the "Administrator"
11. Copy the URL at the bottom of SCOPES
12. Past into your search engine
13. Select your custom server that you added a Webhook to. Make sure Read Messages and Read Message History are checked.
14. Click Authorize.
If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. :
PartyBot Helper
By Matenia
PartyBot Helper Plugin
Hey guys!
I am excited to finally release my PartyBot plugin which I've been working on for a little over a week now. It was commissioned by @KDiddy who paid for the initial development, but I liked the challenge and added more features as well as more automation. This plugin can be used together with HumanMasterPlugin.
The plugin needs to be run on both characters and you need to carefully adjust the settings to match on all characters. There can only be one leader character, all others automatically become followers. Only the leader character needs to fill out a list of characters to invite to the party. All settings come with a detail description if you select them - so please do not PM me with questions about what they do or how they work.
The leader character needs to run one of the following products: Quester, Grinder, Gatherer (no, the followers will NOT do quests)
The followers need to run one of the following products: Party, WRotation
I have also attached 2 vanilla fightclasses and the source code for the resto shaman fightclass, as well as the source code for the plugin itself. This should help you easily modify a fightclass for another healer, even if you know very little C#.
The shaman should also work across expansions, whereas the warrior will not. Please do NOT come to me with questions on how to modify the plugin's code or fightclasses. If you don't know what you're doing, you can ask for help in the official wRobot Discord.
Thanks to financial contributors:
[Free] BetterTalents
By spacecowboy
Use Case:
You level your character but something keeps you checking it, preventing you from the ultimate AFK experience that all these Quester/Grinder seller promise you. You guess it right, its the talent assignment.
Assign Talents for the primary spec All Trees are configureable Pet talents also configureable You can configure the order of trees to be skilled
How it works:
In the plugin settings you can find options for all 4 trees (Tree 1-3 and Pet). The format follows the these rules:
The order is from left to right, appended by the next row Each character in the sequence is the number of points that you want to assign to that talent, i. e. 0-5. Example:
The configuration for the retribution paladin tree:
FirstTree = 3
SecondTree = 2
ThirdTree = 1
Tree1 = 050501
Tree2 = 05
Tree3 = 05232051203331302133231331
Note: Tested for 3.3.5, but the API calls that are used also exist in Cata, TBC and Vanilla. I don't know if it works for other versions.
[Free] BetterVendor
By spacecowboy
Use Case:
If you level up a character and it does quests or gets soulbound items via equipping them. Eventually the bags will fill up because they cant be send away if you dont want to sell them by default.
Option to enable to sell green soulbound items (Default=true) Option to enable to sell rare soulbound items (Default=false) Option to enable to sell epic soulbound items (Default=false)
Note: Tested for 3.3.5, but the API calls that are used also exist in TBC and Vanilla. I don't know if it works for other versions.
[Free] TrainSkillsOverride
By Marsbar
This is an early version of a free plugin that I'm developing which removes the default trainers state and adds it's own.
This is so you can choose which spells to learn when leveling up and not waste gold on the useless ones.
It also has a profession learning state where it will check to see if you are able to get the next level of a profession, go to the trainer and learn it.
Example uses would be gathering professions, set it going and when it reaches a certain level it will go train and go back to gathering.
This still needs some work though, at the moment it attempts to do this for primary professions up to level 300 and up to level 150 for secondary professions (due to the need for books).
It uses the WRobot NPC database so make sure your trainers are in there.
Settings include:
A grid for levels to train at A grid for the spells you want to learn (Spelling is important!) A minimum amount of silver to have before going to train Enable/Disable learning primary professions Enable/Disable learning secondary professions If no levels are added to the grid it will just go every 2 levels.
Possible features at some point:
Disenchanting Crafting Professions (Alchemy, Tailoring, First aid, etc.) if you have the materials Let me know if you have issues.
- spells
- professions
- (and 1 more)
By Matenia
This Plugin works when using the Party product and should be activated on all your slaves/followers to "teach" them to eat/drink again.
[Free] Ammo
By Marsbar
Another simple plugin.
What does it try to solve?
When botting on hunters the bot considers quiver/ammobag slots that do not have ammo in them as free bag slots for normal loot. This means if you have a quiver with 1 ammo stack and 7 free slots and have your Min Free slots to go to town to set to 2, it would never go to town because the bot still thinks you have those 7 available in your quiver.
What does the plugin do?
It changes the Min Free slots to go to town number to your set amount plus the number of free slots you have in your quiver/ammo bag.
8 Slot ammo bag, 6 slots filled with ammo.
You set your go to town to 2.
The plugin will change the gototown amount to 4 (2 from quiver and 2 from bags).
It will change setting every time you loot something so you should be covered!
ps. It's a .cs file again so you can have a look at the code. Ty to @Matenia for the hint to auto get the ammo bag slot id.
[FREE] AutoWarlockPetTraining
By Matenia
Plugin that automatically makes you walk to the warlock pet trainer, buy the books and learn them - but only if you are within 800 yards (so right after regular training).
You can adjust the code for this yourself. The "Entry" (Id for your pet) might change depending on the server, but in my tests Imp has always been 416. Voidwalker can vary - so you might need to adjust this yourself. You can get the current entry by summoning Voidwalker and using development tools in wRobot to get ObjectManager.Pet.Entry.
This will be included in the next HMP release.
[FREE] FoodAndDrinkHelper
By Matenia
This plugin is a mix of Droidz' old "auto choose food and drink" and my old "Auto Select Food/Drink".
