Old, Obsolete
70 files
18-23 duskwood
By Andoido
Hello from Wales! Im not uploadin a profile before. Please is this ok?
Bydd y proffil hwn yn ceisio ac yn malu. Rydw i wedi trwsio a gwerthu. Bydd yn lladd pryfed cop a pholyn. Mae fy Saesneg yn ddrwg iawn. Mae fy Saesneg yn ddrwg iawn. Rwy'n edrych am help gyda phroffil oherwydd fy mod yn cael tunnell o wallau ac rwy'n newydd i hyn Ond mwynhewch! bot would kill animals and have repair or vendor. Im new and was needing feedback please. Im done 1-30 and have a many problem if somebody can helping me
18-23 Duskwood.xml
Dalaran Fountain Farming
By mcluck89
Just a simple profile to constantly farm the Dalaran Fountain for the achievement. Nothing special.
Realm Hop
By 2face
Hi all,
this is the first Plugin I release to the public. I'm working on a few more. I have developed Plugins for other platforms in the past and now I moved over to WRobot.
This plugin basicially helps you to avoid other players, while farming or gathering.
IMPORTANT: This plugin requires the Server Hop ADDON which can be found here: Curse Link
You can set a distance to other players, default is at 300. Once someone is within that range, the plugin will hop to another server.
You can also set a loot range, so it will check for loot in your area before hopping. Keep in mind sometimes it will hop anyway while looting/skinning.
Also there is a tick option when to leave a party, right now it is set to 30 by default which is 2.5minutes. (each tick is 5 seconds)
Feel free to add suggestions and give feedback!
PvP Retribution Paladin
By fall0ut
PvP Retribution Paladin
by: fall0ut
This fight class is usable by any level. You do not have to remove spells you have not learned yet from the rotation.
Primary rotation
Hammer of Wrath
Templar’s Verdict (with 2 holy power)
Keep up Inquisition (at least 2 holy power).
Crusader Strike
Any holy power left over after combat will be spent on Word of Glory.
Lay on Hands when health is under 20%.
Emancipate when you are stunned.
Rebuke when target is casting.
Hammer of Justice/Fist of Justice when target is moving.
Blinding Light when more than one enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Guardian of Ancient Kings when available.
Avenging Wrath when available.
Friendly cooldowns
Devotion Aura when more than one enemy is within 40 yards of a friendly player.
Flash of Light when friendly target within 40 yards health is below 30%.
Hand of Freedom when friendly player is stunned within 40 yards.
Depending on your talent spec you may activate some addition spells from the fight class settings page.
Sacred Shield, if true will will maintain Sacred Shield while in combat.
Holy Avenger, if true will use whenever available in combat.
Holy Prism, if true will use when your health is below 80% in combat.
Execution Sentence, if true will use when available.
Hand of Purity, if true will use when friendly player has more than one enemy near within 25 yards.
UseInventoryItem( 14 ), if true will use PVP trinket when you have been feared by a priest. Trinket must be in bottom right trinket slot.
Blessing of Kings, if true will maintain Blessing of Kings. (not recommended)
Blessing of Might, if true will maintain Blessing of Might. (recommended)
Due to Druid and Monk stat buffs replacing your Kings, casting Might is recommended.
- pvp
- retribution
- (and 4 more)
Deutsch (German).xml
By Wutzy
EDIT (Droidz): Updated translation here: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/535-deutsch-german/
after revision here is the updated version
nach der ersten Revision hier die aktualisierte Version
Pack Battlegrounder Profiles
By Droidz
Pack Battlegrounder Profiles (horde/alliance):
- Arathi Basin
- Battle for Gilneas
- Eye of the Storm
- Isle of Conquest
- Twin Peaks
- Warsong Gulch
This file is outdated, it is not recommended to use it, use the default WRobot battlegrounder setting.
My Little Monkie.xml
By kimble01
Once again,
started with the base Mistwalker that ships with the bot, then adjusted up from there. Currently blows defensive CD's below 50% health. Uses Flying Serpent Kick and adjusts for multiple targets.
Would not use for pvp, don't have paralysis, Disable, etc. setup...eventually tho...
Frost lvling class
By reddvel
Just made this frost class wich works very good on my mage, i used it from lvl 50 till 70 atm.
From talents Ice barrier and cold snap are used.
It makes 2 stacks food. setup your food manually.
Whit fingers of frost it makes ur mage a killing machine!
I hope u guys like it!
IcyVeins Arms.xml
By kimble01
Hi Guys,
thought I would take a crack at making my own Fight Class. I took Ohrens' Arms Warrior as a starting point and then used the Rotations as suggested by the Icy Veins guide.
Please feel free to revise as you wish, just let me know what you did to make it better.
I welcome your feedback!
TheDude (wishing to remain anonymous...from BigBrother!)
By jwiss
This is a Blood Dk profile for tanking in dungeons. If using for any pvp will need to cc on your own(grip manual in pve too). Death and decay needs to be set manually before a pull or in one if chance arises.(Death and decay is an aggro circle with 30sec cooldown/usefull on mobs sometimes) This profile helps maintain aggro naturally which is especially hard for blood dk in aoe situations. If you like the class or have suggestion please respond, I hope to make and share more if theres interest.
Restro Shaman
By nonstop1005
this is set up in such a way that you do not have to tell the bot it is heals, when heals are not needed it will dps
BeastMaster Hunter
By Pasterke
BeastMaster Hunter Rotation.
Be sure to look at the settings before to use it !
If you want other features added, let me know.
Enjoy :)
Proper Holy Priest
By loves2spooge
This profile can be used in the Party profile. Make sure to select "healer" in product settings and set a distance to follow leader at whatever you like. It works great for Random Dungeons, haven't tried in LFR yet but I imagine it would do "ok". lol. I wouldn't want it healing my tank :)
I can't get it working in Battlegrounder because there is no "healer mode" in battlegrounder. Yet? :) It also won't really grind, there are 0 offensive abilities in the profile.
Talents used:
From Darkness, Comes Light
Desperate Prayer (Used to heal self)
Divine Insight (Prayer of Mending buff)
Optional (Cascade probably for future versions)
Keeps Prayer of Mending on party
Keeps Renew refreshed on main target
Holy Word @ <90% hp, quick heal and keeps renew up
Heal @ <80% main heal, also keeps renew up
Binding Heal if self hp <80% and target hp <98%
Flash Heal if target hp <55%
Greater Heal if target hp <60% and have Serendipity buff
Desperate Prayer if self hp <70%
Guardian Spirit if target hp <10%
Not working in current version(help appreciated):
[*]Divine Hymn
[*]Hymn of Hope
BM Hunter
By jimmyn
Well I didnt care too much for the Disengage that the BM hunter profile had(would sometimes shoot me over the edge of the mountain), so I came up with this. I also went ahead and added some BM GCD's and the spells that Noxxic states are best/rotation for PVE. I have been running this very well on my custom Black Prince Rep Profile I created.
Will heal your PET!! (Biggest drawback of package BM class)
Your heal is priority (Less deaths)
Will attempt to CC a second Mob with Ice Trap (less Deaths)
Feign Death with more than 2 mobs nearby and health below 75% (less deaths again let the pet tank)
Anyone have issues let me know I shall try and address them. MAYBE the creators will add a Stack of Frenzy's so i can properly create the Focus Fire to work better
- Beast Master Hunter Grinding
- Beast
- (and 5 more)
well-made feral
By zjxlsmr
must have savage roar glyph!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must have learned the following abilities:
1. Mangle
2. Ferocious Bite
3. Rake
4. Rip
5. Prowl
6. Pounce
By loves2spooge
Elemental Shaman (LFR/Grinding/Party)
Talents used:
Astral Shift (40% reduced damage for 6 sec)
Doesn't matter because of no Totem functionality - Frozen Power (Roots the target)
Doesn't matter because of no Totem functionality - Totemic Projection (Moves totems)
Echo of the Elements (duplicates a random spell)
Ancestral Guidance (Heals w/ damage when up)
Elemental Blast (Part of rotation)
Apply Lightning Shield if missing
Apply Flametongue if missing
Shamanistic Rage if CD available
Ascendance if CD available
Open with Flame Shock (keeps buff on target)
Elemental Blast
Lava Burst if CD available
Unleash Elements
Lightning Bolt (filler)
When proc Lava Surge cast Lava Burst
Earth Shock @ 7 Lightning Shield stacks
Bloodlust if usable, 1+ units attacking and HP below 30%
Chain Lightning if 3+ units attacking
Healing Stream Totem if HP<80%
Earth Elemental if target is Elite
Fire Elemental if target is Elite and Earth Elemental is on CD
Stone Bulwark Totem if HP<70%
Searing Totem up at all times (BETA) Seems to be working
Stormlash Totem if Ascendance cast
[*]Healing Surge when HP below 50%
[*]Astral Shift at <40% HP
[*]Ancestral Guidance at <70% HP
[*]Thunderstorm (without knockback now) if mana <50%
[*]Ghost Wolf when not in combat and running between mobs
Any opinions are appreciated. I can't get totems to work and have seen MANY forums trying but have yet to be able to. If anyone has advice I would welcome it.
If you have any changes or advice on how this could be better or more powerful, it is designed for a reasonably geared toon w/ higher DPS using LFR with WRotation. Though farming/grinding it would work fine w/ as well. Not much on the "staying alive" front so I would recommend not using if you die easily.
Any advice on how to apply Flametongue weapon or totems working is greatly appreciated. I think if I add it in there, if people have to put their weapon name then it will work but that is a pain for you. I have included it for now in the Fight Class and if you know how, you can add your weapon name to the fight class, otherwise please disable under Fight Class Settings.
I will be updating and changing as I learn. :)
[Spooge]Balance Druid
By loves2spooge
Checks Moonkin Form buff
Checks Motw buff
Keeps Moonfire and Sunfire up
Uses Barkskin whenever up
Uses rejuv under 70% hp
Uses Natures Vigil when up
Uses Celestial Align when up
Uses starfall when up
Starsurge when free
Renewal at 40% hp
Seems to work well but DPS is pretty low. Tell me what you think, what you would change.
By loves2spooge
Pickpocketing FightClass
This class was designed to work directly w/ the pickpocketing Custom profile found
The FightClass uses Sap as it stealths up to a mob, it then pickpockets, then moves to the next mob w/in set distance.
If the bot is detected it casts Vanish and SHOULD move to next target though I am having trouble testing this fully.
Let me know
As long as the rogue evaded combat, I was able to make about 200g per/hr with this, Which is fine for just using before I grind through a bunch of mobs.
Retribution Paladin 85-90 Leveling
By Erv
Fight class I made for personal use to level my paladin from 85-90
Talents Used:
15: Long Arm of the Law
30: Fist of Justice
45: Selfless Healer
60: Clemency
75: Sanctified Wrath
This fight class does several things:
Against any number of attackers, this fight class casts Avenging Wrath and Guardian of Ancient Kings on cooldown. Defensively, under 80% HP, flash of light is cast (typically with 1-2 stacks of Selfless Healer) to bring the paladin back to full. Additionally, at 35% HP, Divine Protection is cast, and if the paladin gets to 20% HP, Lay on Hands will be cast.
Versus 1-2 mobs, it performs a normal FCFS (first come, first serve) rotation, using Crusader Strike, Judgement, and Exorcism to build holy power then using Templar's Verdict to dump holy power.
Versus 3+ mobs, this fight class uses Hammer of the Righteous to build holy power, and Divine Storm to dump holy power.
[*]In any situation, this fight class keeps Inquisition (30% increase to holy damage, 10% crit increase) up 100% of the time, while also casting Blessing of Kings every 60 minutes on the dot.
[*]Against a mob that is spellcasting, Rebuke is immediately used to interrupt the cast. If Rebuke is on cooldown, this profile attempts to use Fist of Justice to stun the target, and interrupt spellcasting with the stun.
This profile is NOT recommended for level 90 at this point, due to the fact that I'm still in the leveling process from 85-90 on my paladin, and have not included a level 90 talent in the rotation, however, it can certainly be used for grinding purposes, and would be suitable as a fight class on a gathering toon.
- Retribution
- Paladin
- (and 2 more)
By Shai
Mutilate Rogue FightClass (Optimized for Grinding 85-90)
Talents used:
Shadow Focus (Only 10 energy cost for opener)
Nerve Strike (50% reduced damage incoming for a few seconds)
Leeching Poison (Selfheal)
Cloak and Dagger (Get to your target very fast)
Dirty Tricks (No energy cost for Gouge)
Apply Deadly & Leeching Poison if buff is missing.
Use Sprint if target is >30yds away.
Stealth when target in <20yd range even when mounted.
Cheapshot when target <20yd range (Cloak and Dagger).
Use combo points for Slice and Dice & Recuperate and keep them both up.
Kick if target is casting. Gouge if Kick is on cooldown. Kidney Shot with >1 combo point if Gouge is on cooldown. (heavy caster lockdown)
When proc or <35% health target, use Dispatch.
When buffs up, use combo points for Envenom.
Use Mutilate to build up combo points.
[AGAINST HOSTILE PLAYERS (ALLIANCE/HORDE)] Use Vendetta and Shadow Blades. Since I did not need it for Mobs, it destroys any enemy player :).
[*]Use Evasion at <80% Health.
[*]Use Shiv (with Leeching Poison) at <75% Health to regain 5% maximum Health instantly.
[*]Use Cloak of Shadows at <70% Health when target is casting a spell.
[*]Use Vanish at <35% Health.
[*]Use Preparation if Vanish and Evasion are on cooldown.
Any Feedback is appreciated. I used that profile to grind from 85 to 90 killing turtles in the Valley of Four Winds and then grinding in Townlong Steppes using Towlong 88-90 Lower Sumprushes [8ball] 1.0 from http://wrobot.eu/user/1346-da8ball]da8ball
Hope you guys enjoy it! Got FightClasses for Arms Warrior and Shadow Priest as well, but I still modify things a bit.
EDIT: File unchanged, had to change Description.
[Frabato] Flawless Moonkin
By Frabato
Hello,Frabato is back,hope u enjoyed my Unholy profile!
Just started a balance druid and instantly made profile with proper eclipse usage.
There is a function to check at which direction the eclipse arrow is pointing,one Lua script did the trick.
Moonkin Form
Rejuvenation if below 75%
Cenarion Ward if below 63%
Healing Touch if below 35%
Solar Beam if target is casting
Moonfire - keeps dot
Sunfire - keeps dot
Wrath and Starfire - depending on eclipse direction (properly)
I will update very often as I level,until it includes all spells,so check daily.