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[H] [Quest] 1-60 grinder 2.0.0

   (10 reviews)

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About This File

Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10

Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers.

The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials.  After which it will load the grinder.

The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead.

The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling

1-60 Main Grinder file paths:

1-6 Valley of trials 

6-12 Durotar. 

12-26 Barrens, 

26-32 Ashenvale. 

32-41 Desolace. 

41- 46 Feralas 

46-51 Tanaris. 

51-55 Un-goro 

55-60 Silithus 

1-25 Quester file path

1-6 Valley of trials

6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades

12-20 Barrens

20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale

There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling

The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target.  A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.

The new V10 file has runcode added.  Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone.  Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.


What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


1.1- 2nd February 2017

Included up to 35.  added more steps in lower levels to smooth things out.

1.2 8th February 2017

Included up to 50.  some steep jumps that need to be ironed out- 39-42 needs a stepping stone.


Added in additional levelling paths off the main line

Version 6

new version uploaded to sellfy.  Click the download now link from the purchase email to get the latest files.

-Changed a few grind pulse points to remove loops on the main line.

-Added black-spots where people reported Multiple deaths.

-added alternate files for those who find the main line too busy.  There should be 3-4 profiles available for every level.

Version 7

Added followpath, Hearthstone set + FP gather upon moving into new zones

Added more alternate files

Version 8 - 8th march 2018

Additional alt files especially in the 45-60 area

added black-spots + more vendors for main line.

Version 9 - March 27th 2018

Added runcode to barrens section to attempt to get the bot to buy uncommon items between 15-20.  Should help those bots who 'gear as they go' upgrading some gear. Not guaranteed as the items are not always available for sale by the vendors "Best effort".

Added some more files into the alternate files section

Added Tauren 1-12 file which should connect to the 12-60_V9.

Version 10 August 26 2018

Added more Alt files

added 1-25 Horde Quester into the mix.


User Feedback

Recommended Comments

V8 released

Additional alt files especially in the 45-60 area

added black-spots + more vendors for main line.


Bundle is uploaded to sellfy for DL.

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6 hours ago, eeny said:

V8 released

Additional alt files especially in the 45-60 area

added black-spots + more vendors for main line.


Bundle is uploaded to sellfy for DL.

Hi Eeny,

So for the new version, I should just re-download the file from the previous purchased link of a email from sellfy?

Sorry, I'm new here, and recently bought your alliance/horde grinding profile and 1-35 quester profile. and I really like them, safe and efficient botting!

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4 hours ago, ch267310 said:

Hi Eeny,

So for the new version, I should just re-download the file from the previous purchased link of a email from sellfy?

Sorry, I'm new here, and recently bought your alliance/horde grinding profile and 1-35 quester profile. and I really like them, safe and efficient botting!

Re download from selfy is usually the best as its quick.

If for whatever reason you cant re-DL from sellfy send me a message with the purchase info and il send you a separate DL link.

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Version 9 - 

new version uploaded to sellfy.  Click the download now link from the purchase email to get the latest files.

Added runcode to barrens section to attempt to get the bot to buy uncommon items between 15-20.  Should help those bots who 'gear as they go' by scripted upgrades for some gear. Not guaranteed as the items are not always available for sale by the vendors. "Best effort".

Added some more files into the alternate files section

Added Tauren 1-12 start file which should connect to the 12-60_V9

Small path issue in Tanaris

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Hey @eeny 

I think the new wrobot update broke your profile, i have leveled a few chars without having any issues at all, now after the update. my char keeps getting stuck on mountains etc.

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15 minutes ago, Ordush said:

Hey @eeny 

I think the new wrobot update broke your profile, i have leveled a few chars without having any issues at all, now after the update. my char keeps getting stuck on mountains etc.

Profile hasnt changed much....


guess I'll pull down the latest version and check it, I take it your on Kronos?

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1 hour ago, eeny said:

Profile hasnt changed much....


guess I'll pull down the latest version and check it, I take it your on Kronos?

Not even k3 I am on a mango server called nighthaven

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Profile works great for the most part. Only issue is when my bags are full the bot will run to like every vendor in the barrens area, open the shop window, close it, then run to the next vendor and do the same. It just runs from vendor to vendor with out selling anything. He normally ends up running into packs at some point during this and dies. At first I thought it was attempting to buy items from the vendors because I saw you added that feature. But it only goes on this little adventure when my bags are full and doesn't buy or more importantly sell anything. Which completely stops the whole leveling process. Any tips for solving this issue would be great! On the plus side my friend who also uses this, but is a few levels higher in the different zone, doesn't seem to have this issue. So maybe it's just a barrens thing?

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Having a really bad time ? so i brought ur profile and i was at the cross roads. i ran it and my toon runs all the way back to booty bay then swims round and goes back to the start trying to find quests that are not there. i went in and un-ticked the quests and then it takes me to more that ive done or that are not available. i have just purchased wrobot and ur profile today and this is my first time trying. please help me as i really dont want to be left out of pocket and nothing to show for it.


im on kronos3 if that helps.

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Hey, purchase this about 24 hours ago and Selly didn't email me a link. I have an email from paypal saying it went through,  however.

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39 minutes ago, Elephunk said:

Hey, purchase this about 24 hours ago and Selly didn't email me a link. I have an email from paypal saying it went through,  however.


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hey i pmed u about a question and hoping u can do something about it. Im just wondering if u could change the grinding zones from ashenvale to stonetalon? ashenvale is heavy in alliance so u just end up dying a bunch before leveling. i plan on buying the grinding pack but i just have this question about ur grinding profile pack.

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7 hours ago, miltonbrad said:

hey i pmed u about a question and hoping u can do something about it. Im just wondering if u could change the grinding zones from ashenvale to stonetalon? ashenvale is heavy in alliance so u just end up dying a bunch before leveling. i plan on buying the grinding pack but i just have this question about ur grinding profile pack.

There are a bunch of other profiles in the random folder in the  pack so you have 2-4 zone options at any level. 

STM is rough because every mob there is for a quest and people always want to group up. 

The mobs in ashenvale(there are a few locations there) are not quest mobs so it's a bit more quit. STM has less alliance.... But more horse who are equally likely to report. 

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Hello! Sorry for the noob question, im brand new to wrobot and just bought your profile. I'm choosing to level a warlock and using a fightclass, my problem is everytime the bot runs up and melees the enemy before starting casting, is there anyway to prevent this since im a ranged class and instead of meleeing to have it just start the fightclass?

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5 minutes ago, imradlol said:

Hello! Sorry for the noob question, im brand new to wrobot and just bought your profile. I'm choosing to level a warlock and using a fightclass, my problem is everytime the bot runs up and melees the enemy before starting casting, is there anyway to prevent this since im a ranged class and instead of meleeing to have it just start the fightclass?

You prob need a FightClass ( or a better FightClass) that your currently using.  The profile tells the bot where to go and what to do.... the Fight class will tell the bot how to fight.

Take a look at the 5 min tutorial vid and maybe have a go at my lock FC.




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1 minute ago, eeny said:

You prob need a FightClass ( or a better FightClass) that your currently using.  The profile tells the bot where to go and what to do.... the Fight class will tell the bot how to fight.

Take a look at the 5 min tutorial vid and maybe have a go at my lock FC.




Thank you a ton man! Highly appreciated! ?

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Hey! So my fightclass problem was fixed , however ive ran into a new problem, on quests where the bot is supposed to loot objects, it will start looting it then run away and cancel it and ignore the item instead of getting it for the quest, any idea why?

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Idk why but when i start the 12-60 v9 it keeps running out in fatigue in the water to the little "bay" area and keeps getting killed by lvl 30 mobs... Did i config something wrong am i using the wrong profile? ?

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22 minutes ago, doped0c said:

Idk why but when i start the 12-60 v9 it keeps running out in fatigue in the water to the little "bay" area and keeps getting killed by lvl 30 mobs... Did i config something wrong am i using the wrong profile? ?

What continent are you starting this on?  Always start on Kamildor unless your using a file from the test / demo section which may be eastern kingdoms.

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On 6/27/2018 at 2:19 AM, eeny said:

What continent are you starting this on?  Always start on Kamildor unless your using a file from the test / demo section which may be eastern kingdoms.

Actually it seems the problem was on my side, i THINK my character followed someone with a pet to run out there. Disabled pet action and it didnt go out there anymore. Thx for suggestions

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my bot wont go to vendor to sell/repair/mail when bags are full? Been a while since Ive used wrobot. thoughts? 

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6 hours ago, Potten said:

my bot wont go to vendor to sell/repair/mail when bags are full? Been a while since Ive used wrobot. thoughts? 

I put runcode to automatically enable all that stuff at the beginning of the profile.  you could try disabling all that stuff by going to product settings tab > enable / disable steps > untick the first step and load the file.  Otherwise i may need a log file to see if anything is in there that can explain it.  Certainly no on purpose from the profile.

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Btw, for example when running is there any way to make the character look less bottish? For example its targeting mobs, taking up the wand, taking 1 step, trying to wand, 1 step, etc until its close enough to start frostbolt basically like im w+w+s+w+w+s to the mob, if you understand what i mean.

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