I have updated it and combined the two. This plugin automatically sets the best best/drink in your bags for your character. If you have less than those in your bags, it will force a vendor run to buy more (you can set the amount in wRobot's vendor tab) and buy whatever food that vendor has available. Every vendor (except for Repair) available to your profile NEEDS TO BE A VENDOR WHO SELLS FOOD FOR THIS TO WORK.
Do NOT use this if you already use HumanMasterPlugin. This is meant for people who can't afford HMP or don't want to use HMP or work on expansions that don't have it.
Source code is available (plugin is a .cs file).
[Free] qObjMarker
By Marsbar
qObjMarker - Assisting your leveling process.
What does it do?
I made this to help me keep track of quest mobs and game objects as I was leveling one of my chars manually on a server that just opened. Obviously you have to fight for the mobs with all the other players and being able to instantly see where all the mobs and gameobjects are helps a lot (I've been running it with WRotation[Movement disabled in settings] and no fightclass).
It uses WRobots 3D Radar to automatically draw a line to any Mobs or GameObjects that it can read from your quest logs objectives. Eg. If the quests says "0/10 Super Boars Slain" it will check your surrounding area for any mobs with the name Super Boars. Same for game objects.
Tracked Mobs are assigned a random colour based on their name.
Tracked gameobjects are currently Blue.
It also tracks players of the opposite faction in Orange.
Wow! It tracks all my quest objectives?
No. The names won't always match their respective quest logs.
Also note that if you have completed the objective or the mob has been tagged by someone else, it will not draw a line to it.
Can I add Mobs manually?
Yes. There are hotkeys you can use! These are:
CTRL + T - Add your target mobs name to the tracking list ALT + T - Remove your target mobs name from the tracking list CTRL + L - List all the mobs in the tracking list ALT + L - Clear the custom mob tracking list What about game objects?
I'll add them on the next release.
This is the initial release so may contain bugs. Let me know how you get on!
By Matenia
Source code attached. All this does is slightly modifiy each vector (out of combat) that wRobot walks to in an attempt to randomize movement a little.
You can change the source if you need bigger randomization (this is barely visible to the human eye). If you wanted to modify hotspots in a quester to be chosen at random instead of in order, you would need to look into modifying
MovementManager.CurrentPath; //or modifying the "State" MovementLoop
Simple AntiDetection
By Matenia
This is a small plugin which will not be developed further. The source is attached, you can modify it and recompile it yourself if you're interested.
If GMs turn your mob green, this plugin *should* recognize that your enemy is no longer attackable, stop the fight, turn around and walk away a little, then say something in chat before pausing the bot for a few seconds and moving on its way.
For specifics, check the source. The IsEnemy() method can probably be changed to contain UnitIsFriend (Lua) in case GMs use a different method that makes the bot think the target is attackable even if its faction is friendly to you. In that case, you might need to also change it to check for specific NPC flags. But this would require knowing exactly how GMs test for a bot.
PauseSafely Plugin
By Apexx
*** Plugin may require English client ***
I have seen a few forum posts looking to enhance the bot safety and added features like being able to use a skill when the user pauses the bot. This plugin uses the robotManager.FiniteStateMachine.State API in order to perform a skill before the actual pause is initiated.
Be sure to type the name of the spell in the Settings window exactly as you see it in game. I have tested this some, but it may require some tweaking.
If you pause the bot manually during combat and the settings to allow the spell to be used in combat is set to false, it will catch the input, wait until the fight is over, and then use the spell. If you set the use spell during combat to true (ie: Vanish), and manually pause the bot, it will cast the ability before pausing the bot. Another great feature is if you have the bot's advance settings to pause the bot when a player is within the default search radius of 1000, it will pause the bot, again changing the bot state and activating this plugin. Needs more testing! The servers I have tried this on were not very populated and it was tough to check if players were nearby.
By Marsbar
This plugin shows an ingame button which you can press for your char to move back to your corpse without accepting the ressurection.
The button should only show if you're dead.
Disclaimer: This is pretty poorly written as I don't know how to properly interact with ingame addon events, so if you do have a look inside the .cs file.. forgive me.
I used the WhatsGoingOn plugin as a base to start this from so cheers @Matenia.
By Matenia
Small plugin that will ignore NPCs in AV so you don't look suspicious.
If any IDs are missing, you can edit the plugin and add them to the list
[Free] RequestHandler
By Marsbar
Configurable plugin to handle different types of player requests with a random timer delay, these include:
Party request Guild request Trade request Duel request Rezz request Ready checks Loot rolls (can configure to Need, Greed or Pass) - not tested much, let me know how it goes. The requests are also logged and include the name of the player that made the request (in case you enjoy reviewing logs to see who spammed you with requests before your ban, or something like that...).
Inspired to update this because of the lack of functionality in my previous auto decline plugin.
The download is in .cs format so if you're interested in going through my dodgey code, you're welcome to.
By Marsbar
MoneyMailer -
This little plugin will attempt to send any money over your threshold to the char you specified in your wrobot mailing settings.
The threshold can be changed in the settings, it's in silver and the default is 100 (so 1g).
Be aware that it's hooked up to the MAIL_SHOW lua event, this means that even if you have the bot paused and you open a mailbox it will attempt to send any money above the threshold. If you do not want it to do the mailing, stop the bot.
The file is in .cs format so you can open it in a text editor and have a look at the source if you wish.
[FREE] Avvi's AutoIgnore
By Avvi
AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added.
About This Plugin:
Have you ever wanted to ignore any player that whispers your character? WELL, NOW YOU CAN!
AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added.
I expect that this plugin would work on all versions of the game. I have not tested everything, so if you are seeing an issue somewhere, please let me know.
If you wish to expand your ignore list, you can use this addon for some versions of the game: Thanks to @Mike-Mail for suggesting it!
My Other Plugins